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Appendix A:

E VA L U AT I O N & G R A D I N G M E T H O D S F O R W R I T T E N W O R K :
Work will be graded based on task-specific rubrics. Below is a general outline of expectations.
The A Paper

P u r p o s e : Has a well-defined thesis

S o u rc e s : Contains effective research that incorporates sophisticated sources in support of thesis
T h o u g h t : Shows depth and complexity of thought by developing research material into well
developed points (ideas) that effectively elaborate the thesis
D e t a i l s : Contains details that in every instance effectively support ideas
O r g a n i z a t i o n : Contains strong argument that effectively demonstrates thesis
C i t a t i o n : Provides in all instances appropriate citations to primary and secondary sources
B i b l i o g r a p h y : Constructs a bibliography of primary and secondary sources
M e c h a n i c s : Has few (if any) errors of syntax or mechanics
D i c t i o n : Demonstrates control of diction
L a n g u a g e : Demonstrates fluency, transition and variety of language
A s s i g n m e n t : Addresses the assignment fully, has a clear awareness of audience, follows paper
specifications completely

The B Paper

P u r p o s e : Has an appropriate thesis

S o u rc e s : Incorporates valid sources in support of the thesis
T h o u g h t : Shows some depth and complexity of thought by developing research material into
points (ideas) that elaborate the thesis
D e t a i l s : Contains sufficient detail in support of ideas
O r g a n i z a t i o n : Contains clear and coherent argument that convincingly demonstrates thesis
C i t a t i o n : Provides in most instances valid citations to primary and secondary sources
B i b l i o g r a p h y : Constructs a bibliography of primary and secondary sources that may contain an
error or omission
M e c h a n i c s : Has some minor errors of syntax or mechanics that do not significantly interfere with
D i c t i o n : Shows some control of diction
L a n g u a g e : Shows some fluency, transition and variety of language
A s s i g n m e n t : Generally addresses the assignment issues, shows some awareness of audience,
mostly follows paper specifications

The C Paper

P u r p o s e : Has an adequately defined thesis

S o u rc e s : Contains adequate sources that only tangentially supports thesis
T h o u g h t : Shows little depth or complexity of thought by developing research material into points
(ideas) that only adequately elaborate the thesis
D e t a i l s : Contains adequate details in support of ideas
O r g a n i z a t i o n : Contains occasionally unclear or incoherent argument that only adequately
demonstrates thesis
C i t a t i o n : Sometimes fails to provide appropriate citations to primary and secondary sources
B i b l i o g r a p h y : Contains primary and secondary sources that contains some errors or omissions
M e c h a n i c s : Demonstrates problems of syntax or mechanics that interfere with comprehension
D i c t i o n : Shows little control of diction
L a n g u a g e : Shows weak fluency, transition and variety of language
A s s i g n m e n t : Does not follow paper specifications, may distort or neglect major parts of the
assignment, shows vague awareness of audience

The D Paper

P u r p o s e : Has an inadequate thesis

S o u rc e s : Incorporates inadequate or inadvertent sources that fail to support thesis
T h o u g h t : Shows deficiency in thought by failing to develop research material into points (ideas)
that elaborate thesis
D e t a i l s : Contains insufficient or inappropriate details in support of ideas
O r g a n i z a t i o n : Contains often unclear or incoherent argument that poorly demonstrates thesis
C i t a t i o n : Often fails to provide appropriate citations to primary and secondary sources
B i b l i o g r a p h y : Constructs a bibliography of primary and secondary sources that contains many
errors or omissions
M e c h a n i c s : Serious problems with syntax or mechanics
D i c t i o n : Weak control of diction
L a n g u a g e : Shows poor fluency, transition and variety of language
A s s i g n m e n t : Does not follow paper specifications, shows neglect of the assignment, lacks
awareness of audience

The F Paper

P u r p o s e : Has no discernable thesis

S o u rc e s : Absence of sources or plagiarism.
T h o u g h t : Shows severe deficiency in thought by completely failing to develop research material
into points (ideas) that elaborate the thesis
D e t a i l s : Lacks supporting details
O r g a n i z a t i o n : Contains unclear or incoherent argument that fails to demonstrate thesis
C i t a t i o n : Completely lacks appropriate citations to primary and secondary sources
B i b l i o g r a p h y : Lacks bibliography of primary and secondary sources
M e c h a n i c s : Severe problems with syntax or mechanics
D i c t i o n : Lacks control of diction
L a n g u a g e : Lacks fluency, transition and variety of language
A s s i g n m e n t : Lacks understanding of assignment, paper specifications and audience

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