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Name: Andrea Sambartolo Grade: Kindergarten JK/SK
Date: 02/03/16 Time Estimate: 30-40 minutes
Subject: Mathematics Lesson & Unit: Measurement: Length

Intended Student



Motivation/ Anticipatory

Students will be able to demonstrate, through investigation, an awareness of non-

standard measuring devices.
Students will be able to demonstrate, through investigation, a beginning
understanding of non-standard units that are the same type (e.g., straws, paper
clips) but not always the same size.
Listening/Comprehension- students will listen to specific instructions during the
Discussion- Students will be able to answer questions and form discussions during
the lesson.
Participation- students will take part in class discussion.
At the end of the lesson, students will be able given an opportunity to estimate
and measure different objects using non-standard materials to see how long or
short the objects they are measuring.
Students will learn to measure everyday objects using linking cubes and count to
see how many linking cubes it will take for them to measure the object (may
eventually lead to an understanding of how to build structures in post years).
By the end of the lesson students will be able to estimate and measure different
objects using non-standard materials to see how long or short the objects they are
measuring (either individually or with a partner > cooperative working habits).
Check for learning (diagnostic or formative): give each student a few linking cubes
& have them choose something around the classroom to measure.
Observe and record participation and understanding. See (through observation
and by working with students) if students found their own non-standard materials
for measuring lengths. (Can the students effectively figure out what is tall and
what is short?).
If there is time, hand out the Tallest and Shortest worksheet. Give them
feedback/positive reinforcement. Handout will allow for teacher to have samples
of students work.
Question and Answers: asking students open-ended or close-ended questions and
giving them some time to think and answer.
We measure every day. This is done by filling, covering, matching, and using
At first, primary students have to learn to measure concretely. This gives them an
opportunity to work with abstract mathematical quantities and communicate
math ideas in their everyday language. After students understand concrete
experiences, they are ready for further investigations that come with post grades.
Measurement covers occupational skills and tasks to life skills.
It gives the students an opportunity to learn the process of measurement,
specifically length. It helps develop their understanding by solving real,
appropriate problems, and facilitates their understanding of measurement
through conversations with peers and teachers.

TC=Teacher Candidate
ST= Student (random potential questions)
PR=Possible response

In math today we are going to start a new unit. This Unit is called Measurement.
What is measurement?
ST: When you measure something.
TC: excellent. What do we measure?
ST: We can measure anything like book, pencil and pen.
TC: What can we use to measure?
ST: Ruler.
TC: Can we use other objects to measure items such as cubes, blocks,
footsteps, strings and hands.
ST: Yes.
TC: Exactly, as long as we use the same size objects to measure it is okay to
use those items.
TC: Do you think if I use these two different size cubes to measure an object,
my answer will be correct/perfect?
ST: No because they are two different sizes.
TC: Thats right we can use anything to count but we need to make sure its
the same size.
TC: What are some things we can measure?
ST: books, classroom, tables, and chairs.
TC: Thats right, today we will be learning to measure the length of
TC: Boys and Girls what are we exactly measuring when we are looking at the
ST: We are measure how long and short and object is.
TC: Yes, we will look and guess to see which string will be long and which
string will be short.
TC: Lets look at the string on my right hand, if you think this one is longer
raise your hand.
ST: Students raise their hand.
TC: If you think the string on my left hand is longer raise your hand.
ST: Students raise their hand.
TC: Now lets test to see which one is longer. Use linking cubes to see the
longer strings. Once I am done as a class count the linking cubes. This will
allow students to distinguish between the longer and shorter one. Do this
with other objects.
TC: Explain to students that when one string is out long and one string is
rolled up we can assume the rolled up one to be short but that is not always
accurate of how it appears to be.
**** End of motivational part of the lesson.
Measurement: to see how long an object is using standard or non-standard units.
Length: to measure something to see how long or short an object is.
Students will brainstorm about what they think measurement is and will get an
opportunity to estimate and measure various objects using linking cubes.
Have students go around the classroom and measure small objects with the linking
cubes provided.
Motivating and encouraging: Appraising students as they answer questions asked
to encourage and motivate them to learn. Also makes them feel proud and
Modelling: showing them using other visuals such as examples on the board to
further their understanding.
Comprehension and Application: Having them understand what is going to be
taught or what they have read by having them explain back to the class

Student Engagement/





It is important to guide the students through observations, discussions and

questions and answers. I will verbally ask them to questions to see their prior
knowledge and to observe how much they know about the concept covered
during the lesson. To further their thinking, in between I will ask them questions to
expand the discussion. While doing the lesson, I will help students to count as they
are linking the cubes.
Think, pair, share: have students find something that is short and something that is
tall and ask them to explain their reasoning.
Teacher will be able see each students understanding about the lesson covered as
they answer questions & will orally review what students learned about in their
Review the meaning of measurement (to see how long an object is) and length (to
measure something to see how long or short an object is), and reiterate the things
one can use to measure objects (a human being, a table, a line outside on the
Today we learned about measurement and length. We compared things using
taller/longer than and shorter than.
Facilitate questions that draw upon their understanding: how did we find out
whether something was tall or short? What objects did we find in the classroom
that helped us measure things?
We learned that there are many things around the classroom that we can measure
such as books, chairs, tables. We also saw how many things there are around the
classroom that we can use to find out if something is short or tall, such as linking
cubes, rulers, etc.
We measure every day. When we measure something we find out how far it is
from one end to the other end.
Use visuals, verbal cues and gestures when teaching so that there is a variety of
ways for the students to retain/understand the information.
Prior knowledge: Students are familiar with counting as they count every day
when they are doing calendar in the morning > Students will need to be familiar
counting numbers from 1-10.
Some students might already know how to count at least to 10. Some students
might know how to count up to 20.
Students who are strong counter have them come up and demonstrate their
counting strategies to motivate other students.
Some Kindergartens might have trouble counting so encouragement is needed.
Chart paper
Linking cubes
Was the lesson hands-on, constructive, and active?
Did my lesson employ the students minds and allow them to ask questions and to
feel included?
Did my lesson allow for appropriate understanding and follow curriculum
Have I determined which students achieved the learning objective and which
students need further instruction?
What can I improve on to make this lesson even more efficient?
Was enough feedback and encouragement provided?

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