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ESLO Reflection

Directions: Rate your performance from 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest. Write an example of your progress.

Expected School Wide Learning Outcomes

a. Identify what we need to know and make plans to
b. Manage time well
c. Use a variety of resources to learn
d. Reflect on own learning and learn from mistakes
e. Use technology to learn, research, and work


a. Build on the ideas, explanations, and reasons of
b. Perform critical thinking
c. Use problem-solving strategies appropriate to the
d. Create original work
e. Use technology to create products of high quality
a. Listen for different purposes with critical
b. Speak and respond appropriately to the social and
academic context
c. Use reading strategies for information,
entertainment, and enrichment
d. Use writing process and strategies to write for
different purposes and audience
e. Use technology and media to communicate
a. Display moral, ethical, and civil behavior
b. Promote honesty, justice and peace in the
c. Display a strong work ethic and charity for all
d. Use technology in an ethical way






a. Practice and maintain a healthy lifestyle
b. Display civic responsibility
c. Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and respect for
d. Show concern and responsibility for the well-being
of the community
e. Use technology for community service
Leaders for the Future
a. Use common objectives for group work
b. Use leadership and team building skills to achieve in
varied situations
c. Use appropriate strategies to work through conflicts
and accept group decisions
d. Evaluate own and others contributions and provide
helpful feedback
e. Use technology to solve problems and complete

My progress in meeting this ESLO 4 3 2 1

An example of my progress is:

We had to use computer to research on information about dehydration
in order to write some parts of discussion and introduction.

My progress in meeting this ESLO 4 3 2 1

An example of my progress is:

We created our own original lab report by ourselves. Even though we
researched something on internet, we paraphrased all things to be our
own original paragraph.

My progress in meeting this ESLO 4 3 2 1

An example of my progress is:

Because this is group work that everyone had to do work together, we
used google slice that everyone can access and do the work at the same

My progress in meeting this ESLO 4 3 2 1

An example of my progress is:

We used the technology in ethical way because we did not plagiaries
anything from anyone. We paraphrased it and gave them credit at our

My progress in meeting this ESLO 4 3 2 1
An example of my progress is:

We practice and maintain a healthy lifestyle because we demonstrated
and showed people in this lab report about the way to dehydrate the
My progress in meeting this ESLO 4 3 2 1
An example of my progress is:

As I said in ESLO number 2, this is group work that everyone had to do
work together, we used google slice that everyone can access and do
the work at the same time. This made us be able to solve problem and
complete tasks together.

Turn the page

Write 1-3 well-organized paragraphs reflecting on your successes and disappointments meeting these ESLOs. What have you learned?

I think that I success to match reflection with this assignment. First of all, this assignment
teaches me that I should use technology in the right and good way because it will lead me to the
successful and good way. When we use internet there are a lot of way to use it, but we have to
remember that we should not take way something from internet because someone own that.
Remember to give them the credit. We can also use internet to cooperate work with the friend to
complete the assignment too.
Second, I learned to created the original work. According to the thing that I stated on first
paragraph that we should not take away somebody work with out giving them credit. In this lab
report, we write the whole thing to be original. Although we researched something on internet, we
paraphrased all words and gave them credit.
The last but not least is practice healthy lifestyle. Fruit is food that is useful to make us
maintain good heath. Due to the hot weather of Thailand, some fruits are not able to stay for long
time and become spoil before we eat it. Dehydration is solution for this problem because it makes
fruit be able to stay longer and still contain some nutrient.

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