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Kate Angeli G.

3 NUR 2
International Research conference for Nursing Students (IRCONS) 2015
Last Saturday, University of Santo Tomas College of Nursing gave us an opportunity
to be acquainted to the process of an international conference by hosting the second
International Research conference for Nursing Students (IRCONS) 2015. It is where various
universities nationwide had presented their own researches and where in some of
internationally acclaimed speakers went to share their experience and expertise with the
delegates. It really was a nice opportunity to have a glimpse on how to do oral presentation
and a chance to see what other field nursing graduates can tap. Through the speakers, I was
inspired to not think of nursing as a small box that is limited to bed side practice but to
breakthrough that perception and be more active and fiercer nurse in choosing a career. I was
surprised that the nurses very much excel in the field of research and has been spearheading
researchers and leading medical doctors, economist, sociologist and others. Listening to the
speakers, I realized that the nursing research is one of the most important especially in the
patient care and evidence-based practice is the best way to go. With evidence-based practice,
nurses are able to offer the best care to the patient. Also, in the conference, I have seen
students like me presented their thesis in front. I admired their courage and guts to do that. I
was motivated to do my best now that we are starting our own thesis and thinking of someday
presenting ours the way they do. Despite the composure-shattering questions, they made it
and still presented their papers well.

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