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I have learned a lot about myself in this class, Ive learned to push myself out of my

comfort zone and push my own norms. It was very hard at the beginning to let myself express
my creativeness that is aske of you in this class. Whereas before I might have stuck with
traditional writing when it was an option, in class I choose to write with creative writing choices
such as writing poems and journals. Because of this growth that is document and reflected upon
within my final portfolio it is important that I get an A. I think I have participated and grown
from the curriculum in this class and did what was asked of me. I learned not only about the
lessons in this class but I learned about myself as a writer, which is one of the most important
lessons one can learn. I can specifically show that I explored many new uses of technology in my
project. For example, this project is the first time I utilized the library database for research. In
my annotated bibliography I found John Deweys article on education, which really influenced
my research and proposal. Avoiding Plagiarism was not that hard for me because I was not
writing a traditional essay. However, it was hard to synthesize my sources into the essay section,
I didnt want it to come across fake or ruin the creativeness of the essay. I really enjoy reflecting
on my writing because it gives me the opportunity to explain the choices I made. Also, reflecting
has allowed me to rethink some of my ideas after reflecting I have gone back and changed a few
things that dont go with the whole theme.
On this project I feel as though I should get an A because I really have pushed myself
to be very creative. I really strived to display my information in a very untraditional way for
myself. I do believe that I participated in class and in discussions that we had. It was really
important to me to work well with my house, I feel like they gave me really feedback during
discussions and it was important that I give them the best feedback I could. When we did our
egos, logos, and pathos project I felt we all worked well and contributed strong ideas together.

I think the claims I make are very well organized and an onlooker to my project
understands my thought process in my project. My weakest claim is probably evidence because
my project is very bias and expressive. My goal wasnt to persuade or inform it was to take the
information I learned and display in a new format. The part that was the most important and the
most difficult was the essay. It was important that I interpret the information that I found the
correct way in my journal essay. It was difficult for me to write a nontraditional essay.

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