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1. Learners will be able to identify the stages of


Online quiz. When provided with a description of a

woman in labor, learners will identify which stage
of labor is being described. In a series of five such
questions, learners will respond with at least 80%
accuracy. This assessment is designed to test
learners ability to recognize the stages of labor.

A. Learners will be able to recognize common

signs of labor

Online quiz. When provided a list of symptoms,

learners will select five that are common signs of
early labor, with at least 80% accuracy. This
assessment will check whether learners are able to
identify common signs of early labor.

B. Learners will be able to state when during

labor a woman should go to the hospital
(if she is planning a hospital delivery)

Online quiz. Learners will fill in blanks in a

sentence to state the point at which a woman in
labor should go to the hospital if she is planning a
hospital delivery, with 100% accuracy. This
assessment requires learners to make a statement
that demonstrates the knowledge they have

2. Learners will be able to articulate their

preferences for pain management and labor
and delivery procedures

Birth plan assignment. Provided an outline, each

expectant mother (with her partner) will create a
birth plan that includes her preferences for pain
management and labor and delivery procedures.
The facilitator will utilize a rubric to evaluate each
mothers (or couples) plan for completeness and
feasibility. He or she will provide feedback to
learners so that they may strengthen their plans if
needed. The facilitator may also provide feedback
on learners revised plans. This assessment allows
the facilitator to check learners understanding of
the material and ability to articulate their
preferences. It also affords the facilitator an
opportunity to clarify any points of confusion or
misunderstanding, and the assessment will result
in the development of actual birth plans that
learners can utilize during their upcoming labors
and deliveries.

1|Birth & Newborn Care Learning Assessments

A. Learners will be able to list the pain

management options available to them
during labor

Online quiz. In a short answer question, learners

will list three available pain management options,
with at least 66.6% accuracy. The actual available
pain management options may vary depending on
where learners intend to deliver their babies;
therefore, this assessment needed to afford some
degree of flexibility. A short answer question is
more appropriate than a multiple choice question
for this information. The online quiz will be
programmed, or the facilitator will need to
manually review, to check that learners answers
are both appropriate pain management options
for laboring women and that the options are
available at the desired delivery location.

B. Learners will be able to identify the risks

and benefits of the most common pain
management options

Online quiz. Given a list of pain management

options and a list of risks and benefits of those
options, learners will match the options with their
risks and benefits, with at least 80% accuracy. This
format of this assessment accommodates several
pain management options and descriptions of
both of their risks and benefits.

C. Learners will be able to define common

labor and delivery procedures

Online quiz. Provided a list of common labor and

delivery procedures and a list of their definitions,
learners will match the names of the procedures
with the definitions, with at least 80% accuracy.

D. Learners will be able to identify the risks

and benefits of the most common labor
and delivery procedures

Online quiz. Given a list of common labor and

delivery procedures and a list of possible risks and
benefits, learners will be able to identify which
risks and benefits are most closely associated with
the named procedure. In a series of five questions,
learners will respond with at least 80% accuracy.
There are too many possible labor and delivery
procedures to reasonably assess all of them.
Instead, five of the most common procedures will
be selected, and this assessment will allow
learners to demonstrate their ability to recognize
which risk and benefits are associated with those

2|Birth & Newborn Care Learning Assessments

3. Learners will be able to articulate their

preferences for care following delivery

Worksheet. Each expectant mother (with her

partner) will complete a worksheet to outline
her/their plan for after delivery care. The
facilitator will review each mothers (or couples)
plan for completeness, feasibility, and the
correctness. The facilitator will then provide
feedback to learners so that they may strengthen
their plans as necessary. This assessment allows an
opportunity for the facilitator to gauge learners
grasp of the after delivery care information and to
provide feedback as appropriate. Also, much like
with the birth plan developed through Assessment
2, learners will walk away with an after delivery
care plan that they may actually utilize at the times
of their babies arrivals.

A. Learners will be able to list the steps

typically taken with the baby immediately
following delivery

Online quiz. In a short answer question, learners

will list three steps typically taken with the baby
immediately following delivery, with at least 66.6%

B. Learners will be able to identify common

recovery concerns for the mother

Online quiz. When provided a list of possible

recovery concerns for mothers after birth, learners
will select five that are common concerns, with at
least 80% accuracy. This assessment will check
whether learners are able to identify common
recovery concerns for mothers.

C. Learners will be able to describe ways in

which post-delivery care may be

Group discussion. As a class activity, the facilitator

will ask learners to describe ways in which postdelivery care may be personalized. The facilitator
will provide feedback to confirm opportunities for
personalization, clarify any points of confusion, or
dispel misconceptions as needed. This assesses
learners collective understanding of the ways in
which post-delivery care may be personalized and
lays a foundation for learners development and
articulation of post-delivery care preferences.

4. Learners will be able to differentiate baby

blues from postpartum depression

Online quiz. Provided with a description of a

woman experiencing either baby blues or
postpartum depression, learners will identify
which condition is being described. In a series of
four questions, learners will respond with at least
75% accuracy. This assessment tests learners
abilities to differentiate hypothetical cases of
baby blues from hypothetical cases of
postpartum depression.

3|Birth & Newborn Care Learning Assessments

A. Learners will be able to identify common

presentations of baby blues
B. Learners will be able to identify symptoms
of postpartum depression

Group discussion (4a&b). As a class activity, the

facilitator will ask learners to take turns
categorizing symptoms as either baby blues or
postpartum depression. The facilitator will provide
feedback to verify learners categorizations, clarify
any points of confusion, or dispel misconceptions
as needed. This assesses the learners collective
understanding of the symptoms of baby blues
and postpartum depression and lays a foundation
for learners abilities to differentiate baby blues
from postpartum depression, as is directed by
Objective 4.

C. Learners will be able to list resources that

offer support for coping with postpartum

Online quiz. In a short answer question, learners

will be asked to provide two resources that offer
support for coping with postpartum depression.
They will respond with at least 50% accuracy. This
assessment requires learners to list resources,
either national or local, that provide support for
postpartum depression, aligning with Objective 4a
and ensuring that learners are aware of the
resources available to them.

5. Learners will be able to describe common

newborn behaviors

Group discussion. During a face-to-face session,

the facilitator will ask learners to take turns
reviewing common newborn behaviors described
in the online content. The facilitator will provide
feedback to verify learners descriptions, clarify
any points of confusion, or dispel misconceptions
as needed. This will allow the facilitator to assess
the learners collective understanding of common
newborn behaviors, such that content can be
revisited or explored in further detail as needed.

A. Learners will be able to identify typical

newborn sleep patterns

Online quiz. Provided with a list of possible

characteristics of newborn sleep patterns, learners
will select four characteristics that are typical, with
at least 75% accuracy. This assessment requires
learners to identify which newborn sleep
characteristics are common.

B. Learners will be able to identify typical

newborn eating patterns

Online quiz. Provided with a list of possible

characteristics of newborn eating patterns,
learners will select four that are typical, with at
least 75% accuracy. This assessment tests learners
ability to identify which newborn eating patterns
are common.

4|Birth & Newborn Care Learning Assessments

C. Learners will be able to state the

significance of a newborns cry

Class activity. During a face-to-face meeting, the

facilitator will introduce a raffle for some sort of
baby item. To enter the raffle, each learner will
need to write his/her name on an index card, as
well as answer the question, What is the meaning
of a newborns cry? Once all learners have
submitted their index cards, the facilitator will
reveal the correct answer and draw a card. Only
those with the correct answer (that a newborns
cry signifies a need) will be eligible to win the raffle
prize. If less than 75% of leaners answer correctly,
the content will be reviewed. This format was
selected because Objective 5c focuses on such a
specific and singular point. Further, the raffle
format may serve to motivate learners and focus
their attention.

D. Learners will be able to identify

developmental milestones that are
common within the first three months of

Online quiz. In a series of four multiple choice

questions, learners will be provided with a short
list of developmental milestones and will select,
from each list, the milestone that is typical of the
first three months of life. Learners will respond
with at least 75% accuracy. This assessment tests
learners awareness of and ability to identify which
of the possible milestones listed are typical of the
first three months of life.

6. Learners will be able to provide basic newborn


Achievement of objective 6 is dependent upon the

ability of learners to successfully achieve
Objectives 6a through 6e; thus, Assessment 6 will
be dependent upon learners performances in
Assessments 6a through 6e. The facilitator will
utilize a rubric that considers learner performance
on Assessments 6a through 6e. Learners will need
to achieve the desired accuracy on Assessments
6a, 6c, and 6e and perform satisfactorily on
Assessments 6b and 6d in order to have
successfully achieved Objective 6.

A. Learners will be able to list safe sleep

conditions for a newborn

Online quiz. In a short answer question, learners

will be asked to list three conditions for safe sleep
for a newborn, with at least 75% accuracy. This
assessment tests learners awareness of and
abilities to recall safe sleep conditions for

5|Birth & Newborn Care Learning Assessments

B. Learners will be able to diaper a newborn

Class activity. Learners will take turns diapering

dolls until each learner has had an opportunity to
diaper a doll while under observation of the
facilitator. The facilitator will observe and provide
feedback in real time. This assessment tests
learners abilities to actually perform diapering.

C. Learners will be able to swaddle a


Online quiz. Provided a list of bathing practices,

learners will select four that are safe for a
newborn, with at least 75% accuracy. This
assessment requires learners to identify which
bathing practices are safe for newborns.

D. Learners will be able to identify safe

bathing practices for a newborn

Class activity. Learners will take turns swaddling

dolls until each learner has had an opportunity to
diaper a doll while under observation of the
facilitator. The facilitator will observe and provide
feedback in real time. This assessment allows the
facilitator to gauge learners abilities to actually
perform swaddling.

E. Learners will be able to identify steps for

proper car seat use with a newborn

Online quiz. In each of a series of 5 multiple choice

questions about different aspects of car seat use,
learners will be asked to select the safety
recommendation, with at least 80% accuracy. This
assessment requires learners to identify which
steps they should take to ensure safe car seat use.

7. Learners will be able to develop a plan for

feeding their baby

Worksheet. Each expectant mother (with her

partner) will complete a worksheet to outline
her/their plan for feeding her/their baby. The
facilitator will review each mothers (or couples)
plan for completeness, feasibility, and the
correctness of Assessments 7c-e (see below). The
facilitator will then provide feedback to learners so
that they may strengthen their plans as necessary
and to provide correct answers to Assessments 7c
and 7d if needed. This assessment allows an
opportunity for the facilitator to gauge learners
grasp the potential application of newborn feeding
information and to provide feedback as
appropriate. Also, much like with the birth plan
developed through Assessment 2 and the after
delivery care plan developed through Assessment
3, learners will walk away with a feeding plan that
they may actually utilize after their babies arrivals.

6|Birth & Newborn Care Learning Assessments

A. Learners will be able to identify the

benefits of breastfeeding

Online quiz. Learners will be provided a list of

possible benefits of breastfeeding. Learners will
select four benefits of breastfeeding, with at least
75% accuracy. This assessment tests learners
awareness of and abilities to identify the actual
benefits of breastfeeding.

B. Learners will be able to describe basic

breastfeeding techniques

Group discussion. During a face-to-face review of

breastfeeding techniques, learners will take turns
describing basic breastfeeding techniques. The
facilitator will provide feedback to verify learners
descriptions, clarify any points of confusion, or
dispel misconceptions as needed. While this
method does not allow for the facilitator to assess
each individual learners understanding of basic
breastfeeding techniques, it can provide some
information about learners collective
understanding, and it serves as a helpful review for
all learners.

C. Learners will be able to list a local resource

that offers breastfeeding support

Worksheet. On the feeding plan worksheet,

learners will be asked to list two local resources
that offer breastfeeding support. They will respond
with at least 50% accuracy. This assessment checks
learners awareness of and abilities to recall local
resources that offer breastfeeding support. Also,
inclusion of this assessment on the worksheet,
rather than in an online quiz, was done
purposefully in an effort to help learners create a
helpful tool that they may utilize after their babies

D. Learners will be able to identify important

factors to consider when choosing an
infant formula

Worksheet. One section of the feeding plan

worksheet will include a list of possible
considerations related to selecting an infant
formula. Learners will select the four factors that
were discussed as being important in choosing a
formula, with at least 75% accuracy. This
assessment tests learners abilities to identify
important factors in selecting an infant formula
and may serve as a helpful resource following the
arrivals of the learners babies.

7|Birth & Newborn Care Learning Assessments

E. Learners will be able to state indicators

that a newborn is receiving adequate

The final section of the feeding plan worksheet will

ask learners to list three indicators that a newborn
is receiving adequate nutrition. They will respond
with at least 66.6% accuracy. This assessment
serves as both a test of learners abilities to recall
indicators of newborn nutrition and as a potential
resource for later reference.

8|Birth & Newborn Care Learning Assessments

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