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ISSEA Rules and Guidelines of Student

ISSEA 2014

ISSEA athletes must remember that they represent their school,

community, family, and home country at all times during an ISSEA
championship. Behavior must represent these groups in a positive
ISSEA athletes must attend all officially organized events.
ISSEA athletes are to abide by all host school rules and host country
law during the ISSEA championship.
ISSEA athletes and ISSEA host students are not permitted to use
tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs during the ISSEA Tournament including
the travel days.
Curfew times are non-negotiable: weekdays (10pm), Saturday (11pm).
ISSEA athletes are not allowed to be transported in automobiles driven
by students (even if students have legal licenses) or any person under
21 years of age. ISSEA athletes are never permitted to be passengers
on any form of motorcycle.
ISSEA athletes are responsible to their host parents and must keep
those parents informed of their specific whereabouts at all times.
Further, ISSEA athletes are not permitted to explore the local, public
environment without the consent of the host family parents or guardian
and the prior consent of their schools Athletic Director.
ISSEA athletes may not use any medications unless prescribed or
administered by a licensed medical physician or HIS medical personal
or, unless previously cleared by their coach. The visiting Athletic
Director will inform host parents of all such medication requirements.


Infractions of ISSEA Rules and Behavioral Guidelines, host school rules
and/or host contry law may result in one or more of the following penalties
being imposed on the affected student:
Partial or complete suspension from further participation in the
ISSEA championship.
Being sent home to the affected students country. This will be the
individual students parents expense including any and all
additional costs.
The student may be banned from all ISSEA events for one (1) full
year including this same event the next year.
The ISSEA Administrators-in-Charge: host school High School
Principal, and Head of School. The administrators-in-charge, in conjunction
with the host school Athletic Director and the Athletic Director of the
student(s) involved, will decide the application of penalties.
Please sign below to verify that both the participating students and their
parents understand and agree to abide by the ISSEA behavior guidelines.

Signature of Parent:_______________________

Printed Parent Name: ____________________

Signature of Student: ______________________

Student Name: _________________________

(please return to your athletic director who will bring all contracts to the ISSEA event)

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