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Rachel Mixtacki

Alverno College
SPE 615 Multidisciplinary Eligibility and Individual Education Plan Teams
Self/Faculty Assessment
Course Description:
Through course experiences, candidates build a commitment to advocacy by learning about the characteristics
of specific disabilities with a particular emphasis on specific learning disabilities, cognitive disabilities and
emotional/behavioral disabilities. The developmental manifestations of the various disabilities will be viewed
and analyzed in relation to the development of a typical learner ranging from middle childhood through
adolescence. Studies will look at the causes and etiologies of various disabilities, the impact of cultural and
environmental milieu on the student and family, the effects of medical interventions, and an initial
understanding of intervention strategies to accommodate learning, behavioral, social and emotional strengths
and needs.
Course Outcomes:
Students will articulate the impact of characteristics of specific disabilities, especially specific learning
disabilities, cognitive disabilities and emotional/behavioral disabilities by designing Eligibility Plans and
Individual Education Plans (IEPs). (Conceptualization, Diagnosis) (CEC Standards: #1 Foundations, #2
Development and Characteristics of Learners, #3 Individual Learning Differences, #8 Assessment)
Students will clearly apply knowledge of the similarities and differences among the
emotional/behavioral, physical, sensory, communication, learning, social functioning, and lifelong
planning needs in building an understanding of a group of students with disabilities and their peers
without disabilities. (Conceptualization, Communication, Diagnosis) (CEC Standards: #1 Foundations,
#3 Individual Learning Differences, #5 Learning Environment and Social Interactions, #6 Language, #7
Instructional Planning)

Following is a rubric of the criteria for the SPE 615 Eligibility and IEP plan teams.
1. Effectively used the Wisconsin eligibility guides and other
necessary materials as a team to determine if the student
meets the criteria to receive special education services..
Evidence: My partner and I found all of the necessary
paper work to fill out for our case study, this included the
Wisconsin eligibility guidelines for Specific Learning


Effectively reported the documentation required for

determination of special education services by correctly
completing the appropriate eligibility checklist worksheet.
Evidence: We used the SLD initial evaluation eligibility
determination sheet and found that our case student
needed services of special education. It was clear when we
filled in the checklist accurately that our student qualified
for special education.


Effectively reported the documentation required to

evaluate the need for special education services by
correctly completing the evaluation report (Form ER-1)
and additional documentation (Form ER-2) for the
Response to Intervention (RTI) process, if appropriate.
Evidence: Looking through the case that we were given
we were able to fill out the ER-1 and ER-2 forms based on

Rachel Mixtacki
that data that was given to us. This included the RtI data
that Our case student had already received and we were
able to take that information and evaluate what was
already done for her to give her as much support in special


As a team, effectively ethically presented and reported the

data for Eligibility Report including the eligibility
checklist worksheet, evaluation report (Form ER-1), and
additional documentation (Form ER-2) when needed, to
determine the students eligibility and need for special
education services
Evidence: We effectively took all the data that we had
received and did not make any assumptions about our case.
Taking the entire information about our student and her
personal life only from the case study we were able to be
just in our decision and reporting what our student needed.


Effectively used the Wisconsin eligibility guides and other

necessary materials as a team to write an Individual
Education Plan for a student who has met the criteria to
receive special education services.
Evidence: Our IEP meets the needs of our students and the
goals that we believe would be just right for our student.
We looked at all aspects of the data we were given and
were able to note that her present level of performance was
not meeting grade level. We then decided that more
extensive work with this student was needed.


Effectively reported the documentation required for

planning and implementing instruction and services for a
student who has been determined to meet the criteria for
special education services by correctly completing the
appropriate Individual Education Plan forms.
Evidence: To the best of our knowledge, we were able
come to a conclusion about our case student. We worked
together analyzing data to come up with a plan to give our
case student the instructional services that she needs down
the road.


Demonstrate professional communication skills in your

written narrative and oral reports, which include following
appropriate terminology, group collaboration, and
appropriate use of data. (including Peer Evaluation)
Evidence: Through collaboration we were able to work to
fine tune our data and report to make an appropriate
evaluation of our student and make appropriate decisions
on the outcome of our student. We worked in a
professional manner and were able to present to our class
at a grad level. Our written report was well organized and
written using grad level writing. We worked well together
as a team.

Other Comments:
It was a really good experience working through this case
study and I was really glad to be working along side someone
else to make decisions about our student. It was a learning
experience working with a student that we only knew what the
case study told us but we were able to work well together to

Rachel Mixtacki
make a decision.

Each candidate created the Eligibility and IEP plans from a
case study of a student who has a disability in the
candidates concentration area/minor (Cognitive
Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, or Emotional
Behavioral Disabilities).

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