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execurive Cases APPROVAL # 3 December 28, 2015, CHAPTER # 522. [MEMORANDUM filed wth Assembly BI 2121, ete "AN ACT to amen th ats aclu saw in ition oelisiag ‘he Bhard Hopper ton of et fr iu is” ArpROvED ‘This il would cet the Edward Hopper lation of merit ar vil ats, The New York Sate Coun onthe Ans (NYSCA) woul peovide emi ead te sled va vis aswel sual supp fro pute sowing ofthe a's wok "aly soppor: tbe eno award a my aint le ey hgh leon ‘be promsion an exosmetof he ars rae, owever, is a wn ete YS poze ne arse medium over oder, ely deserving, ferme of expression The {epistire Pas speed © weiter amevaen tat ees ths cones On tha as Tn sioing hs ‘This sapoved APPROVAL # 377 CHAPTER # 583 "MEMORANDUM ied with Astbly Bil 3057, etd AN ACT wo aneod te gnc ines aw nln sri ake tengo” APPROVED "Th i wou prohibit ese snbuoe of okt deta hat we removable batres, Ineo consumes nd basins would oly be se opus sok desc tate peed by aonemovale teres with 9 >on All homes ea bane mat hve working smoke dels ite usp tat these cevises save es. AS fe, howe, tee sal ses with he ll hat WoO) make i teat Inplenet succesful. The Lepr hs ied oc sendiest ‘Gade thse ences On at, am sping sl ‘This is aproves Exrcurve Cxamgen APPROVAL #39” Decerer 26, 2015 CHAPTER #584 [MEMORANDUM fed wt Asembly Bil 6626 ei: SAN ACT waco! te sca verve ay, elation arcing seve ‘ima or tea gst acaepany tine of dates: lense ABPROVED Ths il would reque domestic ilence balers tose sir of metic voles ss wll ath soe and thay dogs Nev York Site cently provides shel for domes stn suv a forse td neglected aol As df, however, ts il wa omgel domes vince ers > ose survivors and tr nial gether whot an ely orton ccommossin fer ter srvivors caren esiing in hse ster This wold reser have gc eal ad say impacts on those Survivors For example, thre would be no exe Ife survivor residing athe str wes allege anil rf rior young ie that ‘re Taf smal ‘he Legishaze has srt to a caper sient dat would aes these cones The chapter anentat would aso eaend the effete for ote year alloy sees safc tine tomo thei ogra, eres spot bter acommoate sree sak Teta as Ont as Ta sgn hl ‘Tis bile pov executive Cuannen APPROVAL # 39 ecenber 28, 2025 CHAPTER # 58S. MEMORANDUM fed wis Assembly il 7951, nil AN ACT wrepealparsaaph (6) of sis 2a stn 75 te civil serie a rein tomlin thea employe mhlcwer rtm a AREROVED ‘This il would amend the Ci. Serv Lt sepel§ 752K, provision tht st feta «ssn equ thx pol employee whist mt ioe to ceive roteton om averse personne! decison Under cea! es eo losing lege Improper sc. omside of the aone, an enfant tops th infomaion teraly ‘@his oer spoiing author sd provide te autor with eos ie ae Sports aon ares su at, The sponsors of hs bil eee conse ht heresy be insane when a9 employee bees the improper acy seg undertaker bya persis seo oe in {tu employee's chan of command Ls those easy even wth waseower ton ude the Jaw, ata epotag rauamet may sna sich employes re coming mad The spor mats hh le tae a prevents ote [ks importe opovdeeployes with he byt roan eo alleged ongoing witht a fe al on st ass Tam signing th ll. However ore ‘Cnt ta his ils cae. be orb and cul ea mpeentaon iaics, ‘Acconci onan susan wi setae in be 216 son ‘ging any adel eine ctungs ay be wer Exccuvve Cnannem APPROVAL #4/0. Dacemer 28, 2015, CHAPTER #586 [MEMORANDUM fied with Sst BL 13802, ened “AN ACT so amend te insurance loa ation ition five by Shomeste ck he ere APPROVED Thisbi woul proms the grow of domes sk ners compiling for grater Seiy to see cern pes of ve Now York Site roves host of oppranis busiest prow an expan an i luk pon that ok econ. As cuenly ded howe, thi il dos ot comply i te Nato Asaiton of Insurance Commisionrs CNATC) secretion sada and tas dos we ce sees safeguards to rot plieyoles. The Assy an the Sent ave gr 0 sep inh uparing session toads hese concer, andes tht Now York Se poole ‘pte On tht us ining ts I, This is pprove ‘APPROVAL #4] Decenber 26, 2015 CHAPTER # 587, [MEMORANDUM fed with Sent Bi 4543, et “AN ACT suiting te consumer potion division a develop an sci Fumie lciioa sa plane nai ownenes camps” ABPROVED This bil would rue the Dg of Sis's Divison of Consumer Potton to evelop an imple pbc wheres cnaien onthe dangers of teed nt, (cevits,aod aie apace (verte pst several yeas thee tas tee a incre in the mabe of ies and Injuries ered by user Trae t fly suport the nt ef is Hl ad T agree he Pc neds o Be ava of such dangers As date, however, the rose bli eons fSmpain wold te dc to implement sce. The Legs as age em caer ‘endef Would ase hase concer, ing on eterson of te eiccve eee ‘A 1, 2016 tallow the Divison of Costes Prtaion salient new achive te gos ‘oh inh bl On ht a, asin il, ‘Tesi porove Executive Chamoen approval #42 Decenber 28, 2038 CHAPTER sage ‘MEMORANDUM fed wit Sent i 59 etd ANACT to amend the nse ln nel exatropsic eiso® verge sue catia sll rp od provtig fr the peal sec provions pone expo tea [MEMORANDUM file wit Sete il 00, ene: "AN ACT tomend the insurance a eto octopus overge isu cela sal rug, do sme cae the laws 2018 amending the nse tng oath ot ‘ensrance coveage sucess aoa, ropes in Tele ile nantes § 598-4 and ASMA nln tMlectveeis of sh chp nia aaton odin the Sspermende’ of tania seer cnt ith a inependen ‘Stig cosdct an atexenent eprint imp fhe Froitiion on he sl of tpl catstopie nein ‘Sovrage othe sal group mat” APPROVED. Tes bills woul amend he Insurance Law eating othe isa neva of tp Jos, caasophis, and einsunce coverage ocean sal rps As df, howe hee ‘ilscomin seve ella woul rae thn cto imple, "The sembly andthe Senate have sped to pas eins the upeming son hat adeeea ase ‘Stncrs. On tht ass asin tha bl ‘Tes bile approved, APPROVAL #443, Decerber 28, 2015 CHAPTER #599 [MEMORANDUM filed with Sent Bil 592-8, od "AN ACT to amend he insane ln a lation catatrophi a reise overage stun! cxain sal groupe ao rv fr th peal fsa provisions pon tc expaton seo [MEMORANDUM file with Sete Bil 00, enti ‘AN ACT toamen’ the insuanc a, nono cits of ese ‘rere sued carn sal ops; and oa gtr he lof 2013 anening ensure le rang ashi ot ‘easrance coverage sudo cersin mal pop pon a Tele le antes. 598-4 and A. $e nln to effecveoss of sh chp nin cation odcing the Spitende of Gran serves oat with dependent ‘ity tcondoct an essessnenl sarin he impact of he Prohibition on th sl of tpl catetopic td eesaranee ‘Soiree othe sal rap athe” areRoven. Tes bills woul mend he Insurance Law eating othe ices neva of 9p los, ctastopi, sl issance coverage to cari smal pops. At da, howe ‘scot seve ehnilfawshe woul make thn du to mplemet ‘The Assembly andthe Senate have aged o us Tein inthe upcoming ton tht ns ese ‘less. On thas Fan ighng tee lle ‘Teese bill ae approve,

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