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Candidate: Karla Usinger
Supervisor: Nancy Jelen
Cooperating Teacher: Melissa Buchmann
School: Jerstad/Agerholm Elementary School
Disability Categories Represented:
3-speech, 1-SLD

Check One: 1st Observation _X__ 2nd Observation ___

Date: 10/14/14
Number of Students: 21
Grade: 2nd
Subject(s): All (lesson was in Math)
Diverse Student Needs Represented:
Evidence (Candidate)

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization/Diagnosis

WTS: 1, 7 DISP: Respect, Responsibility - CEC: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10)

Uses teaching resources and curriculum materials that are

appropriate in representing the ideas and concepts.
Plans instruction appropriate to students stages of development and
learning styles.
Provides opportunities for active engagement, manipulation and
testing of ideas and materials.
Chooses appropriate teaching strategies, learning experiences, and
materials to achieve different instructional purposes and to meet student
Plans motivational instruction by relating lessons to students
personal interest.





Respond to:
How did this lesson fit into the curriculum?
My lesson aligned with the math curriculum for what the students were
working on for that week.
How did you determine the appropriate standards and objectives?
I determined the appropriate standards and objectives by meeting with my
cooperating teacher to discuss what she feels would be best for the
students, and by looking at the curriculum to see what they would be
working on for that week.
What specific academic language would you use?
Place Value, Base 10, Groups, Bundles, Ones, Tens, Greater than, Less
Why did you choose the materials? How effective were they?
I chose the playing cards and dry erase sheets and markers to work with
place value because I felt it would be an effective and fun hands-on
activity. I feel the materials were very effective. All the students
participated and did very well completing the activity.
How did you plan to engage the learners?
I engaged the learners by planning a lesson with playing cards. Most of
the students have used and played with cards before and I wanted to
relate the lesson to their personal interests. I felt this would be a fun way
to engage the learners and get them to participate. Also, using the dry
erase sheets and markers was a great way to engage the students since
they enjoy using them.

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and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Evidence (Candidate)

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization/Diagnosis

WTS: 1, 7 DISP: Respect, Responsibility - CEC: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10)
Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination/Integrative Interaction
WTS: 2, 3, 5 - DISP: Respect, Responsibility CEC: 2, 3, 5)

Shows respect for the diverse talents of all learners.

Is committed to the expression and use of democratic values in the
Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space,
activities and attention to engage students in productive tasks.
Respects students as individuals with differing personal and family
background and various skills, talents and interests.

Evidence (Candidate and Student)





Respond to:
How did you create a positive learning environment?
I created a positive learning environment by creating a fun, effective
hands-on activity. I also gave positive feedback to the students throughout
the lesson.
How do you feel students felt during the lesson? What is your
I feel the students felt happy, excited, and proud they were able to
complete the activity. I saw a lot of smiles, and students raising their
hands eager to come up to the overhead and share their answers.
How did you demonstrate respect for, and rapport with the learners?
I showed respect for the learners by speaking politely to everyone and
being sincere. I was very patient by waiting for all the students to complete
each part of the activity. I was also very understanding and helpful to those
who were having some difficulties. At the end of the lesson, I showed
gratitude by thanking the students for behaving so well and allowing me to
teach a lesson to them. I also thanked the couple students who offered to
help clean up.
How did you actively engage students? Who responded? Who did
not? Why?
I actively engaged students by allowing them to pick two-digit numbers to
work with. I also actively engaged students by calling on some to come up
to the overhead to share their answers. I feel most of the students
responded. Almost everyone was raising their hands and participating. I
noticed one student, Justin, was not raising his hand. I am not sure why
he did not want to pick numbers or come up to the overhead. As I was
walking around doing my formative assessment, I noticed he was able to
complete each part of the activity. I have noticed throughout my
observation, he is a little shy, so that may have been a factor.
What kinds of responses did you give to learners responses?
Responses I gave were, very good, everyone is doing so well, thank
you, youre on the right track, thats correct.

Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

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Evidence (Candidate)

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization/Diagnosis

WTS: 1, 7 DISP: Respect, Responsibility - CEC: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10)

Evidence Code Definitions:

Inadequate = Unsatisfactory

Emerging = Needs Improvement

Proficient = Satisfactory

Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis,

Integrative Interaction WTS 4, 6, 7 - DISP: Respect, Responsibility,
Communication CEC: 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Encourages discussion.
Modifies explanations when necessary to assist students
Recognizes the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication.
Is a thoughtful and responsive listener.
Communicates in ways that demonstrate a sensitivity to cultural and
gender differences.
Models appropriate communication strategies in conveying ideas
and information.

Distinctive = Exemplary

Evidence (Candidate and Student)





Respond to:
How well did your strategies support meeting the lesson
objectives/learning targets?
I feel my strategies helped meet the lesson objectives. I demonstrated the
activity first so all the students could see how to do it. I continued to give
feedback to the students throughout the lesson. I made connections to
things they were already doing or have done in class. I feel these all
helped in meeting my learning goals for the lesson.
What went well? What would you change? Why?
I feel overall the activity went well. The students responded well and all
participated during the activity. The things I would change about the lesson
is making it more challenging, and encouraging more class discussion with
their groups. My CT suggested I only do a lesson on two-digit place value,
which is a first grade standard. I feel I should have done the lesson on
three-digit place value, since that is a 2nd grade standard. I feel the activity
was too easy for them and they all got through the lesson pretty quickly.
Having the lesson on three-digit place value would have challenged the
students more. Also, encouraging the students to discuss their answers
with their group would have made the lesson more effective because the
students would have to explain how they got their answers and why their
answers were right or wrong.
How effective were the leveled questions you used?

Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Evidence (Candidate)

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization/Diagnosis

WTS: 1, 7 DISP: Respect, Responsibility - CEC: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10)

I do not feel my questions were very effective because I feel overall the
activity was too easy for them. For my last question, I asked the students
how they would use place value outside of school, and I did not get much
of a response. I was expecting to get lots of responses. I made a
connection to the book fair they went to last week with needing to know
how much the books were and if they had enough money to buy them. I
feel my closure should have been longer and I should have encouraged
more discussion on how we use place value outside of school.
How did you use the academic language? How well do you think the
learners know and understand the academic language? ELL? SPE?
Cite evidence.
I used the academic language throughout the lesson. I introduced with
place value and reminding students what place value is. I also used the
words ones, tens, and base 10 throughout the lesson. I feel they all
understood the academic language.
Evidence (Candidate and Student)

Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis/Integrative Interaction WTS: 8, 9

DISP: Collaboration, Communication CEC: 1, 5, 8, 9, 10)

Evaluates the effect of class activities on both individuals and the

class as a whole, collecting information through observation of
classroom interactions, questioning, and analysis of student work.
Uses classroom observation and information about students as
sources for evaluating the outcomes of teaching and as a basis for
reflecting on and revising practice.





Respond to:
How well did your assessment measure learners meeting the
My assessment involved walking around and observing how well the
students were able to complete the activity. I feel this was a good way to
assess the learners for this activity.
What were your assessment results during and/or after the lesson?
My assessment results were good. All the students were able to complete
the activity. Some students took longer than others, but overall, all the
students did well.
How does this inform you of next learning steps?
My assessment lets me know that next time, my lesson should be more
challenging since most of the students were able to get through the lesson
What would you change about your teaching and/or assessment to
better support or extend learners performance?
In regards to my teaching, I would change the activity and make it more
challenging and I would also encourage class discussion. I would change

Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Evidence (Candidate)

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization/Diagnosis

WTS: 1, 7 DISP: Respect, Responsibility - CEC: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10)

the assessment by having more of a formal assessment at the end of the

lesson rather than just doing an informal assessment by walking around
and observing.

Evidence (Candidate)

Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication/Integrative

Interaction WTS: 10 DISP: Responsibility, Collaboration,
Communication CEC: 2, 5, 10)

Relates professionally and effectively with the cooperating teacher

and faculty.
Dresses professionally and consistently portrays a professional
Is enthusiastic about teaching.
Seeks out the cooperating teacher to support his/her development
as a learner and a teacher.





Respond to:
Describe your contact with the CT in planning this lesson. (e.g. How far
ahead did you contact her/him? Did you suggest a lesson or use one
already in place? If in place, did you discuss or make any modifications?)
I contacted my CT about the date of the lesson three weeks ahead of time. We
met a couple of times during lunch to discuss the lesson and we also
communicated via email. She suggested I teach a lesson on place value since
that is what they would be working on that week and it aligned with the
curriculum they use. I found the activity for my lesson on Pinterest. I discussed
the activity with my CT and she thought it was a great idea. She had a ones
and tens table I could use and suggested I use paper protectors so the
students could use dry erase markers. I emailed my CT the lesson for her to
look it over four days before the lesson. She said it looked great and we did not
make any modifications once in place. The day of the lesson, I added having
the students come up to the overhead and share their answers.
How did you present yourself as a professional to the learners?
I presented myself professionally by dressing appropriately and portraying a
professional demeanor throughout the lesson. I showed my enthusiasm
throughout the lesson and was very professional when interacting with the

Overall Performance: ____Inadequate




Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

See below.


a. background information about the lesson, (e.g. urban, 3rd grade, social studies lesson on )
b. how in the design or implementation of the lesson you demonstrated two of the Wisconsin Teacher Standards for Licensure and
Development; (name the standards and provide evidence of your actions)
c. (SPE only) how in the design or implementation of the lesson you demonstrated two of the Council for Exceptional Children Initial
Content Standards and Knowledge and Skill Sets;
d. how in the design or implementation of the lesson you demonstrated two of the Alverno Graduate Advanced Education Abilities;
e. how the lesson demonstrates the Common Core Standards or academic standards;
f. (SPE only) how did you accommodate students IEP goals?
g. at least one educational framework that is reflected in the design and/or implementation of the lesson plan (e.g. Bloom, Vygotsky,
My lesson took place at Jerstad/Agerholm Elementary School, a public school in Racine, WI. The lesson was a math lesson on two-digit place value
for 2nd grade. The first Wisconsin Teacher Standard I feel I demonstrated is Standard #7: The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of
subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. I met with my cooperating teacher first to discuss what I should teach. Based on her
recommendations since she knows her students best, and also what aligned with the math curriculum for that week is how I chose to teach a lesson
on place value. The second Wisconsin Teacher Standard I feel I demonstrated is Standard #6: The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal,
nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. I communicated
effectively throughout the entire lesson. I introduced place value and reminded students what it is. I made connections with place value to things
they were doing in class. I demonstrated the activity first so all the students were clear on what to do. I used the overhead to enhance the lesson and
help the students become actively engaged. I also provided feedback to the students throughout the lesson. One of the Alverno Graduate Advanced
Education Abilities I used in the design of my lesson is coordination. I had to coordinate with my cooperating teacher when designing and planning
the lesson, as well as obtaining and organizing all the materials I needed for the lesson. Another education ability I used when implementing my
lesson is communication. I used written, oral, and media modes of communication throughout my lesson. My lesson demonstrates the Common
Core Standard CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.B.2. I made sure my activity completely demonstrated the entire standard. One educational framework
that is reflected in my lesson is Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development. Piaget believes through maturing and environmental experiences,
cognitive development happens gradually through stages by constantly reorganizing your existing schemas. One way to apply Piagets theory in
classrooms is by doing hands-on activities and encouraging students to engage and participate in class. My lesson consisted of a hands-on activity
with the playing cards and dry erase sheets. I also encouraged students to engage and participate by having them pick the numbers we would work
with, and by having students come up to the overhead to share their answers.
Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

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