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Earth-Like Planets

-There are over 70 sextillion (70 thousand million million

million) stars and cosmos in space that do not include
asteroids, comets, uncountable moons, and more.

-Nobody thought there was anything else out in space

other than the nine planets in our solar system until others
were first discovered in 1995.

-The HARPS ( High-Accuracy Radial-velocity Planet

Searcher) is mounted on a mountain in Chile. It was the
telescope that discovered the “super-Earth” 42 light-years
away. This telescope was used to find the three earth like
planets by Mayor and his team.

-these new “super-Earths” range from 4.2- 9.5 times bigger

than our planet.

- These planets orbit in 50 days or less.

“The new earth”

- found 20 light years away
- takes 13 days to orbit earth
- 12,000 miles across, about 1 and a half times
the diameter of the Earth.
- mass of 5 times the earth
- the sun of this planet is Gilese 851

-Michel mayer is the head astronomer working

with the HARPS

-exoplanets are planets outside our solar


- Mayor and his crew found the super earths

The sites were about other planets several light years away that can sustain life. There
are several planets that have been found that are very similar to our planet. Many
groups have found many types of exoplanets. Exoplanets are planets outside our solar
system. Scientist have figured out that there was life or that there is life. Since there are
over 70 sextillion stars and cosmos, there is a pretty good chance of life being found.

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