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Discuss the impact of physical fitness and

activity on academic performance.

Ryan Francis & Sean Quirk

It is difficult for students to learn if they are tired and fatigued

which is why physical fitness can help academic performance.
Then their brain is more active and they can be more engaged in
the learning process.
According to one study, the students who were more active, fit,
and/or involved in PE classes also perform better than others in
other subjects as well.

The saying healthy mind, healthy body is very accurate as there

is a direct correlation between the two.
Another example of a study showed that 19 out of 19 studies
showed a direct positive relationship in extracurricular activity
and academic performance in the classroom.

However, once concern teachers have is that if students have more

time in PE classes then they have less time in other classes which
would lead to lower academic performance.
However, that would not be the case as physical activity and PE
actually positively affects academic performance.

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