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192 Prefixes We use these prefixes to make words negative: unfair, unpack, unemployment cere eee impossibili indirect, incompetent, inconvenien irrational, irregularit These are prefixes with other meanings: “misguided, mi: patter istak ‘reunited, recreate, remarriage Senet cnn [tinder (=not enous) + adjective/ver/noun | underfed,undercook undergraduate wa 90 Complete the conversations. Use the words in brackets and an appropriate prefix. © A: Haven't you . your bags yet? (packed) B: No, but I'm about to. 1 A: Shall we watch Casablanca with Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn? B: Surely Bogart’s . in Casablanca was Lauren Bacall? (star) 2 A: How was the meeting? B: It got off to a bad start. We how long it would take to get there and we were twenty minutes late. (calculated) 3. A: Whyaren’t you wearing sun cream? permanent damage to your skin. (exposure) B: You're right. Ill put some on now. 4 A: IF we invite Ben, we'll have to invite Liz. They're B: Well, they've been friends since they were (graduates) 5 A: Idon't know what to do about Neville. His . made him unpopular with his teachers. (respectful) B: Have you tried talking to him? to the sun can cause (separable) at Cambridge. behaviour has 91 Forming adjectives: suffixes We often form adjectives from verbs and nouns with these suffixes: PRACTICE 91a Complete the sentences. Use adjectives formed from the words in the box. courage _ guilt n_truth He's very and has always had lots of friends. I feel really Although he was wrong, he was She’s a talented artist who makes \ have a question and | want a(n) .. .. answer. wrwn eo Before the match people stood up and sang the . about forgetting your birthday again. enough to admit it. . use of colour. anthem, gib Complete the article. Use the word at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap on the same line. The first Big Issue Magazine was sold as a (0) publication in London in 1991. (a) . sister magazines were later published in the UK. Today the Big /ssue is sold as a(2) Itis written by (3) are either (4) ... The magazine deals with (5) .... features interviews with many (6) .. monthly magazine in countries round the world. . writers and sold by people who . or in danger of losing their homes. social issues. It also .. figures, including celebrities and politicians. It is (7) ... . oF any (8) .. each year in the UK. .. party. Over 722,000 copies are sold MONTH REGION WEEK PROFESSION HOME IMPORTANCE FAME INDEPENDENCE POLITICS, 193 ‘94 Q2 Forming nouns: suffixes We form nouns from adjectives with these suffixes: Some nouns have the same form as the verb: an attack — to attack adiet—to diet transport to transport PERA CT CE 92 Complete the essay. Use nouns formed from the words in brackets. Human beings are characterised not only by their (0) .... intelligence. but by their (1) .. environment. The (2) .- (discover) of how to use fire was one of the ‘most important events in the history of our species and the (3) .. (invent) of the plough and the wheel were also significant (4) (develop) Ie is difficult to imagine what our (5) <...--------.-++-- (Civilise) would be like without technology. In our own time, computers and the Internet have speeded up 6 nes (communicate) and ordinary people now have access to Qe ... (inform) that was once available to only a privileged few. However, technology also has a negative aspect. Our planet is facing @) .. .. (destroy) because of global warming, (9) (pollute) and over-population. We will all need to work together with the help .. (intelligent) ... (able) to use technology to shape their of (10) see: (Science) and (11) (politics) to save our planet and there is no doubt that new technologies will play a role in finding (12) . (Solve). 93 -ing and -ed adjectives © Many present and past participles can be used as adjectives. — Present participles: @ crying child an exciting trip melting ice ~ Past participles: broken equipment alocked door a torn shirt @ These adjectives often mean ‘the thing/person that is ...’: @ ¢rying child = a child thatis crying a broken vase = a vase that is broken @ Present participles can describe things which make us feel a certain way: She told mea surprising story. That’s an interesting question. © Past participles can describe how we feel: /’m surprised you remembered my birthday. He’s always been interested in music. PRACTICE 93a Circle the correct answer. > Are you young, enthusiastic and (0) motivating qotivatedyo succeed? > Are you (1) interesting / interested in making a career for yourself with a (2) respecting / respected computer software producer? > Are you looking for (3) challenging / challenged work with a rapidly (4) expanding / expanded company? If your answer is ‘yes’ and you hold a degree in information technology ora (5) relating / related field, then we could have an (6) exciting / excited opening for you. Send us your CV and a (7) completing | completed application form now! 93b Complete the sentences. Use adjectives formed from the words in the box. break change continue dry embarrass love park #elax steal © Itwas a restful holiday and I feel much more .......L@/4XE4....... now. \ kept calling her by the wrong name ~ it was .. : 2 Please get some . fruit from the supermarket so that | can make a cake. 3. They've always been poor and shortage of money is a(n) problem. The increase in the divorce rate reflects attitudes to marriage. goods. The police may charge them with receiving . Children should not play near .. They say he died of a(n) . They're a(n). cars. heart but | don’t know if that’s true. way aue . family who give one another a lot of support. 195, 94 Compound adjectives © We can form compound adjectives in a number of ways: ~ adjective/adverb + past participle: a badly-dressed woman a newly-married couple an old-fashioned idea good-looking man a well-behaved child ~ adjective/adverb + -ing form: a best-selling novel a fast-moving story along-running argument a slow-moving vehicle ~ adjective + noun: cutting-edge technology a fast-food restaurant a free-time activity a front-row seat a full-time job high-technology equipment alow-fat diet amodern-day problem a single-storey building — noun + adjective: a brand-new car duty-free goods _ lead-free petrol aworldwide reputation handmade shoes homegrown vegetables © Many compound adjectives describe people: bad-tempered, big-headed, broad- shouldered, good-natured, green-eyed, grey-haired, middle-aged, rightfleft- handed, short-sighted, clear-thinking, easy-going, good-looking, hard-working ae te as 94a Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in the box. age build go hand head make wide work write It was a well Jenny's a hard o play and the actors were also excellent. 1 person but she's also quite easy.... 2. He's useful person in an emergency — level 3 Witnesses described the attacker as middle- well and decisive. »talland 4 Allour goods are hand .. and we use only natural materials. It’s possible to buy scissors which are made specially for left- people, 6 The televised event attracted a world. people. . audience of over a billion 94b Complete the advertisements. Form compound adjectives. Missing. Ming Ming isa 0) ae haired, (1) blue-.. sone Siamese cat. Last seen on Saturday night. Ifyou have any information, please ring 0208 465 3678. Tivo Cities is the latest book by @ _-selling novelist Ewan Andrews. A (3) fast-.... story of (4) modern- and (5)... Out now. Sn ed ... problems -fashioned solutions. Flats to let: These modern, (6) air-....... apartments in a | am new, (8) high- ++. block are ideal for people working in the city centre. Ring Victoria Properties today on 0207 948 3678. | —_— mete aoe 95 Compound nouns We can form compound nouns in these ways: @ noun+noun: @ burglar alarm acarpark current affairs traffic lights noun-+-ing form: airconditioning food poisoning power dressing @ -ingform+noun: a dining room a driving licence opening hours © other combinations of words: mother-in-law feedback make-up lateral thinking passerby software sunshine upbringing A ‘We can write compound nouns as one word, two words or with a hyphen. Some compound nouns are written as one word or hyphenated, depending on the dictionary referred to: dishwasher/dish-washer eyewitness/eye-witness PRACTICE 95a Complete the definitions. Use one word from each box in each sentence. air burglar feed alarm back conditioning] job soft sun glasses sharing _ ware ° . are dark glasses that protect your eyes from the sun. is a system that makes the air in a room cooler and drier. 2 . is an arrangement by which two people both work part-time doing the same job. 3 . is the set of programs that tell a computer how to do a particular job. 4 . is advice or criticism about how successful or useful something is. 5 A(n) is a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise when someone tries to get into a building illegally. 95b Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box. brother computer food opening pain traffic © A: Have you met my......2/other. in-law, Johann? : Pleased to meet you, Johann. 4 A: [ve got an awful headache. 2 : Would you like a(n) ler? ight you come to. 3. A: Whatare you doing this evening? think I'll stay in and play my new Put that in the fridge or you'll end up with Yes, you're right. : What are the hours for shops in the UK? : It depends where you are. London shops tend to have longer hours. game. poisoning. 197 Check 17 word formation 1 Complete the book extract. Use the word at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap on the same line. Ihave a natural (2) to ABLE find bad news. If it’s out there, | want to know about it. The people who work for me realise this and keep me informed. Alot goes wrong in any Q).. even a good one, ORGANISE A product fails. You're (3) SUPRISE bya customer who suddenly switches to another company. AW) brings out a product compere that appeals to a broad new market. Maybe a product is going to be late, or it's not going to do what you expect it to do, or you've been 6 . to hire enough of ABLE the right kinds of people to carry ‘out your plans. An (6) manager wants to hear about what's going wrong before he or she hears about what's going right, You can’t react appropriately to @ . news if it doesn't each you soon enough. EFFECT DISAPPOINT You concentrate on bad news in order to get started on the ® quickly. As soon SOLVE as you're aware of a problem, everybody in your company must go into (9) An (10) measure of a company’s digital nervous system is, how quickly people in the company find out about bad news and respond to it. Digital technology speeds business response time in any emergency. Act IMPORTANCE Complete the sentences. Use words formed from the words in brackets. 41 The workers face .. closes. (employment) 42 | must have it? (understood) 43 The couple were separation. (united) 44 | prefer fresh vegetables to (freeze) 35 He is (competent) if the factory you. Could you repeat after a long ones. - He makes stupid mistakes. 15 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. power row running series thinking 36 Vicky dreams of becoming a film star one day. She might succeed she’s just got an important part in a television 17 It’s along. sitcom. 48 She invited me to watch the show and made sure that | got a front .. Seat. 19 She swears that in her early days of acting itwas dressing that helped her to convince people to take her seriously. 20 Personally, | think she’s a creative person who's used lateral to help her find the success she wants. Is Total: /20 O/ Self-check Ca ae Tee /10 98 24, 12, 13, 15, Exercise 90. 6,10 Exercise 91) 3.489 —_[untse Exercise 92 9 tea ere

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