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Burn fat ,control Body Fat Planning

A chronic illness figure to lose shape raise of liver function.

Nearly age of 30,or over 30 is it found that your weight have changing,,and your body
shape also starting to changing? Fat on Hip , stomach statrting thicken , loose and you
will get fatty day after day, anf your face will look slim, eyelid to cave in and skin
starting loose.Even ur weight didnt changing a lot but your body shape was changing day
by day. middle-aged got big stomach,hip loose , waist loose, thigh drowned flexibility ,
arm to change unwanted fat.This is because of your body fat,wanna get back your body
shape,then you have to start take your action in all around your body.
30 30

What is Body fat?

Before that all people just thinking that I having ideal weight so never worried about
the fatty problem,now day weight cannot to be make sure you are healthy, for now day BODY
FAT was a important thing for you to thinking. Body fat wont effect your outlookh
becourse its deep inside your body. So body fat measure tool is the best to help you
determine body fat inside your body. If body fat nerve is higher that mean its easy to
let u get sick. Body fat measure is following theory of electrical impedance human body,
using lower power to testing,because body fat wont effect by electric,and human body
70% is can accept lower elcrtic,if the electric level high mean body fat was a lot deep
inside body.Body fat is cant see or fwlt with our eyes,the main point have body fat
its because didnt do exercise and the food have taken.

(Body fat)


% of body fat is the course getting sickness.

Once you have found body fat is too high, that mean you have to checking blood
pressure,sugar level ,livel function ect,trying to founding the best way to reduce your
weight,control your food potion and do some exercise.

Now day BMI just only can helping you calculated your ideal weight , the accurate is using
MRI to testing your liver function .

If Body Fat higher day after day ,liver function also will became weak and will get sick,
[ starting maybe just abbreviation of fiber , if still didnt get the true treatment
its will became cirrhosis]. No any medicine will improve the Liver fat unless DIET.

BMI too higher mean defect by body fat
BMI we usual using still can test body fat inside our body.


Related Between BMI AND DEAD, at America have do a lot experiment , and its proving that this 2 was
related. When BMI index on 22 ( this is healthy index ) this group people was far from heart attack and
the other sickness. That why health office was support people mantian BMI index between 18-22. The
format to calculated BMI was easy, just using your WEIGHT and HEIGHT.BMI index if drop on 24 doctor
will advise you to diet .Easy way just you was over weight that mean your BMI index was over 22. unless
they are athlete (weight of their muscle) and for someone who are in ideal weight not mean they are
safe of BMI index.

BMI 22

1824 BMI 18 24

BMI 24

metabolism and age to assume inverse ratio ,to let body fat drop you should
be diet and not lose weight!

21-24% 14-17%

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 1

[1] 10%

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 2

3 6

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 3


0.45kg 1g



Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 4


Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 5

5-10 2.3-4.5kg

100% 5-6

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 6



Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 7

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 8

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 9

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 10

[9] 15

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 11

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 12

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 13

3 [10]
Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 14


Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 15

21-24% 31%
14-17% 25%

Decrease Body Fat Percentage Step 16



Body fat percentage is the percentage of your weight that is made up of fat. It consists of both storage
body fat and essential body fat. There are several ways to calculate your body fat percentage,
including bioelectrical impedance analysis, skinfold methods and other anthropometric methods, or
methods involving the circumference of various body parts. Here's a method to calculate your body fat
using only your scale and a calculator.

Step 1: Know the recommended body fat percentile ranges

The first step in beginning the process of understanding how to calculate your ideal body fat is to
consider variables such as body type, heredity, age, activity and gender. For instance, healthy body fat
percentage ranges for women tend to be higher than those for men, as women need more body fat. A
certain amount of fat is important for bodily functions. It regulates your body temperature, cushions
organs and tissues and is the main form of your bodys energy storage. So it's important that you don't
have either too much or too little body fat. Mayo Clinic staff, as well as other health professionals, list
the following age-adjusted body fat percentile recommendations:

20-40 yrs old: Underfat: under 21 percent, Healthy: 21-33 percent, Overweight: 33-39 percent,
Obese: Over 39 percent

41-60 yrs old: Underfat: under 23 percent, Healthy: 23-35 percent, Overweight : 35-40 percent
Obese: over 40 percent

61-79 yrs old: Underfat: under 24 percent, Healthy: 36-42 percent, Overweight: 36-42 percent,
Obese: over 42 percent

20-40 yrs old: Underfat: under 8 percent, Healthy: 8-19 percent, Overweight: 19-25 percent,
Obese: over 25 percent

41-60 yrs old: Underfat: under 11 percent, Healthy: 11-22 percent, Overweight: 22-27 percent,
Obese: over 27 percent

61-79 yrs old: Underfat: under 13 percent, Healthy: 13-25 percent, Overweight: 25-30 percent,
Obese: over 30 percent

Step 2: Weigh yourself

Obtain as accurate a body weight as possible. Different scales often give different numbers, and
depending on the time of day you weigh yourself, your numbers may vary. Try weighing yourself on the
same scale at approximately the same time of day over a few days to get an average of your body

Step 3: Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

You can easily calculate your BMI by dividing your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared,
and then multiplying by a conversion factor of 703. Using the example of a 150-pound person who is
five feet five inches (or 65 inches), the calculation would look like this: [150 (65)] x 703 = 24.96

Step 4: Calculate your body fat percentage

According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 1991, if you are an adult, your
percentage of body fat can be estimated as accurately as with skinfold measurements and bioelectrical
tests using the following gender-based formulas in conjunction with your BMI. This calculation has been
shown to slightly overestimate body fat percentage in people who are very overweight. Take your BMI
result from Step 3 and plug it into the appropriate formula below to calculate your body fat

(1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) - 5.4 = Body Fat Percentage


(1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) - 16.2 = Body Fat Percentage

Step 5: Compare your body fat percentage to the percentiles listed in

Step 1
Take a moment to compare the result you got in Step 4 to the body fat percentiles in Step 1. Comparing
your results with these numbers should give you a good indication of how close or how far you may be
from your ideal body fat percentage.

Track Your Body Fat


When you begin a new fitness program or increase the intensity of your
sessions in the gym, chances are you're losing fat but gaining muscle, says
Fabio Comana, MS, exercise physiologist with the American Council on
Exercise. And, as you know, muscle beats fat for many reasons. Muscle
uses more calories, even at rest, so you gain the potential to boost your
resting metabolic rate, says Janet Walberg Rankin, PhD, professor in the
Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise at Virginia Tech. And
muscles help us perform better, if we're competing or just want to be able
to last through our workout or exercise class.
You shouldn't ditch measurements altogether, however. Instead, sports
nutritionists and trainers urge active women to consider where their fat is
stored. That's because women can be skinny fat, appearing to be healthy
based on weight and height alone, but possessing pockets of fat in targeted
areas that puts them at higher risk for certain health conditions.
Abdominal fat, for example, is increasingly linked to metabolic syndrome
and heart disease; women whose waists are 35 inches or more have a
higher risk of health problems than those with smaller waists, no matter
how much they weigh. And a Danish study in Circulation found that extra
body fat in women's hips can increase the risk of venous thromboembolism,
or dangerous blood clots in the veins.
So it's important to consider your overall body fat, and where it might be
landing. Though there's no such thing as spot reduction, targeted training
can help decrease your body fat and increase your muscle - leading to a
leaner looking body. Reducing your overall body fat through methods of
resistance training and cardio are the best ways to change your body
composition," says Quevedo.
New technology is improving the accuracy of overall body fat
measurements. Women seeking optimal fitness levels should aim for about
16 to 25 percent body fat, says Kathleen Laquale, PhD, athletic trainer at
Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts. Though fitness competitors
may aim for lower levels, anything below 15 percent simply can't be
sustained for the long term without health risks.
So if you need a way to gauge your fit progress by seeing a change in
numbers, check up on your body fat instead of the scale. And some of the

simplest techniques, from looking in the mirror to zipping up your jeans, will
further help map your success and boost your confidence as you shed fat,
build muscle and get on the way to reaching all your goals.
You need at least three percent fat on your body just to live, explains
Kathleen Laquale, PhD, athletic trainer at Bridgewater State College in
Massachusetts. Drop below 15 percent for a long time, and you risk losing
your period, developing osteoporosis and suffering general fatigue. "A bodyfat percentage that's too low can be harmful to your health and well-being,"
Laquale says. For healthy body-fat percentage ranges based on your fitness
level, follow these guildelines:
Top athletes: 15 to 20%
Fit women: 21 to 24%
Healthy/acceptable: 25 to 32%
Overweight: 33% plus
5 Essentials for Healthy Fat Loss
Keep your body fat in check with these Oxygen-approved strategies:
Strength train. Adding weights into your routine not only makes you
stronger and leaner, it also increases your metabolism and helps you burn
more fat.
Eat clean foods, such as whole grains. A 2009 study in the Journal of
Nutrition found that people who consume the highest amounts of whole
grains have 2.4% less body fat than those who eat the least.
Dont forget the cardio. Try adding one-minute intervals into your program
to up your energy and blast fat.
Plan five to six meals a day instead of three large ones, and never skip
Give it some time. Quick results usually dont last, so go with the slow-andsteady approach to reach your goals, and stay lean.
Many things play a role in a person's body composition, including gender, diet, fitness level, genetics
and activity level. When evaluating body fat, it is important to remember that it's not only high levels of

fat that can be a risk, but also levels that are too low. The optimal level of body fat isn't always the
lowest and varies with each individual.

This classification usually encompasses elite female athletes. For women ages 19 to 29,
anything under 19 percent is considered low. Women ages 30 to 39 should be under 21 percent,
while women in their 40s should be under 24 percent to be classified as low body fat. Women
50 years old and older who are less than 28 percent body fat are included in the low body fat
category. Having too little body fat could impact muscle function and other body systems.

Most women who exercise regularly and are in good condition are included in the "healthy"
body fat range. Women ages 19 to 29 whose body fat is between 19 to 22 percent are included
in the healthy range. Also included are women ages 30 to 39 with body fat between 20 to 24
percent. Women in their 40s with body fat between 23 percent and 27 percent, and women 50
and older with body fat from 27 to 31 percent are well within the healthy range of body fat.
How Much Fat is OK?
The American Council on Exercise provides the following ranges for body-fat percentage:


Essential fat













32% plus

26% plus

Are You Calling Me FAT?

At least thats what conventional medicine tells me. But theres more to the
Most doctors use your body mass index (BMI) to determine if youre
underweight, normal, overweight or obese. The BMI is a chart that measures

your height, weight, and age and shows you a standardized percentage of
body fat.
But the BMI is measuring the wrong thing. It measures muscle and fat. This
can mislead you and make you think youre obese.
A reliable way to find out if youre at a natural weight is to measure body
composition. This test compares the amount of fat to muscle, water, and
bones for accurate results.
I may be overweight on the BMI scale, but my real body fat percentage is
23% percent well within the fit range for body composition. (See chart
The BMI also makes underweight mistakes. I have clients who insist theyre
normal and fit because the BMI tells them so. And their conventional doctors
agree. Then I ask them if they know their body composition. The answer is
almost always no.
When I measure, I find many of my patients are not as healthy as they
When I see clients in my studio, I use good old-fashioned calipers to
measure my clients body composition. I like this method because its
accurate, easy, and fast. You can do this at home on your own. If youd like,
you can get the same calipers I use here.
Theres an even more dangerous flaw in the BMI: It cant measure deadly
visceral fat. This type of fat collects in your abdominal cavity and surrounds
your organs, restricting them. Visceral fat also is a haven for toxins that
cannot be cleaned by the liver, which then contributes to heart disease,
diabetes, and cancer.1
A waist circumference test is a simple way to see if youre at risk for having
visceral fat. Just wrap a flexible measuring tape around the smallest part of
your waist. Then find your number on the chart below. By knowing where
you stand and taking action, youre helping prevent deadly sickness and


NICHS here in Northern Ireland is supporting a new public information

campaign to tackle overweight and obesity by the Public Health Agency
The campaign is taking two main approaches:
1. Helping people to identify whether they are inching towards bad health
by being overweight or obese.
2. Offering advice on small steps that they can take to help reduce their
waist size.


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