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DATE: September 26, 2014

TIME: 9:05

CLASS: E42 Homeroom

DURATION: 60 minutes

SCHOOL: McCaig Elementary


*A student is allowed to have a paper on the side to copy the questions and do
his calculations on the side during mental math. The rest of the students have to
solve the questions in their heads. He is allowed to be writing and using his
pencil the whole time during mental math.
He might need additional help and some one-on-one time when working on the
questions in the numbers workbook.


Students will:
Learn and understand new math concepts
Learn about decomposing numbers
Practice their listening skills and solve math problems in their heads
Listen to the instructions
Understand that it is okay to make mistakes and that they are practicing
their math skills during mental math
Correct their partners work and ask questions when they dont understand
Understand that there are many ways to decompose a number
Understand the difference between standard form, expanded form and
decomposing a number
Understand the difference and meaning of value and position



27 students

White board
Smart board
Numbers workbook
Math stencils duo tang
Mental math handout


Competency 3: To develop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned
and the subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study.
-Decomposing numbers is a new section/concept for the students therefore it is important to teach it
effectively by giving additional examples outside of the book to explain it to the students. It is also
important to show the different ways of decomposing a number and comparing them to other ways by
using base ten blocks, addition, or subtraction. I will guide the students by explaining the questions one
by one and asking the students if everything is clear and if they have any questions before we go on to
the next step.
Competency 4: To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned
and to the subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of
-Students will participate in the learning of decomposing numbers by reading the paragraph in the book
and giving additional examples to decompose a number. Students will be reading and asking questions
when they dont understand. It is important to show the concept in many different ways so that the
students have a variety of techniques to do these math problems. When correcting mental math along
with the class, I will be giving mini lessons because I will be going over the concepts covered and
explaining each question by questioning the students on why they got that answer.
Competency 6: To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a way as to promote students' learning
and social development.
-Clear instructions will be given at the beginning of mental math. If students are not doing what they
are asked or are not listening they will either be asked to put an X in that box or they will be reminded
to put their pencils down or to listen. I will only repeat the question twice, students are aware of this
and they should be listening and thinking/calculating their answer in their heads.


Competency 2: To reason using mathematical concepts and processes
-Students will be participating in a mental math lesson which includes 10 questions that they need to
solve using only their thinking. No papers, or writing should be done except writing the answer down
when they are asked to. They will also be learning a new concept about decomposing numbers where
they will be shown different examples to decompose a number. They will then need to solve these math
problems in their workbook individually by using what they have learnt and their prior knowledge of
working with numbers.


Ask the students to take out their math stencils duo tang and to open it to the mental math
Remind them that there should only be a pencil and an eraser on their desk.
*There should not be any scrap paper to calculate. The students should only be doing the
calculations in their heads.
Say the questions out loud and repeat them twice.
Give the students enough time to think about the question and count in their heads. While
they are trying to find the answer look around and make sure that all pencils are down and
that no one is writing.
Start with question #1 : 14+5
Repeat it twice, wait a minute and tell them to write your answer.
Look around the classroom and when you see that all students are done writing, remind them
to put their pencils down and go on to the next question
*Do this for all ten questions.

14 + 5
18 - __ =11
280 x 10
How many tens are in the number 218?
How do we call an angle that is 90 degrees?
Which fraction is greater: 4/12 or 7/12 ?
What is the place value of the digit 6 in the number 736 ?

10. 9


When all ten questions ask the students to switch their duo tangs with other groups. Choose
the groups that switch yourself and then correct them with the class.
Write down the ten numbers on the board and as you go write the question beside it, so that
they can see it visually up on the white board.


Choose the students if they have their hands up to say the answer.
*If they have the wrong answer ask them how they got that answer. Once another student
says the right answer, ask them to explain how they got it.

Question 4: 280 x 10
*Students should already know the trick when multiplying by 10 is to add a 0. It is
the first time multiplying by 10 with a 3 digit number and that also ends with zero, so
I am guessing that many students will leave the answer as it is and write 280.
When correcting I will remind the trick to the students and tell them that it is always
applicable when multiplying by 10 even though there is already a 0 at the end they
need to add another one.
Give the students another example such as 20 x 10 to make sure they understand the
concept of adding a 0 when multiplying by 10.
Question 5: how many tens are in the number 218
Write down 218 and ask the students which digit is in the tens place. Then ask them where I
should place my arrow and draw it out on the board. Explain to them that it is everything to
the left of the arrow therefore the answer is 21.
Question 6:
Draw out on the board what a 90 degree angle would look like.
*To make sure that they know the difference ask them what is the name of a 45 degree angle
and a 120 degree angle.
Question 7:
Draw in a box what 4/12 would look like and what 7/12 would look like so that the students
may see it visually. It will be much easier to get the answer.
Question 8:
Ask the students in what place value is the digit 6. Both units and ones are accepted as an
Question 9:
Students should have already drawn their answer in their small box. As long as 3 boxes or
triangles are shaded out of 4 it is accepted.
Draw it out on the white board also.


Question 10: 9

*Students may have trouble with this question.

Explain to them that 9 % 3 is the same as if I asked 3 x ? = 9
Division is multiplication done backwards, but if they know their multiplication table they
should know their division. The biggest number in the division problem is the answer to a
multiplication problem.
Give them another example such as 4 % 2 is the same as 2 x ? = 4
Put away their math stencils duo tang.


Introduce Decomposing Numbers

Section 3
Ask the students to take out their numbers workbook and open to section 3 page 12 & 13
Read the title out loud to the class and pick a student who has their hand up to read the
paragraph at the top of the page.
Read out the example given to the student which is the number 150 and explain to them that
there are many different ways to decompose a number.
There is one way that is shown that they already know : expanded form 100 + 50
Explain to the students that it is one way to decompose a number but there are many other
100 + 10 + 10 +10 + 10 +10 : explain it using base ten blocks
100 + 30 + 20 is the same as 100 + 50
200 - 50
Explain to the students that they are allowed to use addition and subtraction in order to find
ways to decompose a number.
Give another example than the one in the book using the number 40 and write it on the white
Ask the students to give out some of the ways to decompose this number
Students will mostly say:
20 + 20
30 + 10
10 + 10 + 10 + 10


50 10
Once they have given enough forms ask them if they have any questions and start explaining
the questions that they should complete on page 12 and 13 in the workbook.
1) Read question 1 and explain to the students that they are all in expanded form which they
already know how to do. They need to write the number in standard form in the box and
then put a symbol in the circle.
Explain to the students that the symbol is always opening on the side of the bigger number.
(Pacman opening its mouth)
Do the first one a) with the students
2) Read question 2 and ask the students what is the definition of value
Explain to the students that value is written in number and place value or position is written
in words.
Do the first one a) with the students
3) Read question 3 and explain that every number in standard form matches a number
written in a decomposed way and that they must match them in different colors to show
which ones are equivalent.
4) Read question 4 and tell the students that they must do the same as the example given on
the top of page 12. They can also refer to the example given on the white board. They must
decompose the number 4312 in 4 different ways using addition or subtraction.
Let the students work individually and circulate around the classroom while they are
If there are mistakes that you recognize guide the student to a better understand of the
question and do it along with them.
If the students are not finished pages 12 and 13 there are for homework for next class.
The questions will be corrected on the smart board as a class on the next math class (usually
the next day)

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