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Contestas las expresiones con so o neither o una respuesta corta segn

lo que es verdad para ti.

1. I live in an apartment.___________________________
2. I am going to work tomorrow._______________________
3. I didn't visit my parents.__________________________
4. I am not watching TV. ____________________________
5. I will call him tomorrow.____________________________
6. I haven't fixed the car yet. ________________________
7. I have seen that movie._____________________________
8. I won't read that article. __________________________
9. I like pizza. ____________________________________
10. I exercised this morning_________________________

Busca el error en las siguientes oraciones, escribe la oracin corregida.

1-She's tired and so I
am. ____________________________________________________
2- He isn't sad and niether am
I. ______________________________________________
3-He doesn't work and so do

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