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Akers-Pecht 1

Note: This assignment is to be submitted to your EDIS 5882 seminar
instructor and will constitute 15% of your course grade. Use this page as
a guide for the report.
Dottie Akers-Pecht

Teaching Intern

How many
surveys did you


How many
completed surveys
were returned?


Percentages of
completed surveys
(Divide #2/#1 for

Student Satisfaction Analysis Part 1 Date Given: _____9/18/15______

1. Demographics: Describe your survey population by listing specific
demographics. Demographics should include race, gender, English
Language Learners, and Special Education students (IEPs and 504s).
List specific disabilities.
2. Influencing Factors: List factors that might have influenced the
results gathered on the surveys (e.g., recent disciplinary actions, end
of a long testing day, or confusion over a question).
3. Analysis: Analyze your survey responses and answer the following
questions. Please highlight the strengths and weaknesses pertinent to
each question.
a. How do students perceive your knowledge of the subject
matter? Explain your answers based on data from your survey.
b. How do students perceive your pedagogical knowledge?
Explain your answer based on data from your survey.
c. Do students perceive you as a caring and effective teacher?
Explain your answer based on the responses received from the
d. Based on the student responses, what areas do you need to
improve? Give examples.
e. What steps will you take to improve your performance?
Please give examples of evidence based practices you will use to
improve planning, instruction, classroom environment, studentteacher interactions, etc.


Akers-Pecht 2

Student Survey Summary/Analysis: Part 1

I administered this survey to both my 6th block and 8th block Honors English 11 students.
Altogether, 44 students completed the survey (22 in 6th block and 22 in 8th). Of this student
population, about 41% are male and 59% are female. The majority about 88% are white. The
remaining students are about 6% African American or mixed race, 4% Asian, and 2% Hispanic.
None of these students are English Language Learners, although one student in my 6th block has
an IEP. He has a specific learning disability that hinders his ability to decode while reading. As a
result, English is his most challenging subject in school.
Influencing Factors
Although I gave my students ample time before the end of the two blocks to finish their
surveys, their responses may have been somewhat influenced by the fact that the surveys were
administered on a Friday afternoon. As a result, the students may have been tired and less likely
to carefully read through each question before responding. Additionally, I was still present in the
room while the students completed the surveys. I reassured them that their responses were to be
anonymous, but they nevertheless may have been worried that I would see their answers when I
picked up the surveys. I might have instead asked my mentor to administer and collect the
There was only one survey that seemed to be very negative as compared to the others.
Again, this students responses could have been influenced by the fact that he/she could have
been tired by the end of a Friday and did not read the directions thoroughly. However, its also

Akers-Pecht 3
possible that he/she did mean to circle all strongly disagrees. In retrospect, I might have
explained the ranking system on the survey beforehand or written the scale on the board as an
extra visual before asking students to complete it.
Knowledge of the Subject Matter
Based on the prompt, My teacher knows and understands the subject being taught, my
students largely perceive my knowledge of my content area to be relatively high. 38 out of 44, or
roughly 87% of the students surveyed, reported a strongly agree. Meanwhile, 5 students or
11% reported agree and 1 student or 2% reported strongly disagree. This statistic may
increase with time as the students see me interacting with more texts in American literature.
However, I would like to continue to be consistently prepared with thorough notes on the reading
for the day. This will likely require for me to be proactive in planning ahead for time to review
the reading a day or two before the class period that its due so that the information is fresh in my
Pedagogical Knowledge
When reviewing questions related to pedagogical knowledge, my weakest area was in the
prompt, My teacher relates lessons to other subjects or the real world. Only about 68% of
students (30 out of 44) replied either strongly agree or agree. Ive realized that I have not
been focusing on this goal nearly as much as some other standards. I need to consciously plan
connections between the literary concepts that students are studying and concrete real-world
examples. Especially considering the fact that my English 11 classes are under the umbrella of
American Studies and are studied simultaneously with AP US History, I have many opportunities
to connect literature to history. I will need to explicitly make these connections at the outset of

Akers-Pecht 4
my lessons as well as incorporate effective closures where these ideas are reiterated before
students leave my classroom.
In terms of my knowledge of teaching methods, students generally rated me in the higher
range. For the prompt, My teacher uses different activities & materials to help us learn, 24 out
of 44 (60%) of students replied strongly agree, while 16 out of 44 (36%) replied agree.
However, I would like to increase these percentages as well as incorporate multiple different
activities in the classroom to reach more diverse learners, including the three of those who
replied unsure and the one who replied strongly disagree. For example, I might incorporate
more technology-based learning or research activities for some students, including my student in
this survey population with an IEP who particularly thrives through online learning.
Caring and Effective
Overall, my students evaluated me as a caring teacher. To the prompt, My teacher treats
everyone fairly, the majority (40 out of 44) stated strongly agree. Three more students agreed,
while one, the outlier survey, strongly disagreed. Similar results were gleaned from the
statement, My teacher allows and respects different opinions, to which 39 strongly agreed, four
agreed, and one strongly disagreed. Based on these two responses, my students perceive me to be
accepting of various types of learners and their different ideas in the classroom. Another prompt
on the survey that coincides with student-teacher relationships is, My teacher encourages all
students to learn. While still mainly positive, the responses for this prompt were a little more
mixed, with 35 stating strongly agree, 11 stating agree, and one stating strongly disagree. I
think that incorporating different types of activities besides just discussions will assist me in
reaching this goal so that more students can feel involved in the classroom.

Akers-Pecht 5
In terms of my effectiveness as a teacher, I analyzed the results from a couple of different
prompts on the survey. The first one states, My teacher is a good teacher. In response, 35
students (or nearly 80%) strongly agreed and 7 (or about 16%) agreed, while one was unsure and
another strongly disagreed. While this statement is a little more vague than the others on the
survey, I think that working on the other individual descriptors on this survey will increase my
performance overall on my students perception of me as a good teacher, which likely includes a
combination of pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, and building student-teacher
relationships. The other statement I analyzed in terms of my effectiveness was, My teacher
makes things easy for me to understand. 34 out of 44 students (or about 77%) strongly agreed,
while 9 (or about 20%) agreed, and one strongly disagreed. I think that working on feedback
loops and scaffolding, as well as incorporating differentiation strategies, will help me to make
our class concepts more clear to a variety of learners in my classroom.
Areas for Improvement
One major area for improvement was previously discussed in the section on pedagogical
knowledge. This statement is, My teacher relates lessons to other subjects or the real world.
This prompt received some of the fewest strongly agree answers out of all of the survey
questions (16 students out of 44, or about 39%). Another area that had similarly low ratings was,
My teacher is available to help me outside of class, to which only 17 students strongly agreed.
This response somewhat surprised me, as my mentor and I have reiterated in class that the
students can come in during lunch or before or after school to discuss any concerns they have
with us. However, I have realized that I may need to make my availability more explicit to the

Akers-Pecht 6
Another weak area was also previously mentioned in the section on pedagogical
knowledge: My teacher uses different materials & activities to help us learn. 24 out of 44
(60%) of students replied strongly agree, while 16 out of 44 (36%) replied agree. In
retrospect, my lessons have been largely discussion-based, and so incorporating more activities
like debates, projects, research, and group work will likely assist my students in learning the
material as well as helping them become more interested in doing so.
Next Steps
My first major area requiring improvement lies in making real world and interdisciplinary
connections in my lesson plans. Many of the texts that I have used in the past for my gifted
classes have provided tips for incorporating the content from other disciplines into multiple
activities. In addition to perusing these texts, I will also seek out the help of my mentors AP US
History partner to learn what the students have been recently investigating in their history
classes. Thus, I can try to relate this historical knowledge to the concepts presented in literature
and potentially investigate how the time period a work was published in influences its major
themes and concerns. In order to help students connect to the modern day, I could provide them
with more recent short texts, including stories and even nonfiction texts like news articles, that
reflect similar themes to our anchor work. Additionally, I could help students to make personal
connections by requesting that they complete journal entries as do nows in which they relate to
the themes presented in the text we are studying.
The next prompt that necessitates the most attention is that concerning my availability
outside of class. The students have an upcoming test on Tuesday on The Scarlet Letter, and I
think that I will make an announcement in class letting them know that they can come to me
during lunch or before or after school to discuss any questions or confusion they may still have

Akers-Pecht 7
about the novel. I could write these times that I am available up on the board as well to ensure
that students are aware that I am willing to help them during these times, as well as my planning
blocks 1st and 2nd period.

Student Satisfaction Analysis Part 2 Date

How many
surveys did you


How many
completed surveys
were returned?


Percentages of
completed surveys
(Divide #2/#1 for

Directions: Organize your Summary/Analysis Paper by using each of the

questions below as a subheading. You must respond to each question in
order to complete the summary analysis.
In your paper, include statements comparing these results to the first survey.
1. Demographics: Describe your survey population by listing specific
demographics. Demographics should include race, gender, English
Language Learners, and Special Education students (IEPs and 504s).
List specific disabilities.
2. Influencing Factors: List factors that might have influenced the
results gathered on the surveys (e.g., recent disciplinary actions, end
of a long testing day, or confusion over a question).
3. Analysis: Analyze your survey responses and answer the following
questions. Please highlight the strengths and weaknesses pertinent to
each question. For each item, discuss changes from initial survey
a. How do students perceive your knowledge of the subject
matter? What has changed, if anything, from the first survey?
Explain your answers based on data from your survey.
b. How do students perceive your pedagogical knowledge? What
has changed, if anything, from the first survey? Explain your
answers based on data from your survey.
c. Do students perceive you as a caring and effective teacher?
What has changed, if anything, from the first survey? Explain
your answers based on data from your survey.


Akers-Pecht 8
d. Based on the student responses, did your efforts to change
from the time of the first survey prove effective?
e. What have you learned from this process?

Akers-Pecht 9
Student Survey Summary/Analysis: Part 1
I administered this survey to both my 6th block and 8th block Honors English 11 students.
Altogether, 43 students completed the survey (22 in 6th block and 21 in 8th). Of this student
population, 41% are male and 59% are female. The majority 88% are white. The remaining
students are 6% African American or mixed race, 4% Asian, and 2% Hispanic. None of these
students are English Language Learners. One 6th block student who was surveyed has an IEP. He
has a specific learning disability that hinders his ability to decode while reading. As a result,
English is his most challenging subject in school.
Influencing Factors
One influencing factor that might have led to a lack of concentration on the survey was
that it was given at the end of the day just before Thanksgiving break began. The students might
have felt ready to go home by then and as a result may have been distracted. With my 3rd, 5th, and
7th blocks, whose results are not reported here, I left the room so that the students could fill out
their surveys without my presence in the room swaying their results. I wanted the students to
know that their answers would be completely anonymous without a chance of me seeing whose
paper was whose. However, with my 6th and 8th blocks whose results are reported in this paper, I
was unable to leave the room because my mentor was absent that day. As a result, the students
might have felt less comfortable than those in my 3rd, 5th, and 7th blocks with reporting
completely truthfully.
Knowledge of the Subject Matter
To analyze my students perception of how well I know my subject matter, I looked again
at the prompt, My teacher knows and understands the subject being taught. These responses

Akers-Pecht 10
were only slightly improved from the first administering of the surveys, from 38 strongly
agrees and 5 agrees in September to 39 strongly agrees and 4 agrees at present. Based on
this data, my students largely believe that I have a solid understanding of literature and the topics
Ive taught throughout the semester, with 91% of them strongly agreeing with this statement.
This data looks to have stayed fairly consistent throughout my teaching internship.
Pedagogical Knowledge
To assess my pedagogical knowledge, I first looked at the survey statement, My teacher
relates lessons to other subjects or the real world. Previously in the first round of surveys, my
students responded with 16 strongly agrees, 14 agrees, 9 not sures, and 1 strongly
disagree. In the second round of surveys, these responses were also slightly strengthened, with
19 strongly agrees, 16 agrees, and 8 not sures. While just over a third of my students
previously assessed me very strongly at the highest point value in my ability to create real-world
relevancy in the classroom, now about 44% do so.
Another statement I analyzed to determine my pedagogical knowledge was, My teacher
uses different materials and activities to help us learn. In September, my students rated me with
24 strongly agrees, 16 agrees, 3 not sures, and 1 strongly disagree. By November, my
students reported 26 strongly agrees, 14 agrees, 2 not sures, and 1 disagree. The ratings
of this statement similarly have become gradually improved over the semester. This change may
have come about through my students being introduced to more and more of my teaching style
over the last few months, as I was able to incorporate more types of activities as I assumed more
responsibility in my mentors classroom.
Caring and Effective

Akers-Pecht 11
In terms of my students perception of me as caring, I analyzed the data from the
statement, My teacher treats everyone fairly. Previously I had 40 strongly agrees, 3 agrees,
and 1 strongly disagree. In the second administration of the surveys, I received 39 strongly
agrees and 4 agrees. While my strongly agrees were subtracted by one student, I also no
longer have a strongly disagree to this statement, which shows that my students perception of
my fairness has remained stable over the semester. Another statement I assessed for this category
was, My teacher allows and respects different opinions, to which I initially had 39 strongly
agrees, 4 agrees, and 1 strongly disagree. My most current results to this statement are 38
strongly agrees and 5 agrees. This data is also consistent with the previous statement
assessing my fairness in that it has slightly improved, and the strongly disagree has
disappeared. The final statement I considered to determine my caring attributes was, My teacher
encourages all students to learn. In September, my students replied with 32 strongly agrees,
11 agrees, and 1 strongly disagree. The most recent results show 33 strongly agrees, 7
agrees, and 3 unsures. The results are again considerably stable; however, several more
students are undecided as to how to reply to this statement than before.
To determine how my students perceive my effectiveness as a teacher, I analyzed two
more statements from the survey. The first was, My teacher is a good teacher. The first results
showed 35 strongly agrees, 7 agrees, 1 not sure, and 1 strongly disagree. The more
recent results reported 32 strongly agrees, 7 agrees, and 4 not sures. While the student who
strongly disagreed has a more positive impression of my teaching skills, the results still show
more gravitation toward the middle of the rating scale with several students feeling unsure as to
whether I am a good teacher. The second statement I looked at to determine my effectiveness
was, My teacher makes things easy for me to understand. In September, the students reported

Akers-Pecht 12
34 strongly agrees, 9 agrees, and 1 strongly disagree. In the November results, the students
rated me with 32 strongly agrees and 11 agrees. While my number of strongly agrees has
decreased somewhat, now all students lean toward the higher end of the rating scale in terms of
my ability to help them understand class concepts.
Effectiveness of Efforts From First Survey
Based on part 1 of my report, the major area in which I wanted to improve throughout the
semester was in relating lessons to other subjects or the real world. I made the most visible
improvements in this statement throughout my student teaching. I think that I made a more
conscious effort to incorporate more interdisciplinary learning, especially through history and art.
The students analyzed laws, primary sources, monuments, and paintings in addition to the texts
we were studying. Additionally, I encouraged the students to think about how issues presented in
literature still affect people today. In implementing these kinds of changes, I think that I
effectively grew in my one major area of focus.
I also showed improvements in giving the students a wider variety of instructional
activities for them to engage with. I tried to incorporate more types of discussions, including
debates, as well as rotating stations, think-pair-share, and more opportunities to collaborate
online through Padlet and Google docs. It appears that my students took notice of this varied use
of activities throughout the semester.
Two areas in which I did not show clear improvements were in my encouragement for all
students to learn and in my students perception of me as a good teacher. In both areas, more
students were unsure as to how to respond to these prompts in the second round of surveys than
in the first. I might have taken a more active role in showing my students my enthusiasm for
helping them to succeed. Based on extra written comments that I asked my students to leave on

Akers-Pecht 13
the surveys, some of them reported that they wanted more spoken feedback on the comments
they made during class discussions. While at the beginning of the year I originally tried to
respond to each student after commenting, I realized early on that this felt too teacher-centered
for me, and so I gradually began to let the students take over more of the discussion themselves.
However, they may have begun to miss my encouragement of them, and this may partially
explain the change in survey results to this prompt.
In my first survey report, I stated that my students perception of me as a good teacher
should naturally improve throughout the semester as I showed advancements in the other survey
prompts. However, while I did show some progress in several of the survey questions, my
students rating of me as a good teacher stayed relatively stable to even slightly decreasing with a
few more students being unsure as to how to answer this prompt. Over my teaching internship,
Ive realized that being a good teacher means different things to different students, just as it
means a variety of things depending on the teacher being asked. While I may have met most of
my students needs, there were clearly still a few who were hesitant to declare me a good teacher.
I think that over the semester, I might have paused more to ask the students what they wanted
from my instruction. This might have taken place in an anonymous written survey or on a Padlet
as a do now at the beginning of class. Overall, Ive realized that I slightly overlooked the
importance of this statement on the survey, as it seemed broad and vague at the time. However,
now I think that in order to be a good teacher, I have to determine how my individual students
define a good teacher and try to tailor my individual goals involving pedagogy, subject matter,
and my teacher persona to whatever it is that they need.

Akers-Pecht 14
Part 1 Results
1 Strongly 2

3 Not 4

5 Strongly

My teacher gives clear



My teacher treats everyone














My teacher knows and

understands the subject being


My teacher provides helpful










My teacher is available to help

me outside of class.
My teacher relates lessons to
other subjects or the real world.
My teacher allows and respects
different opinions.
My teacher uses different
materials & activities to help us
My teacher encourages all
students to learn.
My teacher is a good teacher.

My teacher makes things easy

for me to understand.
My teacher assigns homework
that relates to our classwork.
My teacher keeps the class ontask so that we can learn.
My teacher states the purpose of
our lessons.

Akers-Pecht 15
Part 2 Results
1 Strongly 2

3 Not 4

5 Strongly

My teacher gives clear



My teacher treats everyone





















My teacher is available to help

me outside of class.
My teacher relates lessons to
other subjects or the real world.
My teacher allows and respects
different opinions.
My teacher uses different
materials & activities to help us
My teacher encourages all
students to learn.
My teacher is a good teacher.
My teacher knows and
understands the subject being
My teacher provides helpful
My teacher makes things easy
for me to understand.
My teacher assigns homework
that relates to our classwork.
My teacher keeps the class ontask so that we can learn.
My teacher states the purpose of
our lessons.

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