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Verb Practice Projects These will be worth 2 assessment grades.

I assigned you a verb from chapter 4 or chapter 5 to conjugate on Friday. You will need
to make up 5 logical Spanish sentences with that verb using all the verb forms
from the chart except the vosotros form, and you need to write the English
If you didnt do your verb homework from last Friday, I highly advise that you
make the conjugation chart of your verb and show it to me as soon as possible
to let me check it before you begin this project.
Each sentence needs at least 5 words. It would be a good idea to use places and times
that we have learned how to say as I have in the examples below, and try to use the new
vocabulary we have used this year if possible. You can also use new vocabulary from
units 4 and 5 (see pages 149 and 187).
Each sentence needs the verb underlined.
For example, if your verb was hablar, your sentences could be:
Yo hablo espaol cada semana. I speak Spanish every week.
Tu hablas conmigo los fines de semana. -You talk with me on the weekend.
Tony habla ingls en el colegio. Tony speaks English in school.
Marta y yo hablamos en la cafetera. Marta and I speak in the lunchroom.
Tom y Juan nunca hablan en la biblioteca. -Tom and Juan never talk in the library.
Each sentence is worth 5 points. So this first part of your project is worth 25 points.
These 5 Spanish and English sentences are due Monday, February 8, but you are
welcome to turn it in early. If you turn it in by Thursday, you will have the
opportunity to re-do it for Monday if you dont like your original grade. On Monday, I
will grade it for you, correcting your mistakes, and you will get it back on Tuesday from
your sub when I have Jury Duty.
On Tuesday, Feb. 9, you will do the 10 point Quizlet portion. You need to create 2
working and correct Quizlets for another assessment grade, using your
corrected project. You need to fix any mistakes and make these two different Quizlets
for your verb sentences:
The first Quizlet will have the Spanish sentence with a blank for the verb you
underlined, and then the answer will be that verb. The title of this Quizlet should be
conjugation practice with ______ (the infinitive of your verb). This Quizlet will only
be in Spanish (except for the title).
Your 2nd Quizlet will have the Spanish sentence and the English translation for each
sentence. The title of this Quizlet should be practice translating Spanish

sentences with ____ (the infinitive of your verb). Remember that your sentences all
need to start with capitals and end with periods.
After you finish your Quizlets on Tuesday, you need to have at least 2 students
check that they are correct, and then you need to email me the links so I can
add them to my weebly site. Then you should leave your Quizlets on your computer
and go around the room practicing different peoples Quizlets for verb practice. We will
have a quiz on these verbs sometime after break.

Chapter 4 and 5 verbs


students will be conjugatingI gave these verbs out to students last

Tener (irregular) (make sure your sentences include tener sayings from page 126)
Venir (irregular) (p 128)
Ir + a + infinitive (if you get this one you need to do all your sentences about what people are
going to do in the future) ir is from last semester and is irregular
Necesitar (regular ar verb) (in our notes)
Comer (regular er see page 138)
Escribir (regular ir see page 138)
Beber (regular er see page 138)
Asistir a (make sure you use a after this or al if it is a el, regular ir see page 138)
Abrir (regular ir see page 138)
Interrumpir (regular ir see page 138)
Leer (regular er see page 138)
Correr (regular er see page 138)
Hacer (irregular, see page 140)see page 172 for phrases as well
Poner (irregular, see page 140)
Traer (irregular, see page 140)
Saber (irregular, see page 140)
Ver (irregular, see page 140)
Vivir (regular ir, it means to live often you say vivir en-to live in _____, see the rules for regular
ir verbs on p. 138)
Salir (irregular, see page 140)
Regresar (regular, -ar to return, we conjugated regular ar verbs last semester)
Querer (irregular er verb stem changing i-ie from last semester and page 166)

Dormir (irregular ir verb, stem changing o-ue page 164)

Almorzar (irregular ar verb, stem changing o-ue page 164)
Volver (irregular er verb, stem changing o-ue page 164)
Entender (irregular ar verb, stem changing e-ie page 166)

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