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World At War

Europe Goes to War!


Event 1
In 1938, Hitler
invaded Austria and
declared it a part of
Germany. This was
known as the
Austrian Anschluss.

Event 2
in 1939, hitler
signed a
nonaggression pact
with the soviet
union. He used this
pact to keep the
soviet union from
interfering with the
invasion of poland.

Event 3
in 1939, after
signing a
nonaggression pact
with the soviet
union, germany
proceeded in the
invasion of poland.
The allied powers
were aware of this
and declared war on

Event 4
In 1940, Germany
took notes from
World war I, They
attacked and forced
france to surrender
within the first few
months. It was
known as the fall of

Event 5
Later in 1940,
Germany ignored
the east and turned
its attention to
Great Britain. This
was known as the
battle of Britain.

Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

Americas Stance
Most Americans were in a stage of recovery from
the depression and didnt want anything to do with
European affairs. These kind of people were
known as isolationists. On the other hand, there
are those that believe Germany must be stopped
or else they will create an imperialist empire in the
future. These people were known as
internationalists. F.D.R was an internationalist and
he traded military products with Great britain for
british land. I stand with the internationalists
because 50% of Europe was now under German
rule, and if Great Britain failed, it would mean the
end of Europe.

Roosevelt Aids the Allies

During World War II, the United States began to provide
significant military supplies and other assistance to the
Allies in September 1940, even though the United
States did not enter the war until December 1941. Much
of this aid flowed to the United Kingdom and other
nations already at war with Germany and Japan
through an innovative program known as Lend-Lease.
F.D.R did this in order to ensure that Great Britain
would never fall to Germany. The U.S gave them old U.
S destroyers, ammunition, and weapons. In return,
Britain gave the U.S british lands.

Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor and

Roosevelt Declares WAR!
In December 7, 1941, the japanese carried out a
surprise attack on the U.S military base, Pearl Harbor.
Japan deployed fleet submarines 1-16, 1-18, 1-20, 122, and 1-24 on November 26, 1941. On december 6,
they came 10 miles off the mouth of Pearl Harbor. On
December 7, at 03:42, the minesweeper condor
spotted a midget submarine periscope and alerted the
navy. Submarines sneaked in the harbor and deployed
torpedos. Moments later, Japanese air fleet bombed
and destroyed U.S destroyers. Their goal was to
destroy the carriers. However, they were north of
hawaii being tested. 90 minutes later the attack was
over. 2,000 sailors were killed. Fifty-five Japanese
airmen and nine submariners were killed in the attack,
and one was captured. On December 11, The U.S
declared war against japan. Hitler Remarked on the
evening of the date of the Japanese attack that "We
can't lose the war at all. We now have an ally which
has never been conquered in 3,000 years" Roosevelt
referred this day as a day that will live in infamy.

U.S. Mobilizes for War

U.S. War Effort

War and Woman

At the start of World war II, all men were drafted for military service. In the home front, jobs such as factories, field work,
and engineering were open. Women saw this as an opportunity to provide money for their families. With men in war,
women flooded all types of jobs across the U.S. In the military, women served as nurses, and communicators.

U.S. On the Homefront

Minority Group 1
Whatever their reasons for
joining, they all faced
further discrimination in the
U.S. armed forces. At the
start of the War, all
branches of the U.S.
military were segregated.
President Harry S. Truman
ordered the end of military
segregation with his
Executive Order 9981 in
1948, but racial
discrimination and
segregation continued in
the U.S. armed forces
through the Korean War

Minority Group 2

The War Ends in Europe and the Pacific

Minority Group 3

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