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In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Final Assignment of Research Project

Lecturer: DR. Dadang Sudana, Ph.D., M.A.

Submitted by

Iman Hilmansyah




(Research Proposal)

Purpose of The Study
Writing is one of communicating activity that very substantial in human life (Hirano,
p.31). Because of that mastering writing skill is very important for students. But, learning
how to write is not easy, it needs students engagement in acquiring this skill. Meanwhile, in
this modern era, the use of technologies including computer in assisting language learning
are rapidly growing. Kukulska-Hulme and Shield (2008) state that technology in assisting
language learning is undergoing rapid evolution. They believe that the use of technology can
engage students participation in learning process
Based on that explanation, this study will be focused on analyzing the implementation
of project based learning using cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing students narrative
writing ability.

Justification For The Study

According to Kukulska-Hulme and Shield (2008) who say that the use of technology

can engage students participation in learning process. this study become worth to conducted
in order to find out whether the implementation of project based learning using cartoon story
maker v.1.1 in assessing students narrative writing ability can help students in learning
writing or not. Beside that analyzing the process of implementing project based learning
using cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing students narrative writing ability and analyzing
students attitude toward this activity hopefully can give additional information in teaching
and learning writing activities.

Research Question
The study will be designed to analyze the implementation of project based learning

using cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing students narrative writing ability. In order to
discover the objective, the study formulates three questions as follows:

1. How is project-based learning using cartoon story maker implemented in

assessing students narrative writing ability?
2. Does the implementation of project based learning using cartoon story maker as
an assessment tool affect students narrative writing ability?
3. What do the students hold in terms of attitude toward the implementation of
project based learning using cartoon story maker in assessing students narrative
writing ability?


The hypothesis proposed in this study is the implementation of project based

learning using cartoon story maker as an assessment tool affect students narrative writing

There are some terms in this study that need to be clarified to avoid misinterpretation

and unnecessary misunderstanding of the terms used in this study. Some terms are clarified
as follows:
Project based learning

: is a model that organizes learning around projects

Cartoon Story Maker v.1.1

(Thomas, 2000).
: according to Languages Online (2006), Cartoon Story
Maker is a computer application to make 2D screen based


cartoon stories to illustrate conversation and dialogue.

: the process of discovering whether the instructional
activities in which we engage our students resulted in the
intended learning (Wiliam, 2013). In this study, the
assessment is aimed to discover students narrative wiriting


: Narrative is a text focused on specific participants. Its
social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain


the readers (Emilia, 2011, p. 92).

: writing is a form of communication to deliver thought or
to express feeling through written form (Harmer, 2001, p.

Narrative writing ability

: the ability to write and to understand narrative text

includes its purposes, organizations, and linguistic features
(Emilia, 2011, pp. 92-93).


The Definition of Writing
Writing is an activity that requires the writer to shift their perspective between those of
speaker and listener, writer and reader, creator and critic, sceptic and persuader, to name
of few (Freedman & Daiute , 2001).
In writing, the writer should have the ability to change their perspective because
Freedman & Daiute (2001) state that writing itself is at once thought and communication,
cognitive and social, and content and process.
Technology in Language Teaching
Project-Based Learning


Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-driven, teacher-facilitated approach

to learning (Bell, 2010). In this occasion, Learners catch knowledge by asking
questions that appear based on their natural curiosity. Basically project is an
analysis about something. Therefore, in PBL, students are guided to develop
research based on their question under the teachers supervision.
According to Educational Technology Division (2006), PBL learning activities are longterm, interdisciplinary, student-centered, and integrated with real-world issues and

Project Based Learning (PBL) is designed to support more engaged learning

and constructivist-based instructional approach is used in PBL learning
activity (Brooks & Brooks, 1993). In the process, this approach use projects
in encouraging students motivation and providing the results about what
have they learnt.
In the other hand, the implementation of PBL in the classroom is not easy.
Blumenfeld, Soloway, Marx, Krajcik, Guzdial, & Palincsar (1991) state that it
forces the teacher to require changes in classroom management and they
also must have a big collection of resources and knowledge. On the other
hand, when the implementation of PBL can be optimized by the teachers, it
will makes the students can surpassed beyond the teachers expectation
(Johnson, Smith, Smythe & Varon, 2008).


Students Attitude Toward The Implementation of Project-Based Learning Using
Cartoon Story Maker V.1.1 in Assessing Students Narrative Writing Ability
In this study there are some related study that can be showed as a basic information in

conducting this study. according to Poonpon (2009) in his study entitled enhancing English skills
through project based learning, he found out that the interdisciplinary-based project should be

implemented in a language classroom to enhance the learners English skills. In his study he
used semi structured interview in collecting the data.
The second study that was conducted by Castaneda (2010) investigated to what extent
the implementation of the Project-Based Method helps to increase English skills as well
as the development of certain human values in students. the study was mini-projects which
was analyzed eighth grade students at a public institution of Boyac. The results reveal
three conclusions: first, students remain motivated to learn English when addressing issues
related to their context; second, they hold in their mind the vocabulary when they
associate it with pedagogical activities in which they are actively involved; and finally,
the strategy of mini-projects strengthens the relationship between student and teacher even
The last is study that was conducted by Maulany (2013). In her study, she proposed to
find out whether Project-based Learning could improve young learners speaking skill or not and
what speaking aspects were improved through PBL and to investigate what speaking activities
were used in PBL to improve their speaking skill. She used participatory observation in
collecting the data. The result showed that PBL could improve the students speaking skill
(comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and pronunciation. Of all the five aspects,
comprehension and vocabulary were improved most significantly). As for the speaking activities,
nine of them were used, namely drilling, storytelling, directed response, picture-cued, translation
of limited stretches of discourse, question and answer, discussion, games, and role-play.
From all of those related studies, it can be conclude that the implementation of project
based learning in teaching language skills can help both pf students and the teacher in engaging
teaching and learning activity. Project based learning activity also can help students in acquiring
language skills. However there is limited study which focused teaching narrative writing through
project based learning. So, this study is going to investigate the implementation of project based
learning using cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing students narrative writing ability.
Research Design
This current study will uses mix method research design which are consists of
descriptive statistic from questionnaire and interview. According to Malik & Hamied (2014,

p. 268), the mix method approach is the combination of qualitative and quantitative research
design in order to have deeper information of the phenomenon under investigation.
Moreover, the use of the two instruments is aimed to conduct a methodological triangulation
of the data. The researcher would gain validated and enriched data by using methodological
triangulation (Best & Kahn 2006, p. 271). Malik & Hamied (2014, p. 270) also believe that
mix method design is the most common approach

and could obtained different but

complementary data on the same topic to best understand the research problem. In specific,
this approach is aimed to get better and detail information about the implementation of
project based learning using cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing students narrative writing
In the quantitative design, true experimental design will be used in analyzing
students writing ability from two groups of first grade in one of senior high school in
Bandung which are randomly assigned. The study will be started with the null hypothesis, the
two groups are considered similar in the beginning of the experiment.


: There is no significant difference between the experiment and control

class in the mean adjustment level.


: experiment class


: control class

Kranzler and Moursund (1999) proposed that the meaning of null hypothesis is that
both of experimental and control classes in the mean adjustment level are same. So that the
null hypothesis in this research is there is no difference between the two groups,
experimental and control classes, in writing narrative text.
In order to determine whether the means of scores of the two groups are different to a
statistically-significant degree (Kranzlerand Moursund, 1999), T-test will be used in
analyzing data in this study.

Notes : G stands for class, T1 stands for Pre-test and T2 stands for Post-test

This study will also collects data by distributing questionnaire to the students in
experimental class in that school. The questionnaire will be measured using Likert scale. The
data analysis will use descriptive statistic (Percentage) to analyze the results of the
questionnaires. Then the results will be analyzed under each attribute which contain the
information about the implementation of project based learning using cartoon story maker
v.1.1 in assessing students narrative writing ability.
Moreover, the qualitative data analysis that will be used in this study is case study. As
Yin (2003, p.13) says that case study investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its
real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not
clearly evident. The process of promoting project based learning using technology in
assessing students writing ability is a phenomenon that want to be analyzed in this study.
Since a case study is a study of problem in order to analyze a case or bounded system
includes understanding an event, activity, process, or one or more individuals (Creswell,
2002, p. 61), this study will be purposed to investigate the implementation of project based
learning using cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing students narrative writing ability.

The population in this research will be first grade students in one of senior high

school in Bandung. The sample will use two classes, experiment and control class; each
class consist of 30 students. project based learning using cartoon story maker will be used to
asses 30 students writing ability in experimental class. Paper based test will be used to
assess 30 students writing ability in control class. So the fix number of the sample will be
60 students.

In this study, there will be four instruments in collecting data which consist of: test,

questionnaire, interview, and observation.

3.3.1. Test
In this study the test will be given to experiment and control class in pretest and
posttest. The test will be in written form. The students will be asked by the teacher to

make their own narrative story. The pretest will be given to experiment and control class
in the first meeting. The post test will be given to experiment class as a project and they
have to make it in cartoon story maker v.1.1. Meanwhile, the posttest will be given to
control group as an assignment and they have to make it in the paper.
To get students narrative writing scores, a scoring rubric was developed based on
the scoring guides proposed by National Assessment Program Writing Narrative
Marking Guide (2010). The adopted scoring rubric consisted of ten important aspects
which are audience, text structure, ideas, character and setting, vocabulary, cohesion,
paragraphing, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling. The aspects existed in table



r and

















Adopted from: National Assessment Program Writing Narrative Marking Guide (2010)

3.3.2. Questionnaire
A set questionnaire will be used in this study. It will be given only to experimental
group since the study focus on investigating the students attitude toward the
implementation of project based learning using cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing
students narrative writing ability. The questionnaire consisted of several questions
related to students attitude toward the implementation of project based learning using
cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing students narrative writing ability. Likert-Scale
with five options (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Uncertain, Agree and Strongly Agree)
will be used in this questionnaire.
3.3.3. Interview
Moreover, this study also used interview section which were consisted of openended questions related to the topic. Reja, Lozar, Hlebee, and Vehovar (2003) delivers
the advantages of the open-ended questions include the possibility of discovering the
responses that individuals give spontaneously, and thus avoiding the bias that may result
from suggesting responses to individuals.

3.3.4. Observation
In this study, classroom observation will be conducted in order to find out the
implementation of project based learning using cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing
students narrative writing ability.
The observation will be conducted 8 times by recording the process of teaching
and learning narrative writing that will be assessed by using cartoon story maker v.1.1
as their final project. The result of the observation will be transcribed and converted to
field note as a primary data.

Procedural Details
This current study is going to analyze the implementation of project based
learning using cartoon story maker v.1.1 in assessing students narrative writing ability. In
detail this study will analyze:
1. How the implementation of project based learning using cartoon story maker in
assessing students narrative writing ability.
2. The effect of the implementation of project based learning using cartoon story maker
in assessing students narrative writing ability.
3. Students attitude toward the implementation of project based learning using cartoon
story maker in assessing students narrative writing ability.
This study will be conducted in one of senior high school in Bandung. The
population will be first grade students in the school. The study will randomly choose two
classes, experiment and control class and each class consisted of 30 students.
This study will be conducted in September. The reason why the study will
conducted in that month, because the teaching and learning activity usually started in
This study will use mix method in collecting the data. This method divided into
quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The quantitative data analysis will be used to
analyze the effect of the implementation of project based learning using cartoon story
maker in assessing students narrative writing ability. Moreover the qualitative data
analysis will be used to analyze the process of implementing project based learning using
cartoon story maker in assessing students narrative writing ability and to find out

students attitude toward the implementation of project based learning using cartoon
story maker in assessing students narrative writing ability.

Internal Validity
There will be several procedures that were conducted in this research includes:

1. Finding out some theories and concepts related to Narrative writing ability, project based
learning in teaching writing, Computer Assisted Language Learning, and attitude;
2. Selecting the participants;
3. Distributing pre-test to the students;
4. Observing the experimental class meeting;
5. Distributing post-test to the students;
6. Interviewing the students;
7. Distributing the questionnaires to the students;
8. Computing the data from pre-test and posttest using SPSS 21 software.
9. Transcribing and converting the observation data into field note;
10. Analyzing the data from students pre-test and post-test, observation, interview and
11. Interpreting the findings from those instruments; and
12. Concluding the obtained data.

Data Analysisis
The analysis of data is conducted after assembling the required data such as pre-test,

post-test, questionnaires, interview and observation.


Pre-test and Post-test Data Analysis

The Pre-test and Post-test were statistically analyzed by using t-test. Before the

test, tests of normality of distribution ad variance homogeneity were conducted. If the

scores were normally distributed, t-test could be conducted.
Normality of Distribution
Analysis of normality of distribution was conducted to find out the scores
of experimental and control group whether the scores were normally distributed
or not. To analyze the normality of distribution, Kolmogrov-Smirnov formula was
used in SPSS for windows. If the Asymp. sig. is higher than the level of
significance (0.05), the scores was normally distributed.
Homogeneity of Variance

The analysis of homogeneity of variance was conducted to find out the

variance of the experimental and control group whether the scores were
homogenous or not. To analyze homogeneity of variance, Levene Test formula
was be used in SPSS for widows. If the probability is higher than level of
significance (0.05), variance of the experimental and control group was
The Independent T-test
The analysis of independent t-test was conducted to find out the means of
experimental and control group whether there is significant difference or not.
Independent sample test formula was be used in SPSS for windows. If the Asymp.
sig. is higher than the level of significance (0.05), means of the experiment and
control groups were significantly different.

The data gained from questionnaire will be analyzed and described by using

percentage. The data were experimental students responses toward the implementation of
project based learning using cartoon story maker in assessing students narrative writing
ability. The formula of percentage will be used to analyze the questionnaire. The data
were interpreted based on the frequency of the students answer.


x 100%

: Percentage of response
: Frequency of answer
: number of students
The data were interpreted based on the frequency of students answer.

The data from interview will be in the form of voice recording. The voice

recording will be analyzed and categorized to gain information related to the research
question about the implementation of project based learning using cartoon story maker in
assessing students narrative writing ability. The interview is going to support the data
taken from the observation.


The data from observation will be in the form of video. The video will be

transcribed and converted in to field note. The field note will be analyzed and categorized
to gain information related to the research question about the implementation of project
based learning using cartoon story maker in assessing students narrative writing ability.

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