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David Williams


David Williams

Opening Hook/Warm Up: Whats the worst possible
assignment you could get in this English class?
Essay about John Steinbeck?
Analyze a poem by Walt Whitman? Write a 2500
word research paper?
When students hear research paper they usually
get stressed out and anxious, but that doesnt need
to be the case. If we follow the steps and develop
the ideas when we are supposed to, the research
paper is like any other assignment, in fact, it may
even be easier. This research paper can be fun as
well, as you will see in the topics from which you may

27 Feb 16
Grade Level:
Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine,
locate, and explore the full range of felevant sources
addressing a research question and systematically record
the information they gather. Students are expected to :
Objective: Student Friendly:We will use the research
plan to gather expert information from texts and
distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources.

Big Understanding: The student will be able to use this process throughout their academic studies and can also
apply the process to any situation where the student needs to gather information from experts.
Summative Assessment Evidence: After the student has completed the study of the mechanics of the research
paper, they will write their own research paper on a superhero character. The paper should include citations from
at least four reliable sources i.e. scholarly works, expert texts in the subject, interviews, etc. Ensure the paper
uses the MLA format that was used in class. Make certain the paper has a clear and thorough thesis statement
and the paper follows the format given in class. Be prepared to share your research paper with an oral
presentation in class.
Higher Level Questions to Incorporate:
1. How did you analyze the reliability of the sources from which you conducted the research?
2. If you could write your paper again, what would you add/delete/change?
Instructional Strategies / Student Activities/ Grouping Patterns:
1. Discuss the timeline strategy-When specific requirements are due
Pick a topic- today 27 Feb
Basic outline with references-4 March
Introduction with thesis statement 11 March
Rough draft in MLA format with sources and reference page 18 March
Final copy-2500 words due 25 March
2. Show students completed successful papers using the overhead or ELMO.
Thesis statements
Final copies
Reference pages
3. Show students what the paper needs to include, such as:
Origin- How this superhero came to be
Super powers-What makes this character unique
Alter-egos- What does the character do when not saving the world?
Teacher Input/Modeling: I DO: Using the ELMO or overhead, show examples of acceptable forms of the
paper, i.e. thesis statements, outlines, citations, reference pages, etc..
Show the students the Bulletin Board that has past examples of acceptable papers.

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David Williams
Guided Practice: WE DO: Ask the students to name a few ideas of sources they may be able to use. Discuss
with class if the source is reliable or not. Do not use the movies!
If the source is reliable, use the ELMO to show the students how to use in text citations using MLA format, and
how to construct a reference page.
Show students examples of acceptable thesis statements. Ask students for possible thesis statements of
their own.
CFU (Checking for understanding): Give examples of sources and ask students if these are reliable or not.
Independent Practice: YOU DO (Individual students): List some resources on the ELMO or overhead and
have students make a reference page from examples. Have students write brief thesis statements.
Ending, Summary / Reflection: When are the parts of the research paper due? What is the length of the paper
supposed to be?
Materials / Resources: Library, online resources, comic book stores.

Do not use the movies!

Grouping Patterns:
This is an individual activity- However if you come across an excellent source that someone else might be able to
use, please share with the class.
Technology: Use the ELMO to show examples of MLA format, citations, thesis statements, etc. Show comic
books covers on screen using online sources.

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