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Word Study Homework

Day 1
1. Cut your words apart.
2. Sort your word cards. Check to make sure the card is in the correct
column. Reflect with a parent. Tell why the cards are in the same
3. Write the sort below. Be NEAT!
High Frequency

4. Reflection What do these words have in common?

Day 2
Word Study
1. Sort, Check, Reflect
2. Draw and label 6 words below.

Day 3
1. Sort, Check, Reflect
2. Play Trick My Partner with a parent.
3. Choose 5 different words from yesterday. Write each word in a
sentence below. Underline the words from your sort. **Remember to
include high frequency words in your sentences.
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
Day 4
Word Study
1. Take a practice Spelling Test below. Have a parent call words for you
to spell and check the word. Fix it if you did not spell it correctly.
High Frequency

The Spelling Test is on Day 5!

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