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In December 30, 2015.

The Philippines will celebrate Rizals Monument or as Rizals Day in

Luneta Park. Rizals Monument has been filled with history, and this serves as the National
Statue that help the Philippines against the Spanish. Later on Rizals Park was known as
Bagumbayan at the Luneta park. The Spanish was having a hard time because because the
Intramuros build walls to prevent for their invasion. Carlos Nicoli of Carrara wons the
competition with his splendid design of marble and figures. But Richard Kissling made a design
of unpolished marble and bronze statues that would be to build because it was believed that
Nicolis design was too expensive to build. The monument was shown on December 30 1913 and
Rizals parts of the body or bones were inside the monument.Though in the end, Nicolis design
have won the grand prize. Manila and Baugios architecture were being talk about. The
Schematics of the manila were out and was inspired by neo-classim. The last part was the park,
the negligence of the park somehow bounced back, renovations, conflicts, and designs, the
government was in charge on the financial aid to use the Rizal park.

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