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To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter of recommendation to you for Ms. Ivy Williams. Over the past
several months, I helped her further develop her art portfolio.
Being artistic is like most things in life. It requires effort, sweat and practice to produce
solid results. Design has been an important part of human culture for thousands of
years. From prehistoric cave images to tiles on the space shuttles. Artists with keen eyes
for design have played a key role in innumerable human endeavors. Ivy understands
this. When I first met her she was quiet and seemed a bit uncertain of her artistic
abilities, but soon found her visual voice. She single handedly created an intense mixedmedia collage installation on the walls of our art room. Describing it verbally almost does
it no justice. It incorporates themes of loss, memory and history, both personal and
collective, and the areas in which those intersect. She seemed interested in representing
the human condition via long forgotten images, in this case mosaiced National
Geographic magazines, and her own brand of unique direct observation drawings of
animal skulls and flowers.
Ivy is mature for her age, and approaches art with an astute sense of objectivity. She
processes constructive criticism well, but will remain true to her original ideas.
Sometimes however, the magic just wont flow. Just learning a new process and
accepting uncertainty with the outcome can be frustrating, yet still a necessary lesson for
any artist. Ivy knows this. During these times, it would be very easy to feel defeated and
quit, but she proved observant, optimistic and tenacious.
Ivy develops concepts thoughtfully, gathers materials, and works with confidence, to the
end process. She has a strong understanding of symmetrical balance. She can problem
solve and refuses to accept mediocre design combinations and applications. Whether
its a simple pencil drawing or an elaborate mixed media installation piece, Ivy seems to
have found the control necessary to nourish her creative soul. In looking ahead, I am
certain she is ready to tackle the rigors and challenges the rest of life throws at her. Its
obvious to me that her energy, enthusiasm, commitment and talent could be a welcome
addition to any program, artistic or otherwise.
Ms. Ivy Williams has talent and potential. With the right guidance and direction she could
have an astounding career ahead in the creative arts. Please do not hesitate to contact
me with any further questions.
David A. Andrews
Art Facilitator
Garza Independence High School

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