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Hales Family Happenings

January 2016

Our new backup water


The annual national camp
meeting for our churches was
a success and they are
planning on adding ministries
for the children and youth
next year.
We had a great Christmas
visit from Rebeccas parents.
All the problems we have
been having with our
electricity and water have
been fixed.
God has opened the door for
a new ministry to the juvenile
detention center in our area.

God would raise up more
pastors and leaders in the
areas where they are still
needed in the Dominican
For encouragement and
revival among our churches.

Jesse, Rebecca, Colton & Elisha

I shared a praise last month about Ismael stepping forward to be the pastor of
one of the churches here. He officially started in that role the first Sunday of this
year. I wanted to take time to say a little more about this because it is such a huge
answer to prayer. Ive tried to make it a point each month to ask for prayer for God
to raise up pastors and leaders in our churches. I do this because this is the
greatest need our churches have. It directly affects every aspect of the ministry in
the Dominican, including the ministry to children and youth. We had a sending and
laying on of hands service for Ismael at his home church of Manoguayabo at the end
of December. At the end of the service the visiting people from Bienvenido, where
Ismael is now pastoring, were crying and shouting for joy. They know better than
anyone their need for a pastor. I say this to say thank you for praying with us for
Ismael and his family. God hears and answers prayer! I also say this because I want
to make sure you understand our great need for continued prayer that more leaders
and pastors like Ismael will know the calling of God and step forward to do His work.

Christmas behind bars

Sitting in a juvenile detention center on Christmas
day is not how one would normally picture a great
Christmas, but that is exactly how I enjoyed part of
my Christmas day. The church in Bienvenido bought
their land and built the church building were they did
because it was directly across the street from a large
juvenile detention center and they had a vision for
reaching these youth for Christ. Since then they have
been praying and seeking for an open door for this
Ismael preaching at
ministry. That door opened on Christmas day. From
10:00 to noon I had the privilege of sitting with about
50 troubled youth and watching a group from 2 of our churches put on skits, lead
worship and share the Gospel. I cant wait to see where God takes this new

Enjoying their big

Christmas gift

Elis first hair cut

serving through childrens ministries in the Dominican Republic churches
Skype # (501) 499-6011

Mark all contributions for Jesse Hales

Or give online at:
Make checks payable to: BMA Missions
PO Box 878
Conway, AR 72033

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