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SeaWorld Public Relation B I N G “Orcas have no | “Killer whales | “Whenyou come to our| “We've had desire to travel | receive veterinary | parks, your dollars will | thousands of safe long distances | cere in our help save wild interactions with in captivity facilities, animals,” orcas, se people because thay | somathing they should stop focusing | and thereby don’t need to a on those instances | disrespects both hunt for their ila. where trainers ware | her and her food.” attacked and/or family. ill “Werescusd | “You can'tmeke | “We only separats | “Wehaven't captured | “Morgans andseleased | an $,000-pound | mothers fromcalves | orcas fordecades. | deaf andis JJ. the grey animal do when it is inthe | Most of the cetaceans | therefore whale.” something it | animals’ bestinterast’” | at our parkstoday | unsuitable for doesn’t want to were bom there. release.” ae “Even the “Compared to “Our animal habitat: | “The animals ocean-themad | otherprofessions, at our parks ara safe | perform in thrill rides at | orca training has havens for them and | shows because our parks avery low preferable to performing is inspire people | employze- for the enimals* long- | fim for them.” to care about | mortality rate.” 4 the environment “People will "Before "Our god is to educate | “Weretum bundeds | “Collapsed only care sbout SeaWorld guests about nature and | of rescued animals to | dorsal fins are whales and | existed, people | inspire them to care | the wild every year!” | not e result of dolphins if they | used wild orcas about the are given a for tarcet environment.” chance to see practi them up close in-person.” “The fact that | “The behaviors “We use positive “We don timow ouranimals | that our animals | reinforcementto train | exactly howlong | we conduct on reproduce in | perform in shows | our animals, so there's orcas can live our animals our facilities | are extensions of ‘no punishment because we've only | here benefits indicates that | their natural involved” > sping orcas in | their wild they are heppy | beheviors in the our fasilities fora | counterpasts.” here.” wild” few decades, and the study of wild populations is ongoing.” Credit to the author for this work [unknown at this time; will update if discovered]

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