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Event Date: _____________________

Event Title: _____________________

The following survey helps us understand how we can improve Money Week Houston and ensure
the events we offer reach the widest possible audience. Your answers are completely anonymous
and cannot be used in any way to identify you.
1. What is your gender? ____ Male ____ Female

2. How old are you? ___ Under 18 ___18 - 24 ___25 - 34 ___35 - 49 ___50 - 65 ___Over 65

3. What is your ethnicity?

___African-American ___Asian ___Hispanic ___White (non-Hispanic) ___Other____________________

4. What is the highest level of education you attained?

___Some high school ___High school or GED ___ Some college ___College degree ___Graduate degree

5. What is your household income range?

___<$10,000 ___$10,000 - $14,999 ___$15,000 - $24,999 ___$25,000 – $34,999
___$35,000 - $74,999 ___$75,000 - $99,999 ___$100,000 - $149,999 ___$150,000 and above

6. The session you just attended provided the following type of education: (check all that apply)
___ Savings ___Debt ___Retirement ___Money Management ___Financial products ___ Other_____________

7. How valuable did you find the Money Week Houston session you just attended?
1 Not at all valuable 2 Not valuable 3 Valuable 4 Very valuable

8. How likely are you to change the way you manage your money because of what you learned?
1 Very Unlikely 2 Unlikely 3 Likely 4 Very likely

9. How likely are you to recommend a Money Week Houston event to your friends and family?
1 Very Unlikely 2 Unlikely 3 Likely 4 Very likely

10. How likely are you to visit the Money Week Houston website to find more information about upcoming sessions?
1 Very Unlikely 2 Unlikely 3 Likely 4 Very likely

11. During the Money Week Houston event(s), did you learn information that will help you: (check all that apply)
____ Be more aware of financial risks ____ Make informed choices on money management
____ Locate new resources for further learning ____ Take effective actions to improve your financial well-being
____ All of the above ____ Other: ________________________________________

12. How did you hear about the event you attended?
____Television (Which station?) ____________________ ____Radio (Which station?) _____________________
____Newspaper (Which paper?) ____________________ ____Internet (Which Website?) _____________________
____Mail insert ____Word of mouth
____My employer (Which employer?) ________________ ____ Other (Please specify) ________________________
13. Please provide additional comments or suggestions below and on the back of this page.


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