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Your Name: Daniel Miranda


Course Level


Spanish 1 CP, novice language learners

Stage 1 Desired Results

Standards (CA, Natl, CCSS ELA/Literacy Tech Subjects) and Skill Sets (21st Century, World Readiness)
World Language Content Standards (California)
1.1: Students address discrete elements of daily life, including:
m. Shopping, Clothes, colors, and sizes.
1.0: Students use formulaic language (learned words, signs ASL , and phrases).
1.1: Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations.
1.2: Interpret written, spoken, or signed (ASL) language.
1.4: List, name, identify, and enumerate.
1.5: Identify learned words, signs (ASL), and phrases in authentic texts.
1.2: Recognize similarities and differences in the target cultures and between students own cultures.

National World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages

1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
CCSS.ELALITERACY .CCRA.L.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of the target language grammar and usage when writingor speaking.
CCSS.ELALITERACY .CCRA.SL.1: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Your Name: Daniel Miranda

Unidad 4: Espaa en el centro


Leccin 1: Vamos de compras!

Knowledge: What students will know

Learners will be able to:
Talk about what clothes you want-need to buy.
Describe what you wear in different seasons.
Discuss where people can shop for clothing.
Discuss how to ask for prices and purchase clothing items.

Essential Question
What do retail sellers-buyers do?

Skills: What students will be able to do

I will be able to identify clothing items.
I will be able to select what clothes are seasonal appropriate to
I will be able to put into practice buying or selling clothing items.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

IPA Overview
Interpretive Task
Your family is planning a summer vacation to Spain. You noticed you do not have the appropriate seasonal clothing for your trip. You grab a clothing catalogue of
your favorite retail-clothing store to prepare for your upcoming trip. You will read the clothing catalogue to determine what are the best and appropriate options
for your trip.

Interpersonal Task

Presentational Task

Me lo vendes?
You will have the role of a retail-clothing buyer or a seller. If you are the buyer you

Create clothing SALES advertisement poster using the target language and

Your Name: Daniel Miranda

will be given a budget money to buy clothing in a retail store in Spain. If you are
the seller you will have clothing merchandise to sell and you are in charge of
putting the price to your items. The seller must try to make as much money as
possible while the buyer must buy as much as possible with his or her money. The
seller with the most money wins and the buyer with the most clothing items wins.
BE PREAPERE the roles will change.

using the money currency used in Spain. Each group will have a specific
season you must select the appropriate clothing to sell. This poster ad will
be placed in a shopping center make it attractive and interesting of way
buyers should come inn to your store. Make sure you indicate: clothing
names, colors-sizes you have, seasonal-weather expressions, prices and be
creative have DEALS for your customers!

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Toolbox (Section 3A)
Language Functions


Describe clothing items.

Identify seasonal clothing.
Express preferences of clothing.
Seek and request information

related to shopping for clothing.

5. Negotiate clothing prices.

Related Structures / Patterns

1. la camisa roja/verde, los

pantalones cortos rojos
(The red shirt/green, the
red shorts) definitive
article + subject +
adjective (gender-number
2. En la/el primavera, verano,
invierno, otoo. (On
3. Preferir-prefiero-Quererquiero ( I prefer I
4. Interrogative questions,
Cunto cuesta(n)? (How
much does it (do they)
5. Cuesta(n) (it cost they

Anticipated Responses/Misconceptions

1. Incorrect article-subjectadjective gender and number

2. Writing singular vs plural
forms. Example: Calcetn
Calcetines, estacin vs
estaciones. (Accent singular
no accent plural form.
3. Stem changing verbs.
Example e-ie: preferir
prefiero and querer- quiero.
4. English grammar
Connection: Unlike English,
direct object pronouns are
usually placed before the
conjugated verb in Spanish. I
buy them. Yo los compro.
In Spanish a direct object
pronoun must reflect the
number and gender of the
noun it replaces.
Quiero el vestido = lo

Vocabulary Expansion
Tier 1
Describing common clothing items.
La blusa- la camisa la chaqueta los
jeans los pantalones
Apply Adjectives (Colors)
Amarillo, azul, blanco/a, negro
Tier 2:
Durante la primavera (during)
Prefiero . (to prefer)
Quiero (to want)
To talk about shopping
Cunto cuesta? (How much does it
cost?), Dinero (money), Precio (price)
and (pagar) pay.
Tier 3:
Entender to understand
Tener razn to be right
Tener suerte to be lucky
Pensar to think to plan

Your Name: Daniel Miranda

Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments (Section 38)
Activity/Formative Assessment
(representative samples from beginning to end of unit)

Individual + Partner: Brainstorm what I

know about seasonal clothing?

In partners write and draw a description of

another student in the class based on what
she or he is wearing. Collect the
descriptions, have a student read them and
the class identify who is the person being
describe. TO AVOID gender identification

How does this activity support the

unit goals or performance tasks?

Mode of

Community World

Introduces the student to think about possible

seasonal appropriate clothing to wear.
Brainstorm will organize their ideas by
clothing items and seasons. Think about the
weather seasons in Spain in comparison to the
US. (Spain because is the country study in
this unit)


S, C, W




Assess and monitors current knowledge

related to clothing

Example: Provided

Read a clothing catalogue: To identify

clothing items you will need for your trip to

Provides the students with a real-life situation

context as they plan for their upcoming trip.
They select appropriate clothing for a
summer vacation in Spain.

Your Name: Daniel Miranda

(I will create a modified catalogue of this

online store from Spain to make sure is
appropriate for the students.)
Small Groups: Read and Learn about
money conversations by comparing the
dollar and the euro.

(Students will be given a live currency and

the formula to convert

[Formula: EUR = USD x 0.93008]

Students can use calculators.
The price that are identical will be changed.
Version for Females
Version for Males

Provides currency background information

for their trip to Spain.



Your Name: Daniel Miranda

Partners - Become a seller or a buyer. Cut

out the pieces of clothing items from the
catalogues provided.. Buyer uses Cunto
cuesta? To ask for a price and seller uses
Cuesta Have the students use euros

Provides the student with a real-life situation

by impersonating the role of a buyer and a



In GROUPS Create a proposal clothing

SALES advertisement for a local shopping
center in Spain.

Determine appropriate clothing by season to

meet the needs as a seller and the wants of a



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