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Tawnia Page
Media Review and Reflection

Muslims in American

I recently read the article Own it by Kathy Lynn Grossman posted in the Salt Lake
Tribune on December 5, 2015. This article is a plea to open the eyes of American
Muslims and to start owning that they have to stand up against Islamic extremist,
verbally and physically, to OWN the fact that terrorism is an Islamic issue. The
recent shooting in San Bernardino, California is just one tragic situation where the
US Muslims voice needs to be heard. Farahnez Ispahani, a former member of the
Pakistani Parliament, called for pluralism within Muslim-majority countries and
protection for Muslim minorities worldwide. We have all heard, Where are the
Muslim voices who will stand up to extremism? Ispahani said. Were here,
standing before you
It seems too often, in my opinion and others Ive talked to say, Muslims do and
encourage others to keep quiet, a low profile. The excuse most Ive talked with also
say, that Muslims try to explain that these terrorist are not Muslim and in hope,
not to draw more attention to Muslim communities. According to the article, Naser
Khadar, a Member of Parliament of Denmark for the Conservative Peoples Party,
said Muslims themselves must lead the fight rather than hide behind excuses that
killers are not truly Muslim. Instead, they should condemn Islamist Jihadists
without any excuses. I agree with Khadar, I think that most Americans are united
and want all Americans to stand up against terrorism, this united front needs to
include the American Muslim communities and others.

According to Wuthnow, chapter 2 The New Diversity, American Muslims have lived
in American since the 18th century. In reality, theyve been part of the American
fabric for generations and yet, they are still considered a minority faith. But since
9/11, there has been a heightened awareness directed to Middle Easterns including
Muslims, Sikh, Hindus and others that may have the physical appearance of these
faith that have been connected with terrorism. This awareness has created a
separation and in some cases, unprovoked, backlash to the Muslim communities
making it harder for them to be accepted into the rich American diverse culture.
This article has a strong bias position but unlike most that express the connections
between acts of terror and Muslim faiths, its bias stand to take a stance. For
American Muslims to stand up against the terrorist alongside their fellow Americans.
Most articles lean to connect the dots and seem to escalate fear and bring
awareness to the Muslim faith and connecting them with terrorism. But we ought
not to forget about what terrorism is. Terrorism is not a religion. It is human,
humans that take extreme thought and action to inflict pain, suffrage and fear onto
other humans and use religion or belief as their excuse to justify such heinous
crimes against mankind. This article was a reminder to me that the bridge between
diversity and pluralism can be achieved.

Source: Grossman, Kathy Lynn, Salt Lake Tribune, Own it- Terrorism is an Islamic
issue, say some Muslims, December 5, 2015.

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