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Explore the scientific theory of

atoms (also known as atomic
theory) by using models to
explain the motion of particles
in solids, liquids, and gases.

Some facts
The word atom comes from the Greek word
atmos meaning uncuttable
In 6th century B.C some thinkers questioned is
matter continuous or discontinuous could you
divide a particle and eventually find one you
cant or divide for ever like dividing 10 by 3 but a
Greek philosopher named Democritus
discovered it and named it atmos

Democritus was known as "The Laughing
Philosopher". He was looked at this way
because he was often cheerful while at
After his major discoveries, he is considered
the "Father Of Modern Science."
Democritus was also known for studying
physics, astronomy, zoology, botany and
medicine. He did not just limit his research
to atoms.

More Democritus

Democritus was one of the world's first, and

greatest, Greek philosophers. Him and his
mentor Leucippus were very accomplished.
He is said to have written over 70 pieces,
but none have stayed in tact. Most of his
writings were told second hand from
Aristotle. Aristotle considered Democritus to
be his next competitor fornatural sciences.

What is the atomic theory

In chemistry and physics, atomic theory is a
scientific theory of the nature of matter,
which states that matter is composed of
discrete units called atoms. Which are the
smallest and most basic structure of
An atom has electrons orbiting the nucleus
which has protons and neutrons inside of it

Daltons theory
Dalton theory is that atoms are solid,
indestructible particles that make up all
matter many reference materials refer to
Daltons theory of an atom as the billiard
ball model
Atoms of one element cannot be converted
of atoms of another
all atoms of one element have the same

Billiard ball

Modern theory
In 1913, Neils Bohr, a student of Rutherford
's, developed a new model of the atom. He
proposed that electrons are arranged in
concentric circular orbits around the
nucleus. This model is patterned on the
solar system and is known as the planetary

Modern theory

Nukes (thats kinda obvious)
Cars, the ford nucleon was a concept car developed in
1958 by ford. Instead of an internal combustion engines it
used steam engine powered by uranium fission
(fission is the action of dividing or splitting something into
two or more parts.)
nuclear power plant In a nuclear-fueled power plant much
like a fossil-fueled power plant water is turned into steam,
which in turn drives turbine generators to produce
electricity. The difference is the source of heat. At nuclear
power plants, the heat to make the steam is created when
uranium atoms split called (take a guess)

Nuclear fusion
In nuclear physics, nuclear fusion is a nuclear
reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei
come very close and then collide at a very
high speed and join to form a new nucleus.
During this process, matter is not conserved
because some of the matter of the fusing
nuclei is converted to photons (energy).

Nuclear fusion

How an atomic bomb works

There are two types of nuclear bombs,
fission bombs and fusion bombs. Fission
means to break apart and fusion to merge.
The fission bomb works on the principle
that it takes energy to put together a
nucleus with many protons and neutrons.
Sort of like rolling a heavy cart up a hill.

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