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Science 8

Veranda Johnson
Work, Mechanical Advantage, Power, and Efficiency
Ch 4.1 & 4.2

The goals of today include:

We will know how to use a spring scale
We will understand how work, force, mechanical, power, and efficiency apply to everyday situation/objects as
well as how they are related
We will be able to create and test a hypothesis about work, mechanical advantage, and efficiency.
Nebraska State Standards
SC8.1.1.a Formulate testable questions that lead to predictions and scientific investigations
SC8.1.1.j Use appropriate mathematics in all aspects of scientific inquiry
SC8.2.2.c Compare the motion of objects related to the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces
NGSS Standards
- MSDevelop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a
ETS1-4. proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.
Safety Statement Remember that it is each students individual responsibility to keep the laboratory a safe
environment. Please ensure that you are using the materials in only in the way you are instructed, that you are
aware of other students near you, and to stay alert for added instruction (safety or emergency).

Engage - Warm up discussion

Explore - Work, Mechanical Advantage, and Efficiency Lab
Work and Power Stair Lab (Class will be split in half to accomplish both labs)
Student - Students will use the last 10 minutes of class to share ideas, questions, and summarize what they
Teacher - Teacher will moderate the discussion and guide students to have well rounded and complete
thoughts/understandings about work, power, mechanical advantage, and efficiency.
Evaluate - Students will be evaluated informally throughout the class period, as well as in their lab reports for
completion and correctness. Students will also be evaluated continuously as we proceed through the unit and
their application of the information explored in the labs.
Elaborate - Next week we are continuing with simple machines and energy. We will continue to discuss
mechanical advantage through the six simple machines.
Meeting the Needs of Diversified Learners
All documents are online and can be easily transferred to a translation tool.
All documents can be modified for larger print or read aloud services.
There are paper copies for students that have a preference for hand written assignments.
Instructions will be given verbally and written; in addition to seating accommodations that are already in
Students will be using common items; items will be labeled at the materials bench as well as reviewed
before beginning the lab.
Students with physical disabilities will be placed with a partner(s) that can assist them, as well as will be
given individual instructions/goals based on their abilities. Ie. Be the recorder, help by verbalizing
procedure, and being an active participant to their fullest ability while staying safe.

Work, Mechanical Advantage, and Efficiency Lab
Introduction: In this activity, you will find out the difference between how much force it takes to lift an object to
a certain distance compared to using an incline plane. You will also find the mechanical advantage of the
incline plane and the efficiency of using this type of machine.
Materials: These are found on the back counter top.
1 C-Clamp
1 Spring Scale (100 grams = 1 Newton)
1 Ruler
1 Block with hook
1 Group of Washers
1 Lab Tongs
1 Flat thin piece of wood
8 - Text Books
1 Calculator

1. While using the Spring Scale lift each item up to the stated distance. Output Force
2. Calculate for the Input Work of each lifted object. This is how much force you had to exert to lift this object.
3. Use the Flat thin piece of wood and books to construct an Incline Plane.
4. Pull each object up the incline plane with the Spring Scale to the same height as before. Input Force
5. Calculate for the Output Work for each of the objects going up the incline plane.
6. Use the information that you just found to calculate for the Mechanical Advantage (MA) and Efficiency
Useful Formulas and labels:
Input Work = Force (N) X Distance (M) Joule
Output Work = Force (N) X Distance (M) Joule
Mechanical Advantage (MA) = Output Force / Input Force No Label
Efficiency = Output Work (J) / Input Work (J) X 100%










11 CM
.11 M


5 CM
.05 M


9 CM
.09 M


10 CM
.10 M

Select item
(and fill in
this box)

Choose a
(and fill in
this box)






X 100%)

When you finish.

1. Would changing the distance that the object is pulled up the ramp affect the Output Force? Why?
2. Would changing the distance that the object is pulled up the ramp affect the Mechanical Advantage? Why?

Pick one object to repeat the lab with, but choose a different (no more than 30 cm) distance to lift and pull.
Use the ROW that starts with Select Item to fill in ALL data.
3. Does the distance traveled make a difference in the Output force? ____
4. Does the distance traveled make a difference in the Mechanical Advantage? ____
5. What else does changing the distance traveled affect? ____
6. What is a question that you still have about WORK, FORCE, MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE, or

Name: ___________________

Calculating Work and Power by Climbing Stairs

Introduction: In this activity, you will find out if a person does more work walking up a flight of stairs or running
up the same flight of stairs by having you or someone else actually do this. You will also learn what scientists
mean by the words work and power.
Materials Needed:
Stop watch
1 - Ruler
1 - Scale - To find weight (if you dont want to find your REAL weight guess and round down)
1 - Set of stairs

Part I

Find a staircase and using a ruler, record the height of one step in centimeters in Table 1.
Count the number of steps that you or your classmate will be climbing and record your answer in Table 1.
Calculate the total height of the staircase in centimeters.
Convert the total height of the staircase to meters.
Table 1: Staircase Measurements
1. Height of one step (cm)
2. Number of steps climbed
3. Total height of staircase (cm) = height of one step X
number of steps climbed
4. Total height of staircase (m) = total height of staircase
(cm) divided by 100

Part II
5. Next decide who will be climbing the stairs and who will be recording the time of the stair climber. Write the
weight of the stair climber in the blank space below.
Weight of climber: _____________________lbs
6. To figure out your mass from your weight in Newtons Take your weight and Divide by the force of
gravity (9.8 m/s2)
Mass of Climber: __________ kg
7. Have the stair climber climb the stairs slowly and steadily. Record the time it takes in seconds in Table 2 under
the column labeled slowly. Do three trials and calculate the average time.
8. Now have the same stair climber climb the stairs rapidly. Record the time it takes in seconds in Table 2 under
the column labeled rapidly. Do three trials and calculate the average time.

Table 2: Time Trials

How To Calculate for Average
(Trial 1 + Trial 2 _+ Trial 3) / 3 = Average
Climbing Stairs




Time (seconds)

Part III
9. Calculate the work done by the stair climber in climbing the stairs slowly and rapidly using units of joules.
Record your answers in Table 3 below.
Formula: Work done (joules) = height of staircase (m) X weight of stair climber (N)
Table 3: Work Done
Climbing Stairs



Work done (Joules)

10. Was the work done by climbing the stairs slowly the same as or different from climbing the stairs rapidly? ____
11. Does you answer surprise you? ____
12. Why?____

Part IV
13. Calculate the power output of climbing the stairs slowly and rapidly in watts. Record your answers in the
appropriate spaces below.
Formula: Power =
Work done climbing stairs (Joules)
Time required to climb stairs (seconds)
Power output of person climbing stairs slowly _____________________ watts
Power output of person climbing stairs rapidly _____________________ watts

Part V
14. Suppose the power output of a person climbing stairs could somehow be directly converted into electrical
15. Make a hypothesis of how many 60 Watt light bulbs you think a person could light ____
16. How many 60-light bulbs could a person light by climbing the stairs slowly and rapidly? (Answer Below)
Formula: Watts (from above)
Number of 60 watt light bulbs powered by slowly climbing stairs? ______________
Number of 60 watt light bulbs powered by rapidly climbing stairs? _______________
17. Does this number surprise you? ____
18. Why do you think it is different?____
19. Will knowing how much power it takes to light a light bulb make you think about

your energy

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