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Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Unit Strand



9 Academic


Measurement and

Reviewing Surface
Area and Volume of
Prisms and

Big Ideas:
In this lesson, students will be looking at and solving problems involving the
surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders. Students will be deriving
formulas and determining the optimum values of these shapes and should be able
to use the equation given to solve problems involving these calculations.
Learning Goals:
Overall Expectations
Determine, through investigation, the
optimal values of various
Solve problems involving the
measurements of two-dimensional
shapes and the surface areas and
volumes of three-dimensional

Specific Expectations
Identify, through investigation with a
variety of tools, the effect of varying
the dimensions on the surface area
[or volume] of square-based prism
and cylinders, given a fixed volume
[or surface area].
Develop, through investigation, the
formulas for the volume of a
pyramid, a cone, and a sphere.
Solve problems involving surface
area and volumes of prisms,
pyramids, cylinders, cones, and
spheres, including composite figures.

Success Criteria:
I CAN understand the equation for surface area and volume and understand where
they come from.
I CAN use the surface area and volume formulas to solve problems involving a prism.
I CAN use the surface area and volume formulas to solve problems involving a
Assessment Tasks and Tools:
Formative (for) assessment for each student as to their engagement in the activities
performed and the lesson, using anecdotal observations.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The TEACHER needs:
- The document camera.
- Warm Up: Optimizing Area and Perimeter Worksheet.
- Paper circles.
- Scissors.
- White paper.
- Coloured paper.
- Tape.
- Popcorn.
- Cylinder Popcorn worksheets.
- Rectangular Prism, Triangular Prism, and Cylinder shape with net of surface area.
- Entry card slip.
The STUDENTS need:
- Course textbook.
- Equation sheet.
Investigation and activities to help Visual Intelligence Learners understand the lesson.
Also will help the Kinesthetic Learners as students are physically doing the activity.
ELL in the class so make sure you are clear with your examples for the class.
Interactive lesson so many different learners are helped by this lesson.
Introduction: (15 Minutes)
1. Put up day plan on the document camera for the students to write down what they will
be doing in class today.
2. Explain that today the lesson will be looking at cylinder and prisms. In doing so, we
will be looking at the surface area and volume of both these three-dimensional shapes.
3. Start the lesson by doing a warm up activity of maximizing the area and perimeter of
a rectangle. This is based on yesterdays lesson and can be found at the end of the
lesson plan as a worksheet. Allow for time and then take it up together while asking
them questions on how they filled in their worksheet.
Body of Lesson: (45 Minutes)
Guided Exploration (10 Minutes)
1. Start by giving students a story at the start of the lesson. Explain that we are having a
pizza party and we need to determine how many pizzas we need to order. We need to
determine the area of the pizza so we know how many we should order. The problem
is, is that we forget the area of a circle!
2. Hand out to each group a circle. Tell them to cut it up into quarters and lay them
across as if they are joined together. Ask the students if they notice anything? If they
dont, ask them to cut these pieces in half and join them together. Pose the same
question. What they should notice at this point is that it kind looks like a rectangle.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

3. Then tell students to cut the pieces in half again and put them together. It should start
to look more and more like a rectangle!
4. Ask students what the area of a rectangle is? They should say .The good news,
obviously, is that we know the area of a rectangle!
5. Now draw a circle on the board and say thankfully, we also know the circumference
of a circle, which is = 2.State we know the distance around the circle is this.
Half of the distance around is which goes on the top of the rectangle we have
created. The other half goes on the bottom. Then state the width is then since this is
the width of a circle.
6. Then ask the class to give you the following relation: = = =
2 .So we have found the area of a circle!
7. State that the point of this activity was to show them how we can derive the area of a
circle knowing the area of a rectangle and circumference.
8. Now, ask students what the base of a cylinder is? They should say a circle. State if we
have 1 circle then all we have is the base.
9. Ask students, what if we stacked circles on top of each other? They should say, we are
adding height. Then explain to students that if we keep stacking circles on top of each
other, we need to multiply by every circle we are adding, in other words height. If we
do this, we will create a cylinder. State that this is how we define the volume of a
cylinder, as = 2 .
10. Then bring up the following website on the computer Show the unrolling of the cylinder in
this website.
11. Then explain to students that the area of the rectangle is the width times height.
12. The width is the height h of the cylinder, and the length is the distance around the end
circles. This is the circumference of the circle and is 2r. Thus the rectangle's area is
2r h. Combining these parts we get the final formula: Surface Area = 22 +
Interactive Activity (30 Minutes)
13. Then tell students we are doing an activity to determine the optimal cylinder
dimensions. Hand out to each group of students a piece of white paper, piece of
coloured paper, tape, and a bag of popcorn. Also hand out to students the popcorn
cylinders worksheet, found at .
14. Tell students to complete the activity, all but question 8. Give them some time to
complete the activity and then take it up as class.
Conferencing (5 Minutes)
15. Show class all the shapes with their nets. Show the class how the shapes, when
opened up they can easily calculate the surface area of these shapes.
16. Also show to students the actual shape and explain that the volume is similar to how
we achieved the volume of a cylinder, except with a different basic shape.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

17. Direct students to look at the equation worksheet and explain the prism formulas,
which are very similar to the cylinder.
Conclusion, Review, Wrap Up of Lesson: (15 Minutes)
Seatwork Strategy
1. Assign homework to students, Read Pg. 514 and Pg. 515 # 1ac, 2b, 3, 5.
2. Allow students to work and practice on questions, while asking for help from you.
3. Tell students you will be checking their homework tomorrow for completion.
4. Hand out a show what you know entry card. Tell students that they need to hand this
in tomorrow before they are allowed to enter the class, as a way to make sure some
questions are done relating to this lesson.

Resources: .

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