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Senior Project Reflection

1. The best experience of the project was the actual event itself and
being able to see all the hard work put together and being paid off.
The worst experience of the project was
2. The experience changed me by showing how putting in the extra effort
can be satisfying in the end.
3. The only thing to be changed would be to advertise earlier in order for
more students to be hyped for the event.
4. Next years seniors should finish their senior project earlier but pick a
project which they really enjoy doing the work for.
5. I was pleasantly surprised that some of the teachers to comply and say
yes so easily to reading, such as Mr. White, who was more than excited
to present his excellent rendition of the Cask of Amontillado.
6. When first starting to research, I did not expect the amount of sources I
received on the topic of storytelling. I learned many things from the
beneficial effects of storytelling that every person, especially parent,
should know.
7. I am definitely more confident in my ability to execute events. I now
know what parts of event planning are the most important and need to
be emphasized more.
8. The aspect of the Senior Project that stretched me the most was the
promotion of the event. I didnt know how many people would attend
and how many tickets wed sell, especially being the first time that the
event was introduced. I dont feel that its over because many of the
same struggles can be applied to all events that the leadership class
plans and hosts.
9. The seniors all had a mandatory assignment to complete, regardless of
the class they are in, which helped each person relate to each other.
I really enjoyed the behind the scenes components of the event,
as well as the research of different age groups, which has helped
guided me in the direction of working with and studying people in the
I know how to present myself to adults, as well as people my own
age, and the different way to approach each age group depending on
the situation.
12. Ms. Buies story about creepy carrots was hilarious to me during and
after the event.

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