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‘ M. Acikese 60 RIES | PREL IMIN. @ Functions and Their Graphs 2 Lines @ Partis} Fractions @ Trigonometsic and Hyperbolic Functions 7 Summation Notation A Functions A celatianship between two variables x and y gives yas @ function of x if to ‘each value of s there corresponds just one Value of y. SAMPLE I-t: For which of the following equations is y a function of xv = x (@) [yt = io °F» Gclermines a unique valae of y sof 3, Sow yes cen sce Hat 9° You ep 12 sobe for y in te iy 1 function of x. The plus or minus ign gives you two values ss of §, For exampie if x= 2 then y could be +1 or 1 {eh In spite of the square root, you can solve for y:, ‘and sce that y isa function of x id) When x = 1,5 can be either +1 or —1, so yisn’t a function of x. Another notatioa fora function of xis fol f evaluated at x, of fof 3). For example, f{s) = x7 — 7 is a function‘of a: For any value of x, the value of JAs) i a nique number: Fo. I(-3) = (-37 faa —7 2 Calculus To compose two functions f and g, you apply them successively eae) = SoCs) (f of g of x, or f composed with g). EXAMPLE 1-2: If f(x) = x? — 3 and g(x) = 4 - J, find (@) f(g(9)) and F(g(x)),(b) cf f(A) and g(ft)} Solutions () To find /(g()), find y(9) and then evaluate f at g(9): W=4- /F=1 ‘Thus f evaluated at g(9) is just (1): * Sly) = f= For the general case, /(as}) = CuixJP — 3 = (4 ~ To find y(/14)), evaluate g at /{4): see 3 (13) You can find a general expression for gj f(x sl) = 4 - SIR) = 4 ~ JF =F WA B, Domain and range ‘The domain of a function f(xvis the set of values of x for which (xis. “d and real, The range of f(x) is the set of all possible values of f(x). later it notation will help you to describe the domain and range of a function. !t a and 6 ure numbers, with a < 6, then: “xin [a,b] represents ax a “xin (a, 2)" represents x > a in(—2,a}” represents “x 0. Also, y/x can’t & negative, so /x — 3 must bet least 3. Thus the domain of fis [0. 2c)and the range is [-3, 2). (6) The function g(x) = (x + 1) is defined for all values of x, but any number raised to the 2/3 power is nonnegative. The domain of g is(— 70, 24) and the sange is (0, x). : 6) The function h(x) = JE + VE= is only defined for x > 4 be J== 4 requires x > 4.1F x > 4, then J is at east qwo ard YX = Ji least zero. The domain of f(x) is (4, 2) and the range is [2. <). a Preliminaries 3 (a) In order that /3 — x7 be defined, 3 — x? must be nonnegative: 20 v3 ~fiexe i But the denominator mustn't be zero, so 3 — x? can’t be zero. Thus the domain of jis (—3/3, \/3) To find the range, notice that \/3 — x" is always beiweenOand 3. This (x)isat least 1/3 = /3/3. The range is [/3/3, 0) CC. The graph of a function ‘The graph of a function f(x)is the et of points(x, y) inthe x-y plane for which 2 = SO. v : (es =9) wry EXAMPLE 1-4: Graph the function f(x) = [xh Sofution: You must graph all points (x, 3) for which y = |x|. The graph will z ‘contain points all distances from the y axis because f(x) = [xis defined forall valves of x ie, the domain of fis (~ 2c, 2c)) If x is positive then y = x: if xis negative then y= —x. Thus for positive values of x graph (x,y) = (Xx) for Figure Pt negative values of x graph (x, —x) as shown in Figure I-1 1) = i. D. Inverse functions If fix} and gtx) are functions and f(g(x) inverse functions. For example, f(x) = 2x ~ 3 and g(x inverse functions: (fle) = x, then f and g are Sx +3) are Hae) oy 3 = a[Soo4 3] - eras le 1 Heel ALS) = 5(F0) + 3) = 510K = 3) #3] = 5B] = If you ere gisen 2 function fx) and asked to find its inverse function, set y ‘equal to /(x} and solve the equation for ~ in terms of y: If you ure successful and if this expression for x in terms of y isa function g of y, then yand f are EXAMPLE 1-5: Find the inverse function for fx) = 5x2 + 1 Solution: Set y = f(x) and solve for x ye seat yoless? 1 > guo Dex x= GO - 1" Thus if (1) = [ly — 0}, then f and g are inverse functions. To check tis, recognize that yisjusta variable used in describing the action of g.and youcould just as well write g(z) = (4{2 — 1] or g(x) = E(x — 1)]"®. Now find f(gb0) and of fx)! 5 {lis - of" +1 fls)) = AG w= of") [fu-n]etee-nstex 4 Caleutus dif0i) = 662 +9 = {lose + 9 - RY “Leo? You've verified that f and g are inverse functions. (N92 x Many functions don't have inverse functions. The equation » +» /(x) may not give x as a function of y. That is, although each x yields « unique y (because fis a function) itis possible that certain values of y give more than one value of x. For example, f(x) = x? doesn't have an inverse function because the equation y = x? describes ty o values of x forevery positive value of xx = 4 Jy. In narticular, y = 4 co:responds to x = 2 an! If you have a graph of y = f(x) and ) as an inverse functi a g. thea the graph of g is easy to find: Simply refect the graph of f about the line y = © (the 45° line through the origin), asin Figure 1-2. This procedure works fora simple reason, The equation y = f(x) relates x and y. rhe equation y = g(x) is the same equation, with x and y interchanged. 1-2. Lines A. Slope Two distinet points in the plane (to, ye) anu (4, y,) determine @ tine, The slope m of that Line is ‘SLOPE oF ALINE m (et) Mo Xp If this denominators zero, then the line is vertical and the slope is undefined. You can find the slope of a line using any pair of distinct points on the line you'll always find the same value for m. ‘The slope measures the tangent of the positive angle that the line makes with ste. axis. A positive slope indicates a line that rises from left to right: a hegat'se slope indicates a line that falls from feit to right. A line witht fume:tcally large slope is steep; a line with slope close to zero is nearly horizontal, If m = 0 then the line is horizontal, EXAMPLE 1-6: Find the slope of the fine joining (a) (1.2) and (5, —1), (6) G, ~4) and (2, 2),(6 (1, 3) and (~4, 3),(d) (3, 1) and (5, —2. Solutio (a) The line joining (1, 2) and (5, ~1) has slope =1-2 Joining (3, —4) and (2, 2) has slope 2-(-4 2-3 ~6 (©) The line joining (1, 3) and (—4, 3) has slope aie: and is horizontal, (@) The line joining (5, t) and (5, ~2) has stope t 3-3 which is undefined, This line is vertical | | i | | i i I ‘Two lines are parallel if and only if they have the sare slope or are both. vertical. Two lines are perpendicular if their slopes m, and m, are negative reciprocals: : x1 rif one has stope 0 and the other has undefined slope. EXAMPLE 1-7: Which of the following lines are parallel and which are perpendicular: L, passes through (1, ~4) and (2, ~ 1): Ly passes through (~3, 2) and (0,1): Lp passes throughy(4. 1) and (—~1, 0 L, passes through (~3. ~3) and (1.9 Solution: L has slope m, = [=I ~(~4)]/(2 = 1) = 3. Ly has slope my = (1 = 2)[0—(—3)] = — 1:3. Ly has slope my = OQ ~ N{-1 =H = 1S Ly has slope m = [9 — (~3)] (1 ~ (—3)) = 3. So, Ly and Ly are parallel and L,; is perpendicular to Ly and Ls B, Equation of a line 1, Point-slope form If (xo. yo) and (x, 74) are two points on line. then you can find the slope m of that line, For any other point (x, 5) of the line, the slope between (x,, J] and (x, 3} will also be mz ror POINT-SLOPE FORM yyy = my = xy) (12) ‘This equation in x und y describes the line through the point x. ») with stope ‘m, This is called the point-slope form for the equation of the line. EXAMPLE 1-8: Find an equation for the line through the point (7.2) with slope —3. Solution: Use Equation 1-2 y= yy = me = xy) == -Mr-7) EXAMPLE 1-9: Find an equation for the line that passes through (1. ~2) and Solution: This line has slope meet a This line has slope m = —3/4 and passes through the point (x1, 4) = (—3. 1. Use Equation 1-2 and either of the given points to find the equation of the line: yo yy = mle xy) 2, Stope-intefcept form Ifa line intersects the x axis ata, 0)and the yaxis at (0, 6) then ais called the x intercept of the line and b is called the y intercept Prelininaries Figure 1-3, ae 3y Of the line. A line with slope mand y intercept b has equation: YY = mlx = xy) y= b= me 0) yo bem SLOPE-INTERCEPT FORM yom (13) This equation is called the slope-intercept form for the equation of the fine, EXAMPLE 1-10: Find theslope-interéept form of the equation for thelline with slope $ that intersects the y axis at (0,3) Solution: This tine has slope m = 5 and y intercept b = 3, Use Equat.on I-3 yome+b yrse3 EXAMPLE I-11: Find the equation in slope-intercept form of the line that passes thr sgh (I, 7) and (—2, 3, Solution: inst find the slope of the line: 3-7 n The (point-slope) equation of the line is Sm sp = mlx — x) 4 -3=5@42 y zero Now solve for y to obtain the equation in slope-intercept form: 4 yazee ye 4.8 yaxets+3 7 3 This equation isin slope-intercept form. You see that the line intersects the y axis at (0,47). Any equation of the form Ax + By = C, where A, B and C are constants (A and B not both zero), is the equation of a line. C. Graphs There are several ways to graph a line when you are given its equation, One \way is to find two poinis on the line—two ordered pairs (x,y) that satisfy the ~ equation—plot them, and draw the line they determine EXAMPLE 1-12: Graph the fine 2x — 3y 6 ‘Solution: One way to find two points on the line is to find the two intercepts When x = 0, —3y = 6, and y = ~2, so (0, ~2) is on the line, When y © 0, 2x = 6,and.x = 3.s0(3. 0}is on the line. Now plot the points (9, ~2)and (4.0) aot the line they determine (see Figure 1-3). IC the equation isin slope-intereept form. you may find it aph the line by locating the y intereept and drawing the line through that point with the given slope asiost EXAMPLE 1-13: Graph the line y= v4 1 Solution: This line has y intercept 1 and slope 2, so plot the point (0,1), Now draw the line through (0, 1) with slope 2-—for every change of +1 in the x direction, the change in the y direction is +2—as shown in Figure 1-4 D. Linear functions A linear function is any function of the form fix) = my + hfor constants m and h. Iti called linear because the graph of y= ft isa tine, EXAMPLE 1-14: Gi Solution: The graph of y = f(x) has slope ~2 and y intercept 1. as shown in Figure 1-5. aph the funetion f(x) = —2y + 1 Figure 1-5 fo) = 2041 1-3, Partial Fractions A polynomial function is a function of the form fix uy > ax + yx? ob xt Where dy. dy... dq are real numbers and the powers of x fe nonnegative integers. For example. fix) = 2+, 3x = 4° isa polynomi function while fix) = x? ~ x"/° + isn't (isn't an integer}. A rational function is a quotient of two polynomial functions. that is. f(x) = pis¥futsl For example, fish =e = 7x + Woe + 3x £2) is a rational function, Also, glx) = 2x? + [(5x — 3/0? + 2)] isa rational function because it can be expressed as Qnty? $2) 4 Sx 3 _ Bvt + 4x2 + Se 39 aby = ae A rational function is proper if the degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denominator. Otherwise, it isimproper. By performing division, you can express an improper rational function as the sum of a polynomial and proper rational function EXAMPLE 1-15: Express f(x) = (xt = 24 + I/(c? + 3) as the sum of @ polynomial and a proper fractional function, ett Beat 8 Caleulus ‘Solution: Divide the denominator into the numerator: -3 49 oe $1 xt 43? LR FT 3x? - 9 2+ 10 Thus x* = 2x + 1 = (x7 = 3x? + 3) + (—2e + 10), and so. A241 2x +10 —Sa- 3+ 43 oF Every proper rational function can be expressed as a sum of other proper rational functions. where exch term in the sum has a denominator that is a power of an irreducible polynomist. In order to achieve this decomposition. you must first factor the denominator completely, that is, into irreducible factors. Then proceed as follows: 1. If a linear factor ax + b appears in the denominator 1 times, thew the decomposition will include rational terms of the form Ay A Ay eh * rR (ax +B) forsome constants Ay, Az,-.+, dq In particular, if the linear facto= ay pears ‘only once in the denominator, then che decomposition will simply inciude a term of the form A/(ax + b), where is a constant, 2 If the irreducible quadratic factor ax? + bx + ¢ (b? — duc <0} appears times in the denominator, then the decomposition will include rational terms of the form At Bix Ar+ Bae dy t Bus at there (at thet oh Geri ia EXAMPLE I-16: Find the partial fraction decomposition of, Ss) = (Bx = Ge + 2x = 3), ‘Solution: First factor the denominator: x? + 2x ~ ge-4 @FG-1 Because the denominator consists of linear terms, cach appearing oniy once, you anticipate a decomposition into terms of the form, (x + 3x — Nase Je) = &x-4 4 B @F56-H "F9*R=H for some constants A and B.In order to find A and B, simply multiply both sides by the denominator (x + 3)( — 1) in order to clear all denominators: 8x — 4 = A(e = 1) + Bly 3) ‘Combine terms to express the right side us a polynomial in x: Bx —4 = (A+ Bx + (3B - A) Because two polynomials are equat only when the coeficients of x" are equal for hm), you can equate coefficients: Sa4+B Laan Nov you simply solve theseequsttions simultaneously: you get A= Thus. and B= 1 fst EXAMPLE 1-17: Find the partial fraction decomposition of Pi) = (Sa? = Bee AYO = Solution: First factor the denominator. Because | isa root of x" — 1. you find te Ds? $4) By 46 tee for some constants 4, 8, and C, Multiply both sides by (w — Hix? 4 x 1 Sata deb 4 = An? by 4 1) 4 Be + Cy — Equating coefficients you find A+B -354-B40 4 Solve simultaneously and find sx ENAMPLE 1-18: Find the partial fraction decomposition of FO) = (ONE ox + TO Ist = By — Solution: Factor x* ~ 3x 2 and set up the form for the partial fraction decomporition: Ox? + x + 10 = Aly + INN = 2) + BUN = 204 Cl +P mA + Obs? 4B = A+ ICI 40 = 2a) Sass vei * ea TNT 1-4. Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions A. Trigonometric functions Unless otherwise noted, angles will be measured in ra rather than degrees. To convert from degrees to radians and back. use the fact that 2n radians = 360 degrees. Thus if an angle 0 is x . then 0 = 2(r80) radians, Similarly if 0 is f radians. then 0 = fi(82) degrees Let 0 be a positive number. Rotate the positive x axis about the origin it. a counterclock wise direction by the angle 0.1 @is a negative number. rotate in a clockwise direction by the angle —@. The point (1. 0) will be moved to the 10 Calculus Figure 1-6 Figure 1-7 A) = sinx, position (x,y) whee: x=cos@ and y=sing (4) (see Figure 1-6) Thus (8) = sin @ and (9) = cos @ have domain (—x. x) and range £1, 1) The other trigonometric functions :tangent, secant, coseca nd cotangent) ae defined in terms of sine and cosine: 1 sedate a eo ae as) and sin ‘The graphs of the trigonometric functions are shown in Figures 1-7 through 112 You will need to know that sin w/6 = 1/2, cosx* = /3/2, n/d = J2/2,and cos n/4 = 7/2. If you know these values, then youcan readily construct the following chart: z [eye : ae | any Se eyelets 3 z + sino p)27 8 1 [2 2 | 2] 2 con Bilt 1 tier pr | 3 [ 3 Ty uno) 0) 2 | | andetnes te | Se s se | Te | tix oitile ls z Tie ie] sao} o | -t = | ° { 3 z - / 5 1 i |e - -! 1[4)/4, cose -1 | ! ° Pe peee jai tne} oS] ot | V5 | undefined | 5] 1 -2io gS cae | | | | “ay Figuee 1-1 Figure 1-11 102) = sec x Ha} ese x 3,then the sineand Lriangle: Ifthe angle Pappearsin a right triangle, asin Figuce 1 cosine of @ are related to the lengths of the sides of t opposite = yreunise 1-6) est uy The Pythagorean theorem implies that sin? + cost = 1 (18) for any angle 0. This identity gives rise to Several other useful identities: sec = 1 + tant 9) csc = 1 + colt (110) You will also have occasion to use the identities cost) = Hi + c0s 20) (tt) sin? = HI ~ c0s 20) (1-12) cos 20 = cos*@ = sin?a 3) sin 20 = 2sin 0 cos 0 (14) B. Inverse trigonometric functions If x is any number between — land |, then arc sin x {also written sin“! x) is the angle between — x/2 and x/2 whose sine is x. If x is any number between, — {and 1, then arc cos x (cos~ 'x) is the angle between 0 and x whose cosine is x. If x is any number, then arc tan x (lan” x) is the angle between ~x/2 and 2/2 whose tangent is x. If x is a number in {—o:, —1] or [1. x}, then arc sec x (sec™'x) is the angle between 0 and x whose secant is x and arc esc x (esc™ 'x) is the angle between ~ n/2 and x/2 whose cosecant is x. If x is any number, then are cot x {cot™!x) is the angle between O and x whose cotangent is x EXAMPLE I-19: Find cos(are sin 3) and sin(arc tan 3) Solution: To find cos(are sin 3), éraw a right triangle with an angle whose sine is (sce Figure 1-14), You have @ = arcsin3. The Pythagorean theorem allows you Figure 1-12 12) = cot Figure 1-13 Figure 1-14 Prelinnaries n 12 Cateutus to find that the length of the base of this triangle is 4. Thus (are sin? cos( are sin’ To find sinfare tan 3), draw a right triangle with an angle whose tangent is 4 (see Figure 1-15). You have @ = arc tan 4. By the Pythagorean the cem, the hypotenuse has length /2? + 3! = /13. Thus, 2 6 4 cos = 2 3 sin (arta C. Hyperbolic functions ‘ ‘The hyperbolic sine function is sinh x (15) “The hyperbolic cosine function is cosh x = S48 (1-16) 7 “The other hyperbolic functions are defined in terms of hyperbotie sine and cosine: t seth = ie : cosh x coth.x = 147 Binh x ee 1-5. Summation Notation The symbol Fis the capital Greek letter sigma. This etter indicates a sum. The symbnt 5}, fk) represents the sum of the numbers Jk) for all integers k running from @ through j: Sie + De eRe A Om For example, ¥, £18) = £0) + $2) + 9) + J+ $3 EMU) = 10+ £44 f09) 5 Lg = lB + g(— 0 + gO) + gt) + G2 Lkete2b3eaaseour Eieteretes 2, 8 = £00 + 2F2) + 33) Batata ta tay i aeatatabtad Prelioninaries 13 EXAMPLE 1-20: Express the sum of the numbers 4 through 28 in summation notation, Sotution: Although there are se notation, the most natural way is 8, You should know the following summation formulas ways to express this sum in summation n(n +) + (1-19) Spa m+ 12m + 1) (1-20) ro 6 ne DF 5 ma a2 EXAMPLE 1-21: Find the sum of the integers 1 through 28, Solution: Write this in summation notation, 33%, . and apply Equation 1-19 with m= 28; ey 298+ 1 ie You'll find the following useful: £, oftk) = (1-22) EU + a) = (1223) a (1-24) EXAMPLE 1-22: Catculate J (hk? — 2k + 4) | Solution: Use the appropriate equation: DOR 244 =F GR mye ES { = Ye 4 yi-mws D4 | a es a ' =3 PY M4(-Y REY 4 | a3fW7+be74+07_ 4 fata 1 HEE Eee eee | : +47 -141) | = i i | 1. The variable y is a function of x if every value of x gives a unique value of y. 2. The domain of a function f is the set of values of x for which f(x) is defined. ‘The range is the set of possible values of f(x). 3. To find the inverse function to fix), set y equal to f(x) and solve for x. } 4. I you know the slope of a line and a point on the line, you can find the equation of the line. Ie seeeaeeee Sree eet ce 4 Cateulus 5. You can express an improper rational function as the sum of a polynomial and a proper rational function, 6 Youcan express a proper rational function as a sum of proper functions, each ‘ith a denominator that is a power of an irredu ible polynomial 71. If you know the value of the trigonometric functions at n/6 and m4 radians, then you can evaluate the trigonometric functions at any integer multiple of 2/6 oF x/4. 8. The right-triangle definition of the trigonomettic functions will help you to find the values of each of the functions when one is known. 9. ¥-sum notation is'a useful “short-hand” for the representation of sums of a large number (or of a general number, ni) of terms, sich of which is of the sume type. - SOLVED PROBLEMS PROBLEM I- Isy sfunctionof x: (a) y= +2; (by x42 Solution: (a) Solve for 5 in terms of x: ya (ee ye Any value of x gives a unique value of y, $0 y is a function of x. (b) If you solve for y in terms of x, yoaget2 then sou see that any value of x greater than ~2 gives t. » values of y,so y isn'ta function of x, {See Scetion HL] PROBLEM 1-2 Find the domain and range of f(s) ‘Solution: ‘This function is defined for any x > 0,s0 the domain is (0, 2}, Because the denominato: can be any positive number, the function can take on any value between zero and infinity. The range is (0, <0). {See Sexton 1) PROBLEM 1-3 Find the domain and range of f(x) = 1 Solution: The function is ‘sfined for 2 ~ x B O,ig, for x <2 The domain is(— 2,2 Poeause v can be any nonnegative number, | — 4/2 = x can be any number less than or. al to one. The range is(—20, ( {See Soto H1] / ( PROBLEM 1-4 Let f(x) = 3/4 ~ ©) and find the inverse function for f-if it exists, Solution: Let y = f(x) and solve for x in terms of y: ~ My. Thus yx) = 4 ~ 3)cis the inves funetion for f {886 Sstion eh Preliminaries 1S PROBLEM 1-5. Let f(s) aand find the inverse function for f.iF it exists, Solution: Let y = fls}and solve for win terms of y veal So x isn’t a function of y. There is no inverse function for f [See Setion 1] PROBL M 1-6 Find the slope of the line joining (1, 3) and (—2. 5), Solution: The slope of the line is [See Seton 12) and (2 5): Ly passes through ( Solution: Ly has slope m, = (3 = (=4)] (1 = 3) = = 72. Ly is a vertical fine its slope is undefined. Ly has slope m, = (5 ~ S}{2 = (—3)] = 0 thorizontal line. Le has slope mg (4 = 2)[6 = {—1)] = 27. Thus b, is perpendicular to L..and Ly is perpendicular to Ly. None of the lines is parallel to another. PROBLEM 1-8 Find the equation of the line through (~ 3, 2) with slope = — 4 Solution: Use the point-slope form of the eguation: = mlx ~ xy) PROBLEM 1-9 Find the equation of the line that passes through the points (3.1) and (-1. 3) 2 = 1-1 ~ 3) = 4. The line with slope {that passes Solution: The line has slope m = through (3. 1) is tnd eg See Seaton prtadw-39 (See Section 7-2 PROBLEM 1-10 Find the y intercept of the line through the points (—2. 3) and (1.4), Solution: The line has slope m = (3 ~ 4)(—2 ~ 1) = f and passes through (1. 4y: 1 jen ail 3 This is the slope-intercept form of the equation. The y intercept is 11/3, {See Sesion 12 16 Coleulus PROBLEM 1-11 Graph the function f(x) = —3x ~ 1 ‘Solution: The graph of y = f(z) isaline with slope —3 and y intercept ~ |. The graph is shown in igure 1-16. [See Section 1-2] Figure 1-16 Ha) = -3x-1 1 rosie 1-12 Express f(x) = (xt — x? — 3x? — 3x — Die? + x + 1) as the sum of @ polynomial and a proper rational function. Solution: Divide x? + x + Vinto xt ~ x9 3x* — 3x - be xine -2 sax¢ile> Poa oeoT xt + x! : Bee = y= Sx T = 2x) — 2x? ~ 2x You-have ata a Bet ae La (xt P= Ae Bee HD Divide both sides of this equation by x? + x + I: godt nati t age git! weet FEeel Thus’ f(x) is the sum of the polynomial x? ~ 2x —2 and the proper rational function (+ De txt) {See Section 1.3] J PROBLEM 1-13 Find the partial fraction decomposition of f(x) = (x ~ U3}/(e? — x ~ 6) Solution: First factor the denominator: xia x62 (e + Me ~ 3) and then set up the form for the decomposition: ei ee WRG H EER EAT Multiply both sides by (x + 2)ix ~ 3) to clear the denominator: x- 3 = A(x - 3) + Bix +2) and combine terms: ya 13 (As Bd (34 4 2B) Equate coefticents: APB -[Pe 34428 and solve to find = 3, B= 2. Thos fin) = [Rts + 20) — (20 — tse Section 4) J PROBLEM 1-14 Find the partial fraction decomposition of Jos) = 4 + 6x7 4 ve VO EL Solution: The denominator is x*(x? + 1), the product of a linear term (ie, x) squared and an irreducible quadratic term. x 4 1. The decompesition will be of the forny Ate Oxi tet? 4B xed an 4 xe xt xy Clear denominators and gombine terms: Ax? 4 OxE Ev 2 = Avis? UE Bist + We 1Cy # Dix? [44 Ox 4 B+ Dit + ay eB Equate coeficients 42440 6=BED bea and solve to find © = Sand D = 4. You have 1 fire = + } : PROBLEM 1-15 Find tan{are cos 2, {See Section 1 [See Setion 14) T 7 Figure 1-17 Figure 1-18 1 prow MA-16 Find secfare cot3) Solution: Draw a right triangle with an angle whose cotangent is j,as in Figure 1-18. You have 4 = arc cot 3. By the Pythagorean theorem, the hypotenuse has length 7. Thus, a seolare cot) = sec 0 {See Section 84) Pretiminaries 17 18 Celeutus ‘ PROBLEM 1-17. Find } (2k ~ &) ‘Solution: Separate into two sums and use the appropriate formula: Seen Swe Siw refi =f 86408] _ 66+ 0 Pere Leeeea eee eee? 861 [See Section 15! ind Fk? 3H — 6 PROBLEM 1-18 Solution: Ewe +3e—6 pees z w- Se Hs i [ + nies + 4] anaey = 1860 . [See Section 15] SE I Supplementary Exercises 1-19 Which of the following are functions of x:(a) //y + L = x - 2;(b) y— Wy =2@y = EO + Yaw - 2 Vets In Problems 1-20 through 1-24 find the domain and range of f: 120 sy 22-7 123 f(s) 12 f(y s+ /e=3 124 iy = t= 122. fs) = 1 + sin In Problems 1-25 through 1-28 find the inverse function for f, if it exists: 123 f(x) = 3x46 127 f(ja(e— +t 126 for 128 f(x) = 5/2x — 1 1-29 Which of the following lines are parallel and which are : .rpendicular: L, passes throu (-1,5) and (22, 51); La passes through 1, —1) and (—3, 7} Ly , wsses through (6, ~1) and 14 and L, passes through (4, 1) and (—2, ~3} Ls passes through 3, ~2)and (2, —4)? Ia Problems 1-30 through 1-34 find the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line passing through the two points: 130 2, 1) and (5,4) 1-33 (1,4) and (1, -2) L3L (1,3)and (2, -2) 1.34 2, -6rand (-3,2) 132 (1, Nand, 1) 136 fx) = 8/07 + 1) 1.39 fix) = xf = x8 + YO + x + 1) 137 fi) = (7 + 1/08 = 1) In Problems 1-40 through 1-47 find the partial fraction decomposition of f: 1-40 f(x) = (4x + OF — 1) 141 f(x) = Bx + 2 Extx + 17] 1-42 f(x) = G7? -Sx—3)/[(e= Ix? 43x43) B43 f(x) = (2x7 +10 + 6)/[(x— Ie? + 3x4. 2)) 1-44 f(x) = 2x3 42x? -$x4 3x4 - 23) 1-45 f(x) = (4+ 2x? =x? 42x + IE? 417] 146 f(x) = (09 3x? —8x—12Y [x4 42/7] 147 fix) = (Ax? + 2x + xt — 1) 148. Find sin(arc tan (2/5). 1-82 Find cos(are ese (3/2)}- 1-49 Find sec{are sin (4/5)). 1-83 Find cot{are sin 4). 1-50 Find sin{are cot 2). 1-54 Find esc(are sec 3). 1-51 Find tanfare sin (2/5). In Problems 1-55 through 1-60 find the sum: rs Se 158 FR -K) 156 ¥ Qk —1) 19 S WHR eke) 187 ¥ 2-2 +5) 160 F & = 2) a & Solutions to Supplementaty Exercises 9) ah, (04¢0 (128) 069) = (+29 (1-20) domain (— 90, 00); range (— 0, 2) (1-27) no inverse (121) domain (3, ch range (1,20) (6-28) ox) = 4165/5)" + 1) Preliminaries 19 In Problems 1-35 through 1-39 express J asthe sum of a polynomial and a rational finction: 1-35 f(x) = (x? + 2x — 1) 1-38 f(x) = (x? — x/0P - x - 1) : { | (1-22) domain (— 2, eo} range [0, 2) (1-29) L, and Ls are parallel; {pis perpendicular to Ly and Ly (1-23) domain (0, eo range [0, 0) (130) yexnt 26 domain (—2,2),range fh, 2) 3) y= (5/9 + 43 1-28) glx) = 4x - 2 i A — ee 20 Calculus 43) » (133) 1 (134) y i (8/5) = (14/5) (1-35) flay) = FEED = OT (1-36) fla) = x ~ Exit? + 0) (137) f@) = 14+ BAC =D) (138) fly = teehee EDC? 0] (1-39) fly) = PP et 2D FD (1-40) fo) = Cle +O) + Bile = 0) (thy fi) = 2/0) — Bs + U1 + [ibe + T (U2) fla) = [1s = YD + Davita? + 3+ (149) fla) = Dibe= N) EL be + 1) 2st [49 f= @Fs4) — Gye) + (Bike = DT (143) flog) = (U9 + 202 +] “Bee +1) (1-46) fi) = (Ifo) — Be?) + [Dit + BY (1-47) fis) = B= D1 = Ke + OT = [ee + 1G? + DY (148) 2, 23/29 (149) 5/3 (sey S515 (sp 2/72 1852) V5.8 asi 3s (uss. 30 (1-56) 4041 sn 50 (uss) 128 (189) 559 (0) =372

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