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Aida Banyuls

Leraning and Development December 2015


1. How do you typically manage negative emotions?
We usually hear talk about good feelings but not about negative emotions as well. Maybe it is
because humans dont like to feel them and we try to avoid the situations that provoke us to
experiment them. But the fact is that as humans both feelings and emotions are a product of
relationship among others, so is necessary to live them and to know how to manage them in
the right way. As the article says, we feel guilt when we know that we have harmed someone,
when we are ashamed or embarrassed and we try to retreat ourselves to hide these negative
feelings from the others.
I didnt know a lot about emotions before reading the article but now I have a more clear idea
about what are them and how to manage. Even so, we all know that our emotions often
change and sometimes we are not aware of that until somebody says us Why you acted like
that? So, personally I have difficulties to be aware when I change my mood and it does not
help to manage my negatives emotions because almost always I act with impulsively. I usually
try to content me when Im conscious that my behaviour is going to be inappropriate but I
dont achieve it always. Furthermore, these negative emotions dont let me do anything so I
need to go out of home for a while and have a quiet time to come back home restored.
Another way to manage these emotions is doing handicrafts with clay and painting, it helps me
to relax and focus my attention in other things so then Im able to face the situation with other
attitude; music helps too.

2. Describe several recent examples. How might you early experiences, gender, and
cultural background have influenced your style of emotional regulation?
Recently I have experienced a negative emotion when I tried to separate my father
from technology because it was lunch time I he was still working on it. I was angry and
I asked him if he could switch the phone and TV off to have lunch together, the
consequence was that he was angry too and we had lunch separately. This was the
situation and now I will explain the possible reasons of the ending result. There is a
famous phrase that says The 20% of the conflicts happen from the topic discussed
and different opinions, the 80% happen because of the bad tone used. So, the main
factor in our discussion I think that was my temperament asking a easy question but
also our character/nature that in my fathers case and I, are so similar so sometimes
crash. Answering the question, I think that there is a cultural but also experiential
background having close relation with the situation. I have listened many cases that fit
with the famous phrase I have already said so, maybe, it is part of our culture. From
the other hand, the early experiences with our crushing behaviors have a lot of

Aida Banyuls

Leraning and Development December 2015

3. How would you describe your temperament or your personality traits as a child?
Do you think it has remained stable, or has it changed? What factors might be
As Berks article says, the individual differences in control of emotion are evident in infancy
and, by early childhood, play such a vital role in childrens adjustment that effortful control is
considered a major dimension of temperament. When I was a child, I was so impulsive with my
emotions without controlling them which produced me an impulsive personality that still
endures. As it says, emotional self-regulation requires voluntary effortful management of
emotions and this capacity for effortful control improves gradually. So for sure, I have
improved my way of content the emotions and manage them in a better way but I think I have
to practice it more to face better the situations. The factors involved were my parents first of
all, but my sister too. She is younger but she always has helped me to be softly and think
before act. So she is a tool to manage my temperament.

4. How would you characterize your internal working model? What factors in
addition to your early relationship with your parents, might have influenced you?
Regarding the internal working model as the set of expectations about the availability
of attachment figures from where I should receive support in times of stress I think
that until nowadays it has been expanding. When I was younger, I mean when I was a
child, my attachment figure where my parents because were the closest people to me
and who made all decisions by my. Later, when I was like 8 years I had to start deciding
how to wear and at the moment of shopping my mum recommended me some clothes
and other ones not, so I decided taking into account her opinion because she was my
model. During my maturing process, I have been taking more decisions by my own and
also the figures that helped me in stress situations have varied. Since my adolescence I
have listened more the friends councils than my parents ones but even so, they were
a responsive caregiver or figures. One of the best situations to see their presence in my
internal working model was when I had to decide which degree I would study. I was in
another country and even where seven hours of difference, they were awake to
council me and give me ideas of which way follow for my future. So, my relation with
them is still as a help for my emotional development, not just to make decisions but to
know how to manage my negative situations and its emotions.
5. What have you learned for your teaching practice from emotional regulation?
After have read Berks article I found many reasons to use practical ways at class to
learn about emotions (positives/negatives) since is our daily day and we have to face
with them for our whole life. I think that children needs to be aware of them as a
current subject of school and for sure it would help them to manage their emotions
with positives results in the cognitive, social and health fields.

Aida Banyuls

Leraning and Development December 2015

Also is so important the relationship with the main figures in the child life and to have
a clear understanding about how to help it and being a tool for the child emotional
development. As teachers but also as parents is interesting to know how the children
expresses their emotions and since when we can detect it in order to be responsible
with the answer we give and with the internal working model these little citizens but
participative ones in the future, will have.

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