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Portfolio 1 Essay

Chris Healey
Freedom, Responsibility and Justice

As a human being I believe that all of us are entitled to certain rights

we are born with that are unalienable, such as life liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. But the most important is freedom; this is a right I personally
believe that all people are born with but unfortunately is not a reality. As
humans we all should feel a moral responsibility to maintain these rights by
not allowing the further dehumanization in any situation. I understand that
by me living in America and being raised different that I have different ideals
that others across the world, but with that being said my views and beliefs
are not shaken nor should our countries. Were all human, arent we? Every
human life is worth the same, and worth saving. (Rowling,J.K.)
The term good citizen is a very subjective term and is very
hard to define, most people will see things differently than my views. But I
think a good citizen is someone who strives for improvement in the
community and can always chose the right things to due in any situation
without worry of his/hers morals being shaken. As citizens I believe that we
all must strive to constantly improve for the better without repeating the
mistakes already made. We must show no energy fighting back an old evil.
Nearly 2 centuries after the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, and
more than a century after slavery was officially ended in its last strongholds.
The trade in human beings for any purpose must not be allowed to thrive in

our time.(Bush,GeorgeW) We all must ensure past mistakes are not repeated in
our present time or the feeling of benevolence in us may cease to exist, we
must evolve.
The United States has in my opinion has earned the nickname
the police od the world for a good reason. I feel as if to many United States
resources are wasted on things that we cannot be fixed on our behalf. But
must be enhanced or re-erected by the ones who destroyed it. The continuity
of the United States constant aid and need to be involved in everything is
only hurting us as a nation. There are positive things to our so-called
policing as well. We do have many impressive relationships with many
other country and nations. We as a nation have our own values, but trying to
push these values on other nations and areas if fell is almost a waste of
breathe. We cannot change something or someone that does not want to be
changed. Nor do we have the right to tell them the way they believe is
As a country that was founded on the ideals of freedom, justice,
democracy and tolerance. We need to ensure our morals and ideals stand
strong in our hearts and minds, because all people were created equal.
Where you are born should not dictate your potential as a human being.
(RomeoDallaire) I believe that all people no matter where they call home are
entitled those unalienable rights. What I do not believe is that the United
States has the resources to continue to be the worlds police. There are

some countries that we just cannot fix, we cannot afford to waste our
resources. We do not have enough resources to save the whole world.
The United States and us as citizens must learn we cannot be there for
everyone. We need to keep our greatest resources at home. It is in our best
interest to invest in ourselves and I firmly believe that. We cannot force
anyone to change, to even attempt that is highly hypocritical. We can only
attempt to improve ourselves and hope others learn for our examples, and
turn it into action for the greater good.
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