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Student: Joseph Bassi

Course: EDU. 521

Grade:4 Topic: Haiku Poetry

Professor: Rickey Moroney

Date: 12/6/15
Content Area: ELA
Instructional Objective

After a class lesson/discussion on the concept of Haiku Poems, students will be able to
understand haiku poetry and complete the Haiku Poetry worksheet with 95%
Standards and Indicators
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others' ideas
and expressing their own clearly.
Indicator: This will be evident when students participate in class discussions and
Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical,
connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape
meaning or tone.
Indicator: This will be evident when students present their haiku poems after
completing the haiku poem worksheet.
W.4.4 Writing
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to
task, purpose, audience.
Indicator: This will be evident when students write throughout the haiku poem
The teacher will encourage students to be creative and follow the guidelines. The teacher will
share interesting and funny examples of haiku poems to intrigue and excite students about
writing their own haiku poem.

White board
Overhead Projector
Haiku Poem Worksheet


Class discussion This will be evident when the students and teacher discuss haiku
poems and their history and dimensions.

For the student who is easily distracted, they will be given cues to refocus from the teacher.
Differentiation of Instruction
The teacher understands that not all students learn the same way. Auditory learners will benefit
from hearing the teacher and students provide information about haiku poems and hearing these
poems read aloud. Visual learners will be able to use 5-7-5 Haiku Instructional Worksheet to
see the information laid out in front of them. The class discussion and examples of interesting
and funny haiku poetry will have students who have trouble concentrating engaged and willing
to participate. These students will also benefit from being able to fill their ideas into their own
haiku poem.
Developmental Procedures
1.The teacher will introduce the concept of Haiku poetry including format and history.
2. The teacher will read examples of traditional and non-traditional haiku poetry aloud to the
class. Students will help/volunteer to read some of these poems aloud.
3. Students will complete the haiku poetry worksheet and choose the best poem they have
written to be read aloud.
4. The teacher will move the assignment along by posing different questions to the class
throughout the assignment.
5. Students will read their poetry aloud for their peers to hear and reflect upon.
Students will be assessed based on participation in class discussion and reading poems
aloud. Further assessment will be made when students fill out their own haiku poems and
present them to the class. The teacher will check over the poems for accuracy and
whether or not all objectives were met.
Independent Practice
Following the group discussion of the concept of haiku poems, students will fill their own
haiku poem worksheets out with their own information and ideas.
Follow-Up: Direct Teacher Intervention and Academic Enrichment
Direct Teacher Intervention: The teacher will work one on one with the student that is unable to
complete the haiku worksheet. Together, they will go over the details of that students reflections.
The teacher will prompt the student on the worksheet objectives and format and the student will

write what they recall into their haiku poem worksheet.

Academic Enrichment: For students who easily complete the haiku poem worksheet, they will be
put into small groups with other finished students to discuss their topics and share the details of
their poems. These advanced students will also have the option to write a few more poems while
they wait.

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