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Good day everyone- my name is Adam- and the theme of my statistical art is based on

Pornography: The factors on why people watch and are drawn to porn, its effects as well
as its disadvantages.
Definition: Porn addiction, which is a subset of sex addiction, can refer to a range of
behaviors that are done in excess and negatively impact ones life
Every second 28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet. One third of porn
viewers are women.
Why the fascination on porn?
a) Men mostly turn to porn to help them masturbate. The orgasm gave them a bit of a
high, like a a hit of a drug, and they turned to it, again and again, eventually helpless
to stop themselves from spending hours watching porn each day, constantly
b) Some watch because of boredom, others watch it to learn new techniques. But
ultimately almost all porn users eventually get hooked on porn.
Disadvantages of pornography.
a) Watching pornography interferes with normal daily behavior or responsibilities.
b) More time spent watching pornography, or searching for more stimulating types of
pornography, is needed to get you aroused or to climax, i.e., you develop a tolerance.
c) There is a sense of emotional distress, or feeling of withdrawal, when porn use is
d) Continued use pornography despite serious consequences (e.g., loss of relationship or
job, contraction of a sexually transmitted disease or STD).
e) Compulsive masturbating.
f) Sexual dysfunction (e.g., impotence, premature ejaculation).
g) Use of pornography negatively affects your relationships, for example: it is more
difficult to become aroused by your partner.
h) Decline in romantic or sexual interactions with partner, such as inability to become
aroused ,increasing need for more aggression or dominance and emotional
i) You watch porn as a way to alter your mood (e.g., obtain a high) or avoid other
unpleasant feelings, like anxiety or depression.
j) Not wanting to seek person-to-person (real life) sexual contact, or diminished
patience for sexual contact (e.g., wanting to have sex right away, or fantasizing or
obsessing about sexual contact with random strangers).

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