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SIX Characteristics of Professional Learning Communities: Shared Mission ~ Collaborative Culture ~

Collective Inquiry ~ Action Orientation ~ Commitment to Continuous Improvement ~ Results Orientation

THREE Big Ideas: Focus on Learning ~ Collaboration ~ Focus on Results

The ONE Thing in a Professional Learning Community,

learning rather than teaching is the fundamental purpose of your school.

Adapted from Richard DuFour and Robert Eaker (1998), Professional Learning Communities at Work

HALIFAX COUNTY SCHOOLS -Hollister Elementary

PLC Grade Level(s): K-1
Date:November 2, 2015
Attendees: Bryant, Hewlin, Morris, Peak

Facilitator(s): Bryant
Timekeeper: Morris
Note Taker: Hewlin
PLC Focus (Shared Mission): Our focus for our PLC meeting is on increasing student achievement through identifying essential outcomes,
analyzing data, and planning the implementation of instructional strategies to meet the academic growth needs of all learners. Our guidelines
for operation are no fault, collaboration, and consensus.
Four Corollary Questions:
1. What should students know and be able to do as a result of this course, class, or grade level?
Kindergarten student should know how to apply conventions of writing as well as write a sentence using sight words.. First grade students
should gain knowledge in written comprehension,answers questions and be able to explain/show where they found their answers. First grade
students will gain knowledge in sequencing and revising.

2. How will we know that the students are not learning?
We will know that the students are not learning by conducting routine assessments, progress monitoring, benchmark assessment, as well as
conferencing with the students.

3. How do we respond when students do not learn?
When students are not learning, we respond by implementing intervention strategies, such as one on one correspondence and small group

4. How do we respond when students learn more?
We respond by applying differentiated instruction across the curriculum and providing appropriate extensions to lessons that are well

Implications for our work:
Question 1 What are the essential outcomes that we expect students to learn?
Apply conventions of writing as well as write a sentence using sight words. Be able to apply appropriate details/sequence a story as well as ask
and answer questions.

Question 2 What assessment will we use to determine if the students have learned?
Assessments used will be teacher appointed assessments, progress monitoring, benchmark

Questions 3 & 4 How will we intervene when students do not learn or learn more than anticipated?
Performing differentiated instruction across the curriculum and provide interventions.
PLC Guiding Questions (Collaborative Culture, Collective Inquiry, Commitment to Continuous Improvement, Results Orientation):
What should students know and be able to do?
Standard(s): W
Standard(s) to be mastered
How will we know what they have learned?
% Mastery Class 1
% Mastery Class 2 & 3
Data analysis - Identify data source:

Source: __60%_________
Source: __70%____60%_____
How do we extend student learning?
Students who need intervention:
Intervention Strategies:
Identify strategies to be used with specific groups of
Targeted bubble students for K-1
one on one correspondence

small group guidance

guidance from different grade levels

print concepts


Evidence of Implementation (Action Orientation):

Artifacts that will be reviewed at next PLC meeting and
feedback from walkthrough observations

Students who reached mastery:
continue practicing known
strategies and differentiate
instruction based on students

Students who exceeded mastery:
continue practicing known
strategies and differentiate
instruction based on students
abilities. Extend lessons


Extension Strategies:
guidance from different grade level.
performing repetitive written
comprehension skills.

Enrichment Strategies:
guidance from different grade level.
performing repetitive written
comprehension skills

Walkthrough Feedback:

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