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1) My lesson did not unfold like I had hoped.

To start off my hook took longer

than I had anticipated. I was trying to work in global awareness by
connecting the hook to Africa. I soon realized that instead of making a
reference to Africa I should have kept it more local. (1-9:10) The first
problem that they had was about the Florida Keys, so I should have just
simply made a reference to that instead. (9:45)
2) The lesson went longer than anticipated because of the hook so I had to
do my exit tickets after their ELA lesson but before lunch. What I collected
from this data is that they understood the associative property well but were
confused on how to use the commutative property accurately. Before I start
my next lesson I am going to do a small review to get the students brains
thinking about what we had worked on last class. That way they will be able
to tie it into the lesson of the day.
3) Throughout the lesson I tried my best to call on every single student.
However I realized that not every student was engaged during the lesson.
Yes there were a lot that were really into the lesson but I need to make sure I
focus on the class as a whole. I need to make sure that every student is
engaged not just a few here and there. In order to prevent this from
happening again I am going to have a Popsicle stick jar with all the students
names on them (throughout whole group instruction). By the end of the
lesson I am going to aim for every stick to be used. Even if they are not the
students will have to be ready to answer because they do not know who will
be called on next.
4) One of the main things that the students did not understand was the hook
that I gave them. This was at the beginning of the lesson (4:40). They did
not make a connection between what we did for the hook and the lesson. I
should have fixed this by relating it to Florida instead of using a world map.
Although they did not understand the hook I could tell that the students were
understanding the two properties that we went over throughout the first
problem that we did together (25:13). While I was walking around during
their group work I could tell that the students were grasping the lesson.
There was only one question that the students really had a problem with but
were able to understand with a little bit of guidance.
5) If I could teach this group again I would definitely change the hook to
make it more relevant to the lesson at hand. I would not have them spend
so much time on their drawings and I would make sure to stick to a schedule
of when to be done with the hook. Another thing that I would change would
be to have more participation by using a Popsicle stick method. This way the
students stay engaged and even if they do not know the correct answer I will
know that they are trying.

6) After my post-conference with Mrs. Suttle I have learned that my

weakness right now is differentiation. I need to really work to make sure that
I am meeting the needs of every student. This has been difficult for me
because the students that really need the help are so far behind that it is
hard to keep them up to speed. What I could have done in this particular
lesson however is have them work with a manipulative. This way they can
see exactly what they are doing. Or even if I had another sheet printed out
for them where they could focus on the two properties of addition that we
had gone over that day. I think my strength would have to be bringing a
respectful, positive, energetic attitude to all students. There is no way a
student is going to enjoy a lesson if the teacher is showing any sort of
empathy towards that subject. For future steps I am going to focus on
reaching the class as a whole. I want to make sure that I do not leave any
students behind. My next steps to achieve this is to make sure to use the
popsicle stick idea and make sure that I focus on any students that seem to
be disrespectful to others. I need to make sure that I not only give off a
respectful attitude but my students do as well. I want every student to feel
respected and welcomed. I do not want any to feel as if they are not
welcomed. (NCPTS 2)

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