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Weest Miami City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes PAGE 1 anures CITY OF WEST MIAMI REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Wednesday, May 20, 1998 Commission Chambers - City Hall ‘901 8.W 6nd Avenue West Miami, Florida MEMBERS PRESENT: ‘Rebeca Sosa, Mayor Enrique Gonaslez, Vice Mayor Pura Martin Matco Rubio [MEMBERS ABSENT: CCatlos Disa Padron PAGE 2 1 ‘The regular meeting of the West Miami City 2 Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m., 3. with the pledge of allogiance to the flag. 4 ‘The Mayor called Item 1, roll cll. 5 Present were the Mayor, Vice-Mayor Gonzalez, 6 1 8 9 Commissioners Martin and Rubio. Commissioner Diaz-Padron was absent. ‘With consent of the Commission, the Mayor called Item 9 out of order, a report by Fausto 10 Gomez re Legislative Report. u ‘The Mayor commended Mr, Gomez for his many 12 years of service to the City, especially for 13. his assistance in the past year in addressing 14 the $1.5 million deficit of Phase I sewer and 15 obtaining a $225,000 grant 1 Lacasas fled legislation for a residential 2 tree replacement program for trees cut down due 3 tocitrus canker, which ultimately failed, 4 Notwithstanding ths failure, their 5 advocacy, along with Representative Rud) 6 7 8 9 Garcia, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, led to $3,000,000 appropriation to Florida Department of Agriculture for tree replacement. 10 ‘The Florida Department of Agriculture will 11 submit a plan to the Governor's Office by 12 August 1st on how to distribute the trees to 13 the residents who have suffered damage by 14 inspectors and cutting of trees on private 15 property. 16 ‘Mr. Gomez suggested that the City Manager 17 maintain close contact with Florida Department 18 of Agriculture to ensure compensation is 19 received by residents 20 Finally, Mr. Gomez stated announced last 21 year the Governor vetoed specific allocations 22 for West Miami and other police departments. 23 24 25 Representative Villalobos, Chairman of the Appropriation Subcommittee dealing with criminal justice, established $250,000 grant Mleoserpt FARRAR REPORTING 08665-4009 ALSO PRESENT: 16 Mr. Gomez outlined the four priorities as Yolande Aguila, City Manager 17 follows: Continued funding for Community or Vialbon iy Atorey 18 Center; wastewater treatment; residential tree Googe eta psoas eas Dae 19 replacement; and, Police Department funding, Patrick Kiel, Police Chet }20 which the Governor vetoed. David Farrar, Court Reporter 21 Mr. Gomez secured for the Community Center }22 an additional $75,000 this year and $750,000 23 for Phase I Sewer System, cutting the deficit }24 down to one million dollars, 25 Both Senator Gutman and Representative PAGE 3 PAGE 4 1 program with the Governor's Ottice and is 2 currently working with the City to apply for 3 funds from the grant for acquisition of public 4 safety equipment. 3 ‘The increased allocation for West Miami 6 during this last legislative session represents 74 389 increase in the City operating budget 8 without any corresponding tax burden to 9 residents. 10 ‘The Mayor called Item 16, discussion of LL Pepsi Cola vending machines and Partnership 12 Program. B ‘Vice-Mayor Gonzalez, noting 2 lack of soft 14 rinks at City Hall and Cooper Park, asked 15 Maria Salvador, representative of Pepsi Cola 16 Company, to present to the Commission a 17 proposal to provide vending machines on City 18 property and explained the exclusivity 19 contract. 20 ‘The contract spans five years for 21 incremental placement of 7 to 8 soft drink 22 vending machines. Pepsi Cola Company agrees to 23 provide the City with two scoreboards with a 24 combined value of $4000 and to participate in 25 the City’s special events 540 May 20, 1998 ‘West Miami City Commission Regular Meeting May 20, 1998 Minutes PAGE 5 PAGE 6 1 After discussion, Vice-Mayor Gonzalez made 1 Vice-Mayor Gonzalez and vice-chaired by 2 a motion to approve the five-year contract with 2 Commissioner Martin; Special Events chaired by 3 Pepsi Cola pending review and approval of the 3 Commissioner Martin and vice-chaired by 4 contract by the City Attorney. 4 Commissioner Diaz-Padron; Insurance Committee, 5 ‘The motion was seconded by Commissioner 5 chaired by Commissioner Rubio and vice-chaired 6 Martin and approved by unanimous vote. 6 by the Mayor; Community Center chaired by the 7 ‘The Mayor called Item 2, discussion of 7 Mayor and vice-chaired by Vice-Mayor Gonzalez, 8 appointment of City Attorney. 8 Tn addition to these working committees, 9 ‘The Mayor made a motion to defer this item 9 each Commissioner will select the Employee of 10 to the next regular Commission meeting. 10 the Year for different departments as follows: u "The motion was seconded and approved by 11 Police Department by Commissioner Diaz-Padron; 32 unanimous consent. 12 Parks and Recreation by Vice-Mayor Gonzalez; B ‘The Mayor called Item 3, discussion of 13. Public Works by Commissioner Martin; Community 14 appointment of City Engineer. 14 Center by Commissioner Rubio; and Finance and 18 ‘The Mayor made a motion to continue 15 Administration by the Mayor. 16 Mr, Rodriguer’s contract for two year. 16 ‘The Mayor called Item 5, a Mayor Community ” ‘After discussion, the motion was seconded 17 Award, 18 by Commissioner Martin and approved by 18 ‘The Mayor made a motion to recognize Jorge 19 unanimous vote. 19 Martin for his outstanding dedication and 2 ‘The Mayor called Item 4, discussion of 120 service to City of West Miami 21 Committees. a1 ‘The motion was seconded and approved by 2 ‘The Mayor announced that the Department of }22 unanimous vote. 23 Police will be chaired by Commissioner 23 The Mayor called Item 6, discussion of 2A —_Diaz-Padton, viee-chaired by Commissioner }24 appointment of Code Enforcement Board member, 25 Rubio; Parks and Recreation chaired by 2s ‘Commissioner Martin made a motion to PAGE 7 PAGE & 1 nominate Joe Paus to the Code Enforcement 1 yarious insurance companies have been contacted 2 Board 2 for information regarding coverage, costs, and 3 ‘The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor 3 delivery systems. 4 Gonzalez and approved by unanimous vote. 4 "The City’s plan costs were highlighted for 5 ‘The Mayor called Item 7, discussion of 5 the self-funded program from its commencement, 6 appointment of alternate Planning and Zoning 6 starting February 1, 1998 of each year. 7 Board member. 1 Last year the City experienced a total cost 8 Commissioner Martin made @ motion to 8 of $263,038, including cost of administration 9 nominate Betty Cruz as alternate to the 9 of the program as well as claims, excluding the 10 Planing and Zoning Board 10 dental. un ‘The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor "1 Several items to consider in choosing a 12 Gonzalez and approved by unanimous vote. 12 plan are should it elect a fully insured B ‘The Mayor called Item 8, discussion of 13 program, which would it a work burden off the 14 Urban and Community Forestry Grant, and Item 14 City, what would yearly increases be, and what 15 11, discussion of grants. 15 would it have to pay out for run-out claims. 16 ‘The Mayor identified two grants wherein the 16 ‘After discussion, the Mayor made @ motion 17 City isnot required to provide matching funds 17 to instruct the City Administration to meet 18 in order to participate 18 with the Chairman of the Insurance Commission 19 ‘The Mayor called Item 10, discussion of the 19 Board and report back at the next regular 20 City Health Insurance Programm. 20 meeting 2 ‘The City Manager stated that Staff had met a ‘The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor 22 with Insuranee Consultant Jim Monty and he 22 Gonzalez and approved by unanimous vote 23° provided the City written findings. In past 23 ‘The Mayor called Item 12, discussion of 24 years the City did not have the option of }24 satelite office use by the District 25 becoming fully insured but does today, and 25 Commissioner erosion FARRAR REPORTING So. do5-4000 Pagers 8 West ‘Miami City Commission Regular Meeting May 20, 1998 Minutes PAGE 9 PAGE 10 1 ‘Vice-Mayor Gonzalez requested the City look 2 imto the issue of continuing to provide an 3 office to the District Commissioner at no cos. 4 ‘After discussion, the item was continued to 5 the next regular Commission meeting. 6 ‘The Mayor called Item 13, resolution 7 regarding residency st 8 Honduran, 9 "The Mayor asked the City to endorse a 10 resolution passed recently by City of Hialeah 11 calling for fair and just treatment of 12 Peruvians and Hondurans as legal immigrants as 13 to their residency status. 1“ After discussion, Vice-Mayor Gonzalex 1S consented to approving the resolution as 16 outlined, yw ‘The Mayor called Item 14, request for 18 recognition of Rescue 40, Shift A, Battali 19 and made a motion to recognize their 20 outstanding efforts and assistance in answering 21 calls by the Mayor due fo the condition of her 2 2B 4 2s for Peruvians and ‘mother. The request was unanimously approved. ‘Tae Mayor called Item 15, siscussion/recommendation of Safe Neighborhood 1 Park Improvements, 2 ‘Vice-Mayor Gonzalez made a motion to 3. purchase out of the program's $30,000 a Play 4 Station Number 11 for small children at Cooper 5 Park; spectator benches for Cooper Park; 6 develop a mini play area for very small 7. children; for the Recreation room to install 8 matting and new weight room equipment such as 9 benches, slides and basketball backbosrds. 10 ‘The Mayor suggested resolving the shelter 11 issue at Cooper Park. 2 ‘The Mayor instructed Vice-Mayor Gonzalez to 13 proceed with negotiations and report back upon. 14 completion. 15 ‘The Mayor called Item 17, discussion of 16 recycling grants 0 Since the City only charges $1.32 per 18 household to recycle garbage and only 385 19 households recyele, Vice-Mayor Gonzalez urged 20 all residents to participate in the recycling 21 effort 2. "The Mayor instructed City staff to place an 23 announcement in the upcoming newsletter 4 ‘The Mayor called for the report of the City 25 Manager and the written report was accepted as PAGE I 1 ead. 2 ‘The Mayor called for the report of the City 3 Clerk and the written report was accepted as 4 read, 5 ‘The Mayor called for the report of the City 6 Attorney and the written report was accepted as 7 read 8 ‘The Mayor called for the report of the City 9 Engi 10 read. u ‘The Mayor called for the report of the 12 Police Chief and the written report was 13 accepted as read. “4 ‘The Mayor called for the report of the 15 Public Works Director and the written report 16 was accepted as read, ro "The Mayor moved to adjourn the regular 18 Commission meeting and set the next regular 19 meeting for Wednesday, June 3, 1998, at 7:30 20 p.m., and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 ver and the written report was accepted as at pam.n 22 23 4 25 Miran FATE RERORTING Tagen Ti 51009

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