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Jose Silva


What is the doctrine of election? It is the idea that God picked those whom He
would save. This doctrine is a difficult because that means some people were destined
to hell. This also takes away mans choice to choose God. How does this work with
what we have been taught all our lives, that we choose God? I believe that this is the
way we are saved. God picks us. This does seem to take away our choice, but it also
clears up some questions.
Is the election biblical? Paul mentions it a couple times throughout his epistles.
Jesus also mentions it when he talks about the end times in Matthew. There is also the
story of how God hardened Pharaoh's heart in Exodus. This shows that God has done
some meddling in peoples hearts.
One argument for election is it gives God the power. In Psalm 52:2-3, it says
God has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men To see if there is anyone who
understands, Who seeks after God. Every one of them has turned aside; together they
have become corrupt; There is no one who does good, not even one. We do not have
the power to choose God. our hearts are so desperately wicked, that God has to choose
us. It is through him that we are saved.
It also explains if people can get into heaven without knowing Jesus. The answer
becomes it does not matter. If God wants them saved, He will reach them in some way,
for he predestined them to know Him. no longer do we have to worry about what if they

have never had a chance to hear about Jesus? because the answer is that It does not
matter. God will take care of that.
One big attack on the doctrine of election is the basic verse used by all
Christians, John 3:16. How does God get to pick who he saves if Jesus died for the
WHOLE WORLD? A defense to that is to think about the context. This was being written
for the Jews as well as the Gentiles. The Jews were very close-minded, so if anything
came from God, they would claim it only for themselves. The world was written so that
the Jews would understand that God could save anyone. This salvation was no longer
just for the Jews.
How do we live with the idea that God picks those who He saves? Do we just sit
at home and not worry about outreach, because God will take care of that? No! We do
not know who is predestined to be saved, so we should reach all the people that we
can. Plus, how cool is it to be part of Gods plan? we cannot be part of that if we just sit
at home? We also should not be depressed that God only saves some. Paul wrote
about predestination as a comfort to those who are saved. We should be confident in
the fact that we were chosen, and we should go out and try and reach those whom God
Predestination is a hard subject. there are alternatives, like Arminianism and
Molinism. However, predestination make the most sense to me. It is mentioned several
times in the Bible. It also explains some other hard issues. Though this is the doctrine I
choose to believe, I fully understand that others can believe in other things, as long as it
is biblical. Understanding the nature of God is nigh on impossible, and we may never
know how we works. Our human brains cannot comprehend, so we come up with weak

alternatives, so I am almost certain that I am not fully correct. However, this is the
doctrine that makes the most sense to me.

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