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Hostrawsers Happenings

February 26, 2016

Ms. Hostrawser
Phone: 574-342-2355

Math We have begun Topic 14.

In Topic 14 students
will be learning about measurement units, time and
temperature. Today we reviewed customary units of
Reading Next week is ISTEP. We will not be having a regular reading test. We will be continuing our
study on the Titanic. Students will be researching a
person who was on the Titanic and sharing with the
class. We will also be reading first hand accounts of
people who were there.
GrammarWe will be continuing to study pronouns
and their antecedents.
Writing Students will have extra time to work on
their state reports. The due date was today, but with
no school I am extending it until March 2nd
Spelling The spelling words next week are using
Greek word parts. Study !
Social Studies We are studying the Revolutionary
War. We studied the Boston Massacre, The Boston
Tea Party and the Intolerable Acts this week (just to
name a few!) We will review for a test next week.
Science We have begun Unit 4. We are discussing
our environment and how living and nonliving things
can impact the environment we live in. We are also
studying food webs.

Is next week. The class would love it if you
could send in some healthy snacks to keep our
brain functioning! Send me a note if this is
something you are willing to help with.

Greek Word Parts

IN Standard 5.6.7- Spell correctly.

1. artist
2. tourism
3. biology
4. phobia
5. heroism
6. geology
7. cartoonist
8. technology
9. journalism
10. hydrophobia
11. violinist
12. ecology
13. patriotism
14. vocalist
15. meteorology
16. zoology
17. claustrophobia
18. capitalism
19. novelist
20. technophobia
Challenge Words
21. agoraphobia
22. anthropology
23. absenteeism
24. paleontology
25. alarmist

Note From the Teacher:

ISTEP will begin on Monday. Please send your child rested with a good breakfast so that he or
she can do their best work. Try your best!
I sent home Camp Amigo chaperone letters. As we begin planning our big trip to Camp
Amigo on April 14 & 15 we need to start signing up chaperones to go along with us.
A background check must be on file, and we must give Camp Amigo our numbers in
March. For these reasons, we need to find out how many parent chaperones we will
be taking with us. If you are interested in attending, please fill out the chaperone
form and return it with your child as soon as possible. Look for more information to
be coming home within the next month regarding our trip.

Visit Our Class Website:

*contact the teacher

*class schedule
*nightly homework
*upcoming events
*websites to visit
*class photos

Upcoming Dates
March 1-4 ...ISTEP
March 4..End of grading period
March 18...Donuts for Dads
March 18Books and Baskets
March 28-April 8....Spring Break

Star of the Week

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