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Christine Kelly
English 1101-081
Dr. Karin Evans
December 2, 2015
Argument Essay Final
Purpose: To highly encourage voters and the COD student body of the importance
of utilizing their rights to vote in the upcoming 2016 election. As a registered voter,
I feel a sense of urgency and responsibility in getting this information out. My
audience is COD student body and voters.
Are You In The Know Before Casting Your Vote?
The voters of today, as well as the COD student body should consider redirecting, some of their time and energy towards the 2016 elections, which are
coming very soon. In order to accomplish this goal in voting for the right candidate,
it is imperative, that my argument does not fall on death ears. Many may feel that
this does not affect them, so why bother. As a registered voter, it does matter and
your vote does count. I argue that it matters immensely whether or not you or I
vote. (Rich)You will be joining forces with other voters worldwide in the attempt of
being heard, by casting your vote. In the 2012 elections, (McDonald) did and
analysis on the re-election of President Barack Obama, which showed a lower voter
turnout rate than 2008, dropping from 61.6% of those eligible to vote to 58.2%.
(McDonald) These stats are provided as confirmatory evidence (McDonald)
allowing you to get a feel of how, we as a people, need to come together and be
This upcoming election, might be the first time you have ever voted or felt
the need to be morally, and sociably responsible enough to cast your vote. Well
now, think about it for just a moment.

Are you registered to vote?

What party do you belong too- are you a Republican or a Democrat?
Do you have a voters registration card? When does it expire?
Where is your polling place? What is your precinct number?

These are questions that are frequently asked of a person who votes. Voting
is a right and a responsibility as a citizen. (Rich) We have the freedom as citizen
to casts our vote. No matter how the shoe fits, while in the moment, we can say,
that our vote doesn't matter, but the real message being conveyed is "I don't
matter."(Rich) Voting is a good way of sending out a message to the politicians,
that you do care and it does matter in wanting to make a difference in society. If you
choose not, you have not!
In researching this assignment, I felt a sense of duty and pride, informing
voters that they were at risk. At risk for not knowing who is running and what they
stand for, at risk concerning your values and beliefs, not being taken in to
consideration? At risk for simply not voting at all.

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Perform an analysis, get the stats on the candidates political career in

What are their accomplishments? What are their downfalls?
As a Senator or Governor, what laws did they pass, what did they veto?
What contributions did they make towards the education bill?
Did they deny the freezing of the student loan program (Pell Grant) for 10
years- or are they for raising the loan percentages of the student loan
repayment plan.
Will Medicare or Medicaid go up- how will I meet my deductible?

These are just some of the questions you need answers to, so this does
directly affect you, as a college student-you have the right to know the answers to
those question. Yes, exercise your right to vote in the 2016 election and be heard.
There are young and older student who attend COD. I would want for afford them
every opportunity to know what they are up against, when it come to their
education, the economy and social responsibility. Some students have a life, with
families, such as small children who uses Day Care( DHS Child Care Assistance
Program for low income families), elderly parents that may have special medical
needs to supplement cost(Medicare or Medicaid) students that are struggling with
college tuition counting on(FSAS) and other grants that will fund their college
career. How does minimum wage affect society, when they lose their jobs and have
to make a career change?
I cannot stress the importance of voting. How will our economy change after
this election? Will congress allow everything to be taken away without a fight? The
candidate that we put in office will they still remember how they got there? Know
your candidate, and read about them, research them, and get the information you
are looking for on them. Will the Hispanic voters feel, that their vote can make a
difference this time? In 2012 their vote counted for President Obama with 71% of
the Hispanic vote. What about Donald Trump and how he feels about immigration
and the Latino vote? There are so many avenues we have not conquered, and yet
and still we complain about where to park, by the BIC or the Physical Education
building. Do the Asian voters feel comfortable enough in voting in this election?
What about the African American voters, always inquiring about, scholarships are
they being offered and how to obtain one?
Will minorities be a problem for this election? Medicare, Social Security, Child
Care? What will make you become interested enough, to get involved? When it
finally inconvenience you! Dont wait until it too late, do it now, make your vote
count! The candidates, that we intend on voting for, is he or she trustworthy, able to
be up front about issues, and give honest answers to important questions? Get to
know your candidate before choose. Most of all please VOTE! Are you in the know
before casting your vote?
This argument was meant, for awareness of the importance of voting and
making it count. If your first step is to get registered, you have time. If you choose
to do research on that candidate, do it now! Get answers to the questions that

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concerns you and your future. Dont give up on the possibilities, your vote will
count, because you count.

McDonald, Michael P. "Turnout in the 2012 Presidential Election." Huffpost Pollster., 13 Apr. 2013. Web. 07 Dec. 2015.
Rich, Dr. Judith. "The Soul of a Citizen: Does Your Vote Really Matter?" The
Huffington Post., 31 Dec. 2012. Web. 07 Dec. 2015.
Works, Equal Justice. "5 Things You Need to Know About Student Debt as a
Campaign Issue." Huff Post POLITICS., 5 June 2015.
Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
Trims. "What Are Two Good Reasons to Exercise Your Right to Vote?" Answers.
Answers Corporation, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2015

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