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Wellow Residents' Group

Notes, minutes and papers from WRG meeting held on: Tuesday 19th January 2016
Number present at meeting Thirty-two hardy souls who came in temperature of minus 3C!

Welcome and Introduction.

The group was content for Rosalind Neary to chair and David Walter to Scribe/Sec

Roads and Road Safety

DW to phone Island Roads to make an introduction and request someone from them comes to
address a future meeting to answer our questions. Various issues were raised: IR website doesn't
seem to produce quick response to reported potholes. DW to ask IR for the telephone number direct
to 'Mr Pothole' so residents can phone as well as report on the website. Jon Hall, as a keen cyclist,
pointed out that not all repairs are equal! On a cycle the deficiencies are very obvious. In any case
badly-repaired potholes fail again the next time it rains or freezes. Hedge trimming waste is also an
DW will discuss with Sally Woods, Clerk to Shalfleet Parish Council, to be sure we are not
duplicating the same work. [Sally is on the distribution list of these minutes]. We may be able to
help each other. The voluntary road safety group, NANSAG, targets Ningwood and Shalfleet but
they do venture up to Wellow. DW will discuss with NANSAG. Rosalind Neary said she had a
price of around 3000 for an illuminated speeding warning triggered to speed. White lines painted
like a cattle grid as they have in Thorley would be possible but Stuart Hutchinson pointed out that
there is a lengthy procedure to gain consent from the Highways Authority and the PFI contractor,
Island Roads, would charge for regular maintenance.

Dark Skies

Residents were concerned about the lighting proposals in West Wight Alpacas latest planning
permission. CPRE have expressed their concern and DW has contacted the Vectis Astronomical
Society (still awaiting a reply). The group asked that a letter is sent to Planning outlining these
concerns. DW will action and copy letter to the group.

Letter from Mr Paul Nicholson

Paul kindly read a paper he had written in preparation for the meeting pointing out some of the
things we should concentrate on.

Planning Cllr Stuart Hutchinson

Stuart kindly gave the group a very informative overview of what is going on. Following the
meeting DW found an article in On The Wight that explains why the problem isn't local to us. See especially note the comments. Many contributors are people with knowledge and
influence writing under pseudonyms. Councillors, council officers, etc. Subject to the sanity rule
about anything you read on the Internet this item sums it up.
The proposed new entrance in Main Road to a field belonging to West Wight Alpacas was described

as 'grossly excessive' by Stuart Hutchinson. The proposal would require a huge amount of spoil to
be removed and allow water to flood the road which is already a flood risk and the visual impact is
unacceptable in this location. Stuart will be discussing with the IWC on Friday.
AGE UK provide supplies to be used in the community in case of adverse weather conditions.
Supplies contain practical items, to assist in case of severe weather situations, where someone in the
community is unable to access these items by themselves. Susanne and Stephen hold those supplies
at Southview (opposite the WLI). If you are aware of anyone in difficulties please call them on
0797 9853743
Next meetings: Next meeting Tuesday 23rd February 8pm at the WLI. Rosalind will be away and
Paul Nicholson will chair. Meeting opened 8pm closed 10 pm

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