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) Designation: E 1442 - 94 os mi <, follow the Standard Practice for 84 Highway-Tratfic Monitoring* “This standard is ised under the fed designation E 1442; the number immediately Following the designation indicates the year of cial adoption onthe case of eison, he year oft revision. A number in parenthetical the Year of ast approval A | OF of the local t pavement, fope This practice describes highway-traffic monitoring, is the activity of collecting, summarizing, and re- troke, pad Jape Walfic volume, vehicle classification, and vehicle t data. This practice is foundational and is not intended inal size,’ gradfe all-inclusive. Users of this practice are allowed, indeed ed, to exceed the practice. machine is s142. Traffic monitoring results in traffic-volume, classifica and weight-summary statistics which are used in unter readinghway geometric and pavement design, alternative way route selection, roadway demand and service assess- ‘and accident-exposure estimation. 3 Traffie-monitoring practices are based on the prin- of truth-in-data. This principle involves providing the mentary information required for appropriate use of ie data and summary statistics usly polished, emained i ability range ¥ tests are recsion equ To measure trafic for summary-satistic calculation, fe-monitoring practices are also based on the principle of s the bias ofpedited base-data integrity. Missing or inaccurate unedited rence surfaepse data shall not be completed, flled-n, or replaced for y type of traffic measurement. 1.5 A limitation of this practice is traffic data summariza- o . Trafficdata summarization procedures are hypotheses. jcularly in the use of adjustment factors. These hypoth- shall be consistently calculated, but may also be ex- 7 ted to be challenged and to change across time. These : inges will be important in improving the precision of fc-summary statistics. 1.6 The inherent limitation of traffic-monitoring practice its in strict adherence to the principle of unedited tase-data retention. Only with adequate historical unedited tase data can alternative hypotheses be tested, the impact of tne alternative hypotheses assessed, and standard practice fined, , 17 The Values stated in inch-pound units are to be ‘garded as standard. 1.8 The following safety hazards caveat applies only to the trafic data collection portion, Section 6, of this practice. This standard does not purport 10 address all of the safety ‘concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsi bility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate Lufety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior t0 use. "This prt fs der th oration of ASTM Comite ET on Vebile eaten Systems and ie the diet esponsibiy of Suhcommiee E174? on Tie Charsctensis Curent edition ayvoved April 15, 1998, Pulao June 199, Orin Pubiahad ao 1442-91. Las rosous eon EIS Stpersept epson @) ndiaes a eitorl change Sct te lst Yevsion or approval. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standard. E1318 Specification for Highway Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Systems with User Requirements and Test Method? 3. Terminology ’ 3.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.1.1 adjustment factors, n—traffic summary statistic cor- rections for multiple-axle vehicles, weekday-traffic variation, seasonal-traffic variation, and regional-trafic characteristics; and, the estimate of annual growth or decline for traffic- ‘summary statistics on road segments not recounted during a year. 3.1.2 annual average daily traffic, (AADT), n—the esti- ‘mate of typical traffic on a road segment for all days of the week, Sunday through Saturday, over the period of one year and calculated from permanent-counter data as the sum of Monthly Average Daily Traffic (MADTs) divided by the number of MADTs, and for short-term counts by using adjustment factors. 3.1.3 annual average days of the week, (AADW), n—a traffic volume mean statistic for each day of the week, over the period of one year, and calculated from included permanent-counter data as the sum of Monthly Average Days of the Week (MADWs) for a year divided by the number of MADWs. 3.14 annual average weekday traffic, (AAWDT), n—the estimate of typical traffic over the period of one year, for the days Monday through Thursday, calculated from permanent counter data as the sum of Monthly Average Weekday ‘Traffic (MAWDTs) divided by the number of MAWDTS. Discussion-—Friday trafic may be included in AAWDT calculation at a permanent-counter ste or for summary statistics from permanent ‘counters by functional and operational classification ifthe inclusion of these data docs not increase the AAWDT coefficient of variation 3.1.5 annual average weekend traffic, (AAWET), n—the estimate of typical traffic over the period of one year, for the days Saturday through Sunday, calculated from included permanent-counter data as the sum of Monthly Average Weekend Traffic (MAWETs) divided by the number of MAWETs, ‘Discussion—Friday traffic may be included in AAWDT calculation ata permanentcounter site of for summary statistics from permanent counters by functional or operational classification ifthe inclusion of these data does not increase the AAWET coefficient of variation 3.1.6 annual summary statistics, n—yearly estimates of the central tendency of traffic volume, vehicle classification, (oF ASTM Su Gp & 1442 and Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESALs. see 3.1.17) by vehicle classification, based on traffie measurements during the weekday combinations of Sunday through Saturday, Monday through Thursday, and Friday through Sunday. Discussion —Calendar year is the most common and recommended basis forthe count year. 3.1.7 annual vehicle miles traveled (AVMT), n—average annual traffic on a road segment, expressed as AADT ‘multiplied by the number of days in the year, multiplied by the length of the road segment. 3.1.8 approach, n—a set of lanes accommodating all left-turn, through, and right-turn movements arriving at an intersection from a given direction. 3.1.9 axle correction factor, n—an adjustment of vehicle axle sensor summarized base data for incidence of multiple axle vehicles. Discussion—The purpose of the axle correction factor is to account for the incidence of multiple-axle vehicles inthe traffic steam, 3.1.10 base data, n—the unedited and unadjusted mea surements of traffic volume, vehicle classification, and ve- hicle or axle weight. 3.1.11 count, n—the activity of measuring and recording, traffic characteristics such as vehicle volume, classification, speed, weight, or a combination of these characteristics. 3.1.12 count period, n—the beginning and ending time of traffic characteristic measurement. 3.1.13 count type. n—the traffic characteristic being mea- sured, the measurement device, and period. 3.1.14 daily vehicle miles traveled, (DVMT), n—average daily traffic on a road segment, expressed as AADT, multi- plied by the length of the road segment. 3.1.15 ediaccepted, adj—having the unadjusted base data compliant with standards of practice. Discussios—The standards of practice are those described in this, document combined with edit routines related to specific types and ‘models of traffic messurement devices and data-retieval procedures 3.1.16 edii-rejected, adj—having the unedited base data non-compliant with standards of practice Discussion—The standards of practice are those described in this document combined with edit routines related to specific types and ‘models of tralfic-measurement devices and data-retrieval procedures. 3.1.17 equivalent single axle load, (ESAL), n—a numer- ical factor that expresses the relationship of a given axle load to another axle load in terms of their effect on the service- ability of a pavement structure. Dscussion—In common usage, all axle loads are equate in terms of the equivalent numberof repetitions of an 18 000 Ib single axe 3.1.18 excluded counters, n—permanent traffic counters, for which monthly traffic adjustment factors may not be calculated for a given year. 3.1.19 functional classification, n—the grouping of streets and highways into classes, or systems, according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Dascussion—Basic to functional classification is the recognition that individual roads do not serve travel independently in any major way. ‘Mos travel involves movement through a network of roads. tis hep land necesary to determine how travel can be channelized within the oad network ina logical and ecient manner. Functional classification sway of describing how travel i chanslized and the pan particular toa or sect plys in srving the flow of tape eee Toul network * Ca 3.1.20 included counters, n—permanent-traffic cough for which monthly trafic adjustment factors may be el lated for a given year, based on the quantity of edit cosa data. 3.1.21 isolated ramps, n—an interstate interchange 8 at which the traffic low is not influenced by up . and classification, as stated in 9.1.1, and shall includé assumed pavement characteristics. 9.1.3 The minimum information provided with system of: functional classification Daily or Annual Vehicle Mile ‘Traveled shall be the label of the statistic and the percent Daily or Annual Vehicle Miles Traveled based on standard ‘and non-standard traffic volume counts. 3.2 Teac motoring wall cmploy common dats 248: ‘mas in electronic databases to facilitate data exchange. THs, ‘common data formats are detailed in Al of the Ane®, Vehicle weight data shall be stored in the weigh-in-motoa format. 4 9.3. For short-term traffic measurements, follow the same de the data format as permanent counts, with the following excep- in the orma. | fons. For volume and vehicle classification submit a record -data_| for each day included in the short-term count. For weight asure. | yeasurement submit a truck weight record for each vehicte. ‘This may be minimally on an individual vehicle basis for those vehicles having a classification of bus, a two-axle, six-wheel truck or truck with a larger number of axles. In this minimum case, records of classification of passenger car, motorcycle, or other two-axle, four-wheel truck may be ted by discrete time period. from on. A asure. ations traffic sum- | "9.4 Traffic reporting by traffic flow maps, whether pre- pe of manually or through a geographic information system, , two | shall not employ smoothing or other summary statistic ; and, | adjustment techniques other than those specified in these standards. repre | °"9.4.1 Traffic flow maps shall designate traffic volumes in F the | two ways: (/) summary statistics, noting that the summary work, | statistic reported is in compliance with standard practice; or (2) other designation, such as a number in brackets (), mea- | denoting the summary statistic reported is not based on gency | standard practice. ained |” 9.4.2 Urban areas shall use annual average weekday traffic (AAWDT) as the traffic flow map summary statistic for all same | [inks on the map. ‘9.4.3 Rural areas shall use annual average daily traffic Qh & 1442 (AADT) as the traffic flow summary statistic for all Links on the map. 10. Precision and Bias 10.1 In calculating precision of traffic summary statistics, the confidence level shall be 95 %. If multiple days of data exist for a site, the confidence interval should be calculated based on between-day variability. If multiple days data do ‘not exist, the confidence interval may be estimated. The method of confidence interval calculation or estimate shall ‘be reported with the confidence interval, and shall be retained with the confidence interval. The method for * calculating the confidence interval shall be the method specified in the Traffic Monitoring Guide.* 10.2 Confidence intervals for permanent traffic counters shall be based on variability between ,complete days of edit-accepted data. 10.3 Confidence interval estimates may be made for short-term traffic characteristic measurements. The esti ‘mates should be based on characteristic distribution of short-term counts at permanent counters on roadways with ‘the same functional or operational classific LL. Keywords 1.1 traffic; traffic: monitorin classification; weigh-in-motion traffic volume; vehicle i) © 1442 ANNEX (Mandatory Information) Al. TRAFFIC MONITORING DATA FORMAT monitoring data format: AL.LI The traffic monitoring data format for permanent and portable traffic measurement shall be capable of being transmitted as shown in Table AI. ‘Al.L.2 Vehicle classification data shall be capable of being transmitted in the following format (Table A1.2), based on TABLE A1.1 Permanent Counter Data Submittal Format ‘ the 13 clasifications of vehicles, and with a classification fo those vehicles which could not be grouped by vel classification, . ALL.3 Vehicle weight data shall be capable of being transmitted as in Table A1.3 and ALA, Ee TABLE A1.2 Vehicle Classification Data Format of coum Fa al a Care Fas Decton aid Votes cea 1 Beco ype come Wasi 7) 7 1 Resor inition SoATR Ste 29 Staion Use APs case dw. Ne SutsCove twa soar tos Funtona cass Ora, Ob oO 1112.14.16. 17, 9 i552 Functor cnmsenon 1M 569) S18 Sion ronter Rance apr rana) Ge A_‘Sttontestcatonnaoer on Orton oes 2 1 N Direction of travel (TMG 8-6-3) 101011 Year ast two digits of data year Aa 1 dN Min ae trav 12013 Morn Sree Someta ores 4018) Hos 2 ON Yewsvata gar tosot) sto i3 one 103, capate colums 21019, jor FN Mommoranat wre stoi? 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Your comments wil rece care consideration a a meting othe responsible fetter Your comments have ot Tceved a fa ering you sha make your

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