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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence in the Home Lives of Children in the

United States
Staysha Johnson
Bloomingdale High School

Do-mes-tic vi-o-lence- noun; violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically
involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. This definition goes beyond words on paper.

Domestic Violence
In the homes of many Americans, things have gotten out of hand. According to statistics,
domestic violence has increased over the course of a decade. This issue was usually kept secret
to keep a family from being shamed by society. Well, the secret is out. Its time to step forward
and take a stand. It is important to know the signs of domestic violence and how this will affect
the lives of many around you. The children who are exposed to domestic violence will be
affected for life. How can we help?
Statistics show that domestic violence has become a bigger and bigger problem in the United
States. It was reported that On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an
intimate partner in the United States (Statistics, 2015). Children who live in these households
are exposed and very well affected by this. One out of every fifteen children are exposed to
domestic violence, and approximately ninety percent are eye witnesses of this. The victims of
domestic violence are more subject to depression, suicide, adolescent pregnancies, miscarriages,
stillbirths, gastrointestinal problems, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, cancer, and becoming
addicted to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etcetera. Like the victim parents, their children are just as
much exposed to these things.
There are evident signs that point to domestic violence. Most signs of domestic violence are
of a sort of emotional abuse, but there are physical, sexual, and psychological signs, as well.
Signs of physical abuse are beatings of any kind, forcing his or her spouse to have unwanted or
unprotected sex, destroying things that belong to the abusers partner, and aggressive grabbing of
arms or other body parts. Some emotional signs of domestic violence are being embarrassed or
yelled at by a spouse or partner, being criticized, ignored, or put down for giving opinions or
ideas, being blamed by a partner for the abuse, being threatened, and being kept from friends and
family out of jealousy or possessiveness. These can lead to psychological damage. As it was

Domestic Violence
mentioned earlier, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a big deal when it comes to domestic
violence. All of this could lead to suicide, or even homicide. It is most certain that The more
yes answers [to any questions about these signs], the more likely it is that youre in an abusive
relationship (Smith and Jeanne, 2015). Again, the victims children are exposed to all of this as
well while living in households consisting of these behaviors.
The effects domestic violence has on children is a huge issue. Three to four million children
between the ages of three and seventeen witness domestic violence every year. Witnessing these
things could cause long-term effects such as emotional and psychological trauma and engaging
in harmful relationships while growing up. Feelings are developed while being exposed to
domestic violence as well. Children may feel fear and anxiety and are on-guard twenty-fourseven. They most likely feel things like worthlessness and powerlessness to help the abused
parent or his or herself. They may feel isolated and alone, angry and embarrassed. So many
feelings are felt that should not be felt by someone so young. Feelings often result in behaviors.
Some behaviors of children exposed to these feelings through domestic violence are having fits
of rage or excessive crying, isolation or a refusal to work or play with other children. They may
also experience ...developmental delays in speech, motor or cognitive skills (The Effects,
Children will most likely struggle in the classroom, so how can teachers help these students?
First, teachers need to get to know these students personally. After knowing what the student is
up against, it is easier to know how to help. Encourage a student- tell him or her that they are
doing a great job. Help a student- be a listening ear to them when they are hurting. There are so
many things teachers and other adults can do for these children. It is not their fault that they go
through these things, and they need to know that, so tell them. Doing something to show love

Domestic Violence
and support for one of these students would mean the world to them. It could potentially change
their lives.
Statistics show that domestic violence is a major problem in the homes of children. There are
many signs to decipher whether you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence,
and all of these signs affect their children, these students, every day. Just because you are a
teacher doesnt mean you cant make a difference in their life. Do something to lift spirits. Make
them feel special, make a student smile. How will you make a difference today?

Domestic Violence Roundtable. (2008). The Effects of Domestic Violence on
Children. Received
October 21, 2015.

Domestic Violence
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. (2015). National Statistics,
Homicide, Children and Domestic Violence, Physical and Mental Impact. Received October 21, 2015.
Smith, Melinda, M.A. and Segal, Jeanne, Ph. D. (15 August 2015). Signs of an
Abusive relationship. Received October 21, 2015.

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