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AP Art History


2016-2017 Ms. Kotcher

CONTENT: What can you see? What is the subject matter?

FORM: Finer details, the Elements of Art and Principles of Design.
CONTEXT: WHY? What was happening during this time that caused this piece to be created?
Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, Art?
FUNCTION: What is its purpose? What was it made to be used for, or do? (U.R.P.H.E.I.A.)
STYLE: How are you able to classify an artwork by a particular artist, culture, period, art movement, etc.?
MEANING: What led up to the creation of this piece? How did this work reflect the ideas during this time in history,
and allow it to be a product of its time? What is the meaning of the artwork?

Name: ______________________________________________
APAH 250 Artwork Number: ______________

Title: _____________________________________________
Artists/Architect: __________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________
Period/Culture: ____________________________________

Image of the work

Location: _________________________________________
Scale/Size: _______________________________________
Patron: ___________________________________________
Materials: ________________________________________
Technique: _______________________________________

1. Subject Matter / Content:

2. Symbolism used (iconography):
3. Contextual Issues relevant to the work:

4. Formal qualities of this work:
5. Intended Audience for this work:
6. Function(s):
7. Symbolic function:
8. Related Themes:
9. Related works:

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