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Virginia Evans Aus Express Publishing Introduction ‘To the Teacher Successful Writing Proficiency consists of rine units which cover all ypes of composton wing (descriptions, arratves,letiers,eocursve essays, aces, revions) equi at advanced levels. Each unit stats wit a leadn [stoning activity through whieh the base plan for the typeof wring the unit deals wis intredueed. This abo serves fea brainstorming avi, giving the teacher the chance to oct use! language and ideas on the topic under fiscussion, Bealed theory and plans are provided to be used as a reference by students. A variety of models in “ahich the theory is applied are folowed by exeroes to improve students’ wing sks focusing on register anc ‘ive, The exerses are graded, leading 10 the acquistion of thase skills needed for students to be abl to wits Scesshly st acvenced levels, Topi densication, "digcuss and wie" sections and study check sections reinforce Students” Knowedce and remind them o the strucures provously presented, thus helping them revise the wring {rene covered inthe book, The Teacher's Book provides answers fo the exereses, model pans, transcripts ofthe [Stoning exercises and useful teaching tips. At the back ofthe Tescher's Book are marked model compositions help teachers markstudents’ compoations. The book is aocompani by a cassette with al the sting exorcise, ‘Tho unis can ether be presented in the order they appear inthe book or teachers can selec the unit hey want present according other own judgement and thelr students’ needs. The course can be covered in approximately Bo one-hour lessor, Brainstorming Technique “The brainstorming echnique can be used i athe unis in his book. The technique may be applied each te the Sudenfs come across @ new opi, whether n'a model ora wring assignment. “The technique is used as follows the teacher ints stents think of as many words or ideas as possible related {0 te topic and wes them onthe board. The teacher may choose to guide the students further by having them ink lor categorise relate terms. “This tochnque aims o stimulate students’ knowledge about te topic, thus drawing together ideas and vocabulary rnncassary Tor wing a successful composition, 104g, Discuss the aevantages and disadvantages of technological progres. Braistorming. computers genete engineering, information networks, unemployment, satellite communications, ‘loning, nuclear accidents, medica researc, 6c Ss can thn be asked to tink ofthe positive and negaive aspects of each tem. 19.9, Describe a pooular shop in your neighbourhood Bramnstorming T wrtes the following key words on the board and asks Ss to give himiher as many words a5 posaile related to each key word rvPes oFsHorS | SHOP» —_ACTIONS OBJECTS: EXTERIOR/ I — on. ccmaee Ft INTERIOR aoe ‘enone pharmacy racks of othes, mult strey, Dookshop, Shopping baskets, comer shop, ‘eaionor®, cred card, igh Stoot boutique troeys window dsp, oe. shaves, ‘basement, ‘cash egister isis, ote ‘changing rooms ee. Contents 1 escribing Pal... ‘ 1 Describing Pleces/Bul - iw 3 eseiig Obes 2 4 Describing essen Ceremonies. au 5 Norotves ~ a Stud Cet... au 6 lscursie Ens... # 0. Fo od Aas Essays a 1. Opinion Ens... i - 0 ¢. Esays Sogesting Solos i Preble... ee i 7 tees eee as as a Letts of Rees. i Leer Gig timation. w Ue ing on Onion a 1 teers a hance g 4 eters Making Sgt 5 Ulett the Auer. 0 Latest Compa... 1 oC fi Ws 1 Letts of pict vo mW 1 a mw aoe oe 1 Sov Repats ve Oh . Proyesel Rea. i Siiy Check 3. § icles/News ReprsReviens OMNES 1 News Regots Reviews Sty Check pasetste ecient / Life & Lifestyle: UNIT 1 teseibinPenie ance, personality andifelifetle. Appearance: How wuld yd person’ appearance? Wi appearance ae most nt What des ther way of sng, looking ex ges? Personality: What do you imagine each perso ike profeson ambitions, iereshobbies, dal rutin, ee? 4. Lookat the people fn she photographs and talk about each in terms of appear What ele do yu imagine about each person concern such things as {am nroduction ging rt formation about who te parson i, wnerlhow you ‘et ima Rom you ard about re, aman body wrich mayne deep of sch tings as physical fepearane,preoaiyoahavour, anes mannerisms andr deals fhe Devonian ed, abbies, eres, veyday actives, ec) er ‘conclusion which you comment on why the peson fin Your fsingsepniorconcering the person ee Ina desoroive compotion oa person, you may aco be person le euccesstuladmirablelunusual, ete, why he/she made Inpression on yu, howhshe has inane ye, express vena strong ach paragraph should start win topic ante wich summarises ho paragraph “iho conte of the paregaoh depends onthe lope Aland whee the emphasis is Descrton af people may be inchidd in several ether pos of wing tasks such as Points to Consider To describe physieal a eightbull, ag yrange, you should give details a he person's atures, hat, eeting, et moving rm he mest gett cpects otha mast speci dela. eg. Bl, wo nis ear ens, fs qu tal wth thik bis hal and poring bvooyos. Hos usualy xampls of manner and mannerem: 9.9 Mark rathrunsoe ‘din be personally and behaviour, you can support your description with bl, usa sting ‘Tedescsba ie, Mesiyle and Beil, you shuld ak about the person's habs, interests, profession, a reubne, epee, 2.9 Being both ners fas peau nina supermartt Janet tte instructions for fe witing ta ask you to describe someone related fo the presen, ag Desc prs who una.” you il dese e person wing Proven toes Fou we keto deste ab ris tote past, s whose enget Th use af ceseptive vocabulary, ast words and secs make your tls mea irereig, be 8 tanous person you met ‘gectd.” you wil desribe the poron using Past inst, fonder, fr vanity inking Paragraph 1 who the person vwherinow you st met! ‘saw himiber Paragraph 2 physical appearance Paragraph 3 personaliy/behaviour (with Justiicatin ramps) Paragraph 4 testlerbelets Paragraph 5 ‘explanation 1 + justieation Paragraph 6 ‘explanation 2 + jusilation commentsifeaings about il 1 Describing People 2 Read the flloving composition and fl fn the missing information ia the plan. Look atthe highlighted adjectve-noun combinations, then lose your books and try to remember as many ofthese as posible. ‘What other words ean you think of which could be used to descri persons physical appearance? Describe a person you know well {sen pin wna ret sry Sho eyes pw ade © shaun Dun te seers hate smart appearance warn, coy expresion made ee imedat Wy Shee renal boned nig woman er yt wa tang Chas ees {basa Siver cay Aug cheaeses sty she alas mana to lok ce She sae) finded pean vinta cone atthe schols ea pe cep plghar fun orn hen sete seat eel ach ist y ayo esp engrave {he ete aig manne cer pp he ce tie Dun hascen hones says a he the mote toate charen ner schoo of seh ye se she de Shean hs tine ak othe es ond premise oon Bs insings wh he sca Road of Decors el ih slo pa Tomy Sharm Duna dese poisson whos on wk model oat en or techie a re ta MW .,, presessssvessaice [0° sca tear concrete height bul 96, oil esturesiexpresson ar, clotes ete Yourmay desorbe vguldetals (aA hai ul an wowing Dick lator ack.) andor use words and pases which desorbe the general impression ceated by he parson's appearance (og, Donne's slander, youll bud makes her lok younger than ahe while her face, with ts bright smile and rienaly expression, very rect) Note at whe you deserve someone or ofl purposes age pace repor. you emphasise the person's physical appearance iin the rosacea desertion posse 3 Look at the photographs, ome vers se gota thera Sections gl PL cope Silircame, | ‘Siam an selote ood os, ey son Bodo Introduction fest met Ms urna res Nasty Schoo, eadmstess ‘Main Body + Appearance sat wa, tend expression + Personality Rebaviour = Lifeitesyle Belts Conclusion ating ees saraslandescendrgiendy sie scarce wiles NP oa Son ye) ’ ing yes | ( rmedan-suventinefeanee face (flowery hai = Taoytulingwierd biceps / | Manns aonantexression — ‘implies Unit 1 Describing People 2 Grace Kelly reached Hollywood stardom Linking Words and Structures inthe 1950. She was fous for her dt ‘© Wiking whic coma a ates of shor sentences o the same simple cate features. She married price to, Inking wor ourhas‘and" soon becomes boxng and repetitive. To 3. The postman is 56, He has thik black fd, you sould sa wide ange of nrg words and sructes, tae Tt bas only afew touches of ery wth He has smooth skin. This makes him he stand sig, with ong blonde hal look younger than be i Relative Clauses vhojuticn hose 4 Mrs Ruscl i ny. Her fat i next to agtou, whole sgh coven, has dozens oy. rine She has white hat and wrinkles. He haan norawhich makes i ok TR She looks 80 years al Mausice has black hit: He has thick black moustache, He has a dak con pleson. The policeman’s muscular build filled his lrg uniform, He hada high, broad forehead and a strong, square ja Result so'such tha fo baat hat) sh Addition in sdtento, 26 val stesces, moreover, tharore, not g only but. te yr al, mn aeon to Dalng vr in richer hop wie, ae well sn egret. ey ee eee 2 soos © In descriptions of people we can person's personaly and beheour Waa arty of character wor. 1 He andy adheres Join the following sentences by using a variety ofthe structures shown Seu gaa areas: inthe table above, ain the example Hos gredy an iter. ‘nese wot shld be ig 20 planation or example, 0.9. Bran, a wos er sacl enfoye ging © pala ‘ated meeting peop eis vay tl Hes ton Ths ales Kin ov you descrbe negate ques, you ‘ovk se language Use tnd te ecemia fe raer, can sometimes es aye, who plays ba be, ag Sent anocelore rer ‘ketball for our schoo! team, is but she can sometimes be rather mt ey very tal ta ptr: heim) ip very heck aes fe Youmay describe personality and ‘Nim an excelent player. ‘behaviour with examples of manner ancmannerame the gestures peop {cet wa hoy specdvale ) tn Tinoty very feran ae, ro matter what is eilren 0 te dove lowe torpor. thould be stessdin conan ype of ‘wring. for example. when YOU ‘soon someon fo), “Ahh bs hs he, pvr), a ey gare pa inspite of bang vy buy tne for er eon, 1 The Masai are Bast Afcan tebespeople, They ae tl, They have noble features. They look etremely grace Unit 1 Describing People 1 Hohas/ habit speak wth / mouth ul /’ Linking Words and Structures ‘whic Le disgusting (ind) LUNKING CAUSE AND EFFECT 2 Sarah people /be J immature / since ‘She's open and andy. (Cause) Sho popular. tox) ‘often giggle / when someone J speak / Docauseasince ‘ning ove to (+ Jnghounte at a. her trite) As aresuliconsequence of Aho resutof la = a8 8 re 3 Owing / fact / David / never pay / any ‘Se is popular Because shel open and tony. thing, he be mean inpesson) ‘Se is ppl due fo Benguet the fact tha he is pan and Hendy ‘A ronut of her being ope that she popul 80. Metoortor this teason.. The reason thatiahy 4 Ase not etm things he boro he be / dishonest (pinion) pices cna cana § Since ay saa fen frst whee she Shot ponent nck ree et put things she be abseminded ‘he raion se pop ase operand ry. (oper 5 All the sentences below use the simple linking word “because”. Look at ‘the table above, then rewrite each of the sentences using the linking ‘Compound Adjectives. word or prac in bold pe. Compound adectives are ormas eg. People often find him offensive because he says exactly what he think be Pl of find Ki fe ey ety wah inks 1 present panies quick sing rel of Chr her weg dose Ar sn acy what eshte etn Tad ag im offensive. \wornan, an open-hearted young man, 1 People st Paul bese he so hones Sioe {narer-ninded pot ay 2 Heisvey stews eats he works enenelyhard, Thereason-._¢) carat nts + our: ae 3 Joan is an interesting person because she has lived in exotic places and has acre arte bad so many strange experince cyasarely. —@ well, badly, I, poorly + pat Perret : articiple: a well-intentioned friend, 4 Donconesscrasis ing ingle because etendsto ak people alt «Sale wanton cfepeston arm 5 Iie her bras she ivan ad selene toes 7 Make compound adjectives to describe Impressions, Opinions and Reactions he fallowing: | inktooote at) Ieseomstome that To me‘Tomy ming Astarasimeoncemed —_Inmyopmion awe 1A baby who is crying constantly 22 A speaker who hs prepared thoouehly sbscomslzppeass tobe... sb-sikes peoplalcomes actos a (bing) 3 Students who are organised wel. sb gos he mpression a being = hempresson tat 4 Agi who hascuty hain people tinaconsidr Sb to be. ink olseragard eb as being 5 A boy who has brown eyes. 6 basketball payer who 2 ear 1 Anais tos een any lth & sing thexpresionsin racks write a complete sentence tromeach fA hfnnir eho nee ofthe following ‘skeleton’ sentences, as in the example. trained. : 8 Gran sometimes be insinere eit ty later eveyone (ome aes) 9A man who has a short termes Graham sometimes comes cress. as bing insincere, a a resut of trying to 10 Aman with one eg ‘Pktter everyone. LA dents who has go Unit 1 Describing People Participles / formal writing, present and as pattleipies ean be used to replace ‘haus a inthe following examples. Shei 0 rch that she ca uy arching she want Baingsoih she can yang she wnt She was 80 rich that she could buy anything she wanted Hearing been 50 rich, she could buy cnthing she wate. When he is sen from a distance, he resembles Paul Newman. Seen from a dtance, he resembles Paul Newman, Monica, who was dresden in ed, entered the rooms Dressed entirely in red, Monica entered the oom. B Rewrite the follow Ing sentences using participles. 1 Olier, who was ov cred in dus, climbed own the ladder. 2 Veronica, who wasted out, eould not ‘goon with the jours. 3 Richard is so rude that he has m0 frends. 4 She isso intligent that she can speak six languages, 5 Frank is so absentinded that he lays forgets his car cys. 6 Swan, who was Tau 3 bystorcally, could speak. 7 Paul, who was walking on crutches, let the room showy 8 Louise isso patent ht she is et out 0 be a teacher + 9 The following text describes twin brothers. Read it circle the words oF phrases describing personality and behaviour, and underline the justi: Fications or examples given Describe two people who are very different, despite thelr apparent similarity ae in the jason ae Jonathan are desi twin bothers, wh eyo as tam. sical they are sings se ye ues napa the snags The hve ie set and an ie ers fhe ted 1 Frere syle. When yu gett know the, pow toe a cat he prsnats are completly ier. gong ase aed amious ~ he srt er a tara ge corporation. An example of hs the Fen reay the president othe schoo bang soy. ‘img peg owt a im ar pops a one Athoug Peo Seams of condece For tance, eis ma eee eran da than Tim the best is re tha Fre tub, teh, de os habit of reusing Te Sint hes wrong in any saree - sont ier tan ore fa ove: He wry eat oe clei o spend iste on sown He ty sci eho can spend hours sang atthe dows et, he sometimes ves the pression of Seiog ay, wea ew people even regard im 2 fe. On beter seusmance, ower ‘mit gut to be not ony entusstc and but also. deply caving which is sree trelss work on bel of vaious cares 10 Use the adjectives listed below to complete the following sentences ‘eserie-apoplagrkin the areayou |@ Certain questions may ask you to compare and cor two different live im as it is on a pleasant Sunday ‘aces, uldngsormenumets, Alterra, ou cog be asked 0 mornin Geert the naysin atch apne es anged era pertod te 4. Describe a place of historical signif £2 Dsorbo ao pes you fae oan ta on May nich we ery : ape moet beni ar oe ea cance, expuning why itisimportat ee Deseret oa fous ple and “ts compost ft requre bat desepton he Wo pes, hen a explain wy 850 well-known, Comparsonafem sng sable sing words and expessonein oat esribe ow you think yur own wll fo Remembers star'etchperegtaph wit Tote seniance ich bv change ity yar tine, ging Sumates wat heparagagh so reasons why you tink these changes will have acute ‘25 Read the model below and give the paragraph plan. Then underline the 7 Desetibe & new shop in your town topic sentences. What tenses have been used? Why? Finally look at the ‘whic you foe! wil be socesful giving ‘highlighted adjective-noun combinations, then close your books and ‘Teasons for your opinion {ry o remember as many as possible. Desrte atom oc you have visited and explain why 2 wean te we you found it particularly impressive ‘One thing that makes York " unique aang English towns is Sued ono vrs nearteYonshe Moos, Yaris afasintng he cre weh which thas oon ‘ac memorable place oe yt vi ee was erased revere. There ar fw cies vile Tas i myst yar schol. Set was a star te, York where such tenon as been Seemedto bene best chi a ie sucha wal-preserved ey which pao Gan an arpa pesene has been cf Nstorelimpaane for near woods yeas. te auteiey the any Msc bullings. Medial and Goi SuTaanded by hgh mesa sone vl, the of part fe own —suctues have Been pnstakngyetred and the preset eens sie a uey back Une A you wader rogh ie maz of busy, seem to shar a sere of pre ne splendour fhe suroudgs narrow ss, ou carat lt be srk by be ques of he Yorks aso notte for he act htt has manged to ncarporate igual bere houses. ising above thse ad omit he pacer feo such a histor sein. Shops andes oer au sive ae breaking amples of mecha nd Gaic achtece range a goods ana serves whe tang he charm ant dg ‘Of the many tings Yor his ta fr, tae ae Several wich sanyo byoae age A he usual twerh catuy equreerts ae outinmy mine. edit in parc wih sine serework exe form an masphteemisceto tne when the pace of fd sliad-las window, 1 an awecspring sight Thre aro if was rch ower truss of hinds. cng a raay museum 2 Jw Ving The combinian a ret and mam hel such a asciaton or Cane, whee vistas ean lear mare abut he ini parios of pe during at rst vi hat have ben back mary tines se, each ‘techy’ fen story. Fal, the many toons, cate-shops and ne dlseoveing someting new pura, each wih ts ce ran of charm, ae el paces to B Unit 2 Describing Places/ Buildings i. Making comparisons Do ora © ustineary as . postive degre) 08 2.0. nthova dys the main oes wore jut as congected asta ae fod © the same as og, Th cotage nas the same a8 had bean ity yours etre |© (elatvtyconsideraby ess... postive degree). than 2. Tho now Daleings are considerably less omat than the ol! oes. {© (rwchfarconsiderably) more + adjectiveladverb + thane0. The norm wo is more picturesque than he sastom ave. {© (Wy er) the most + adjective. Manor by far the most elegant Pot nthe region © comparative + and + comparative 2.9. The ‘iro and drier © the comparative... the + comparative ¢.g, The further south you tl th warmer becomes. ro 26 Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. eg, The castle was rnoated and is now A more inpresve than any ther the region Ater ing recvated the caste is raw by for the most Inpresive oneal in the region Some of the archaeological sites are fascinating, wheres the museums are rater wnintresting The museums are not nearly ‘The shopping centre in artes Road has many more shops than the one in Bridge Stree ‘The shopping entre in Bridge tect hasn't got As the population ofthe city grew the number of schools and hospitals boing bul increased, As the population ofthe cit grew, so 4 The Anderson Sports Ceate has beter equipment tit te Pllock Centre, ‘The Pollock Centre snot “The layout of oar ld twas ver impact ofthe new ft ‘The layout of our new fat is far comparison othe layout ‘As te trafic inthe et inteases, the The more trafic there is centre becomes more congested. 27 Useful Language ‘To show simty oo (vty much) Fkolvory similar to, it hae the ‘samelsimia/ dental, resembles ho plas ave skalermlar- bth ong nether nor 2.3. B00 Nico and Canes are cosmo ‘To show conta sunk. tha, ieee rom hey cern thet they ae ferent asibecause. he (main) diferanee between and is amps to» not ony ul Sinaugh eon bough, though, sos, in plte of, wnerose, wil, but however, an the other hand, on the contrary as apposed, in contrast {oith,powaver yt but een so, til overtones, €9.Compared to Paris, Rome is much wamer cing summarine. Revrite each sentence using the word In brackets without changing the meaning Both Blackpoat and Brighton have a promenade on to sea frat (alike) The new goverament buldigs ae very Afferent rom the old ones as they are ‘modern and lavish. (compared 10) The house I grew up in looked almost the same a al the others inthe tet. (similar) Tn the winter the resort is deverted whereas inthe summer iti swarming with tours, (in contrast) ‘The wo areas fer ha one et ential and the oter is industrial. it: The new school i very much Fike the old one both indesign andi (resem bles) Mario's restaurant is smal and cow ced, setit is more popular than the oth swith the loa (Despite) g ‘Unit 2 Deseribing Places/Buildings 2B Read the model uni undertine the phrases showing comparisoncon trast then mateh the paragraphs with the paragraph descriptions. How does ths paragraph plan differ from the one shown on p18? change 1 and result 4. change 2and result > commentsfetings fname of street and when writer © description of steet sit used 10 lived there be 1 desciption of street as its now Describe the street you used to live in when you were ‘young and how it has changed, explaining how you feel ‘about those changes [HI ved on Rose Street unt was eleven, when my father gota Deter job and we ceuld ford to move to a nicer par of town, Nevertheless, stil fe attached to my old Rome unt I tured thore ‘ton years ltr, ony tobe astounded by the way had changed, [EI] Rose Steet, as | remembered it, was a warm, neighboury ace, Although eome athe ageng blocs oft were in naod of ren- ‘vaton, they were clei in a much better state of repair than those in ‘ther parts ofthe town. was also a considerably safer place to lv, ‘with relatively Ite crime compared to other areas. There were only a few shops in our street a busy laundereto next door, a smal coxne shop run by ajlly man called Mr Braithwaite and a greengrocer’s. [GIL] Today. nowever, the treet has changed beyond recognition Most of tho od bulaings nave been tom down and replaced by newer, more spacious constnuctons, each one fted with securty cameras Unite before, there are no chien playing inthe streets — a sign that the crime rate is higher and that people are more cautious. n ation, ‘thre are now shops cn the ground floor of nearly every block, which ‘makes the street seem!ike one inthe town conte, [EL] What | iked most about Rose Street before the changes was ‘al there seemed tobe much more communiy spit. ienaly chat or ‘2 piece of advice was never faraway, and | am sure people fl closer than than they do now. The sense of belonging and the fact that ‘evoryone knew each ctr helped ensure that dally Ite was relatively | peacoul and socure. Nowadays, besause people are more and more isolated, the heat ofthe community appears to have gone. I must be sid, howev- ar, that the ving condtions and the general appearance ofthe aroa havo impeoved greaty-Not ony isthe architecture much more pleasing to the eye, but the steets and publc areas are considerably beter ‘maintained than they ved to be [ELL sti, nave maed feoings about these changes. | believe that ose Soot was a beter place to ive ten years ago, since a sence of ‘secury and communiy i¢ much more important than appearance or ‘convenience | wouldve to see Rose Steet again as used tobe. 29 Look atthe notes below, then, using -wordsprases from the ables on p. 29 ‘ompare and contrast the two towns. 8 ‘Applebury {ullof moder buidins plenty of green space large population limited educational facies vide range of shops many wealthy people many tinge to see and do Bunston itr oan eg plenty of green space aia ral peas dood ede cs rane sop Now nay prope ran tgs no Unit 2. Describing Places/Buildings 30 Read the model and correct the highlighted words. Write S for spelling, WO for word order, G fr grammar, or WW for wrong word then give ‘the paragraph plan, What tenses have been used? Why? Describe an area ofthe town ‘you live in which you believe will change in the near future ‘Allenoy, one ofthe most run-down areas of town, i located to the south ofthe town centro, closet the canal used to be occupied by the coton industry, but he mis wer closed down many yeas GSD ‘and most o Allenby has lain derelict since then, ago @ The general impression of the place is one ef neglect and empt ess: broken glass, lite stray cas, rubbish blown by the wind. Most ‘ofthe stone busing have tured almost black over he years, ging them a sombre, and in some cases, quit frbicing appearance. This 's especially the case at right when the steeis are unighted and deserted ‘The structres thal most catch the eye aro the big oe mils and ware houses. These fowering shapes are punctuated reguly with row upon row of high windows. Bing suchhuge, they would have dwarfed the hundreds who once worked inside, but now they are empty and not ‘even the old machinery remain, The nearby houses, in contrast, are tiny diapidated terraces, al the same more or less, Recenty however, the town counel has released pans to clean up Aenby folowing the successful velopment of similar areas in cites ‘such as London and Liverpool. The mils and warehouses wil tans formed into ary open-plan apariments and galleries, while bar and ‘estaurant owners wil be encouraged fo invest in the terraced houses ‘along the canal. This transformation wil undoubtedly craw an up-mar kot crond, as more and much people seem tobe showing an interest inthe areas distinctive architectural and instal past. In the adation to ths, the council nas also promised to revamp the ‘anal ad i'stow-pathin an atom to helpAlenby she its reputation for being a magnet for dangerous and shady characters, AS a result, the area is bound fo atract business and Allenby wil be able to deve {op a leaner, sar and all together more appealing image the example of London's vertont properties are anything to go by, the redevelopment of Allenby will certainly cevitalise te area and ut ‘mately enhance the image ofthe town a a whale. 34 Look at the following composition ask instructions and answer the ‘questions below. 4) Describe a wellknown landmark in {Your country and explain why itis famous. 1 What ate the key mons? 2 Which anima nou county woul 3 Wh prc ates ofthis ‘wonky cst ds? 4 Whot sone ean you think that make then famous 5 What woud sable paragraph pln for this task be? ower 1) Describe two areas of the town or city you live in which are very differ- cent from each other, and explain why they are so different 1 What re the hey wand? 2 Which twoarssof your town would you shoose to describe? 3 What elements would you inden lero show haw these twa areas difer 4 What words wold you use compar contast hese co ae? What would a suitable paragraph plan forth tsk be? 32 Choose ONE of the composition tasks above, and write a complete paragraph plan with notes, Then ‘write the composition ia 300 ta 440 words, a1 UNIT 3 Describing Obiecis 4 5 Read te table vow then stn to the cassette and ick the information that you ing theinformatin, describe the objet. hear Then, Ske ute smatt[] —tuge[] overage [) weight tight [ neavy [) age late th centy [| ate 80] tate rth contry| hope ‘ound [] rectonguar[] square [) aterm pon [] coved[] —sepea["] colour ove [1] oqegeen(] green [1] ongn viermese(-} veneton("} _ Yenewetan | QF Motel ass] porcelain [] estat [] 4 specacharcctestcs wohondles[] one nenta["} snot bose] featon for aing specet expensive] family hetoom |) appeared to have been fish Wn ou desebe tects you saul ve eccraeifomaton conering the ae ined ftom 3) mudlelay. and weight (gg, smal heat) shape (ag. angus, sau Intrigued by its 4) obsueii pater and deconton og. ran sped, ee) eolour oe, eens) eign design, she lied helt off (eg, Onteen Hangar oe) and mater 3. wale, sk, teosen oe) You sald ee ‘ots a ef ere seine sere rca aka ou deren the bench anc walled towards ‘Sunde Yedean gue necessary nomeon spa soins. ag se the cantik ised aia Bs tari wo rd sre 1 Descriptions ccs can be foundincblogues advetsemens BBs oras rt of ter, ope, aricles or sores. Ny «€ Thisbeauifl 2 Read the following descriptions and underline the correct word. Where could

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