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Activity 4.

2 Test Scores
1. What observations can you make on these data alone?
We are able to conclude that Justin and Karla are falling farther behind their classmates
by looking at and comparing their test scores. Marta is excelling above her classmates and within
the average range, she does not have the same strength in comprehension as she does in
vocabulary though. This means that Marta can read a whole book with ease, however, she does
not understand it quite as clearly. Leo is pretty even throughout all of the reading tests and is in
average range for his grade level. They all have room for improvement but Justin and Karla may
need further testing.
2. Which children might need intensive reading instruction?
Justin and Karla are both struggling by looking at those specific test scores. Like
previously mentioned, Karla is falling behind her classmates and is not in range for her grade
level. This means that she definitely needs intensive reading instruction. Although Justin is above
Karla in stanine, he may also need intensive reading instruction because he does not meet the
criteria for his grade level. They both scored with the bottom twenty percent of kids their age.
3. How would you interpret Karlas scores to her and her parents?
(Karla total reading: National Percentile- 8 Stanine- 2)
Karla scored at the 8th national percentile rank, which is a 2 stanine, in reading overall, meaning
that 8 percent of the students who took the same test as her scored the same or below her score.
Her scores are below average so we may need to consider some extra one on one time.
Karlas total reading score is below average, but we will be focusing on her overall reading skills
throughout the school year to improve her vocabulary and comprehension. Her scores indicate
that she may need additional help in reading.
4. How would you interpret Martas scores to her and her parents?
(Marta total reading: National Percentile- 54 Stanine- 5)
Marta did very well across the board. Her strongest subject is vocabulary, but she is not as
confident in comprehension or reading. Marta is at 47 national percentile for comprehension,
meaning that out of the kids who took the same exam, Marta scored with the 47 percent who got
either the same score or below. She is within an average range for her grade level. With more
practice, I am sure she will improve and score higher in the future.

Looking at Martas reading score, we see her vocabulary skill is the strongest. Although her
vocabulary skill is high, well be working on her comprehension skills for reading. Her
comprehension score was at 47 national percentile rank, which means other students made the
same score of lower. Our focus now is to target this skill, and well be learning new strategies to
improve her score and improve her overall reading skills. But overall, shes doing very well.

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